

An embedded library that scans your AddOn's ToC to display that information either as a seperate About button in the Interface Options panel, or as part of AceConfig-3.0 options table.

Getting LAP into your own addon

Step one is to add LibAboutPanel-2.0 to your addon's .pkgmeta file. Assuming you have a folder named Libs into which you are adding all your libs, the .pkgmeta section would look like one of the following:

Old method

The old method still works to get the full fat version of LibAboutPanel-2.0, which includes LibStub, CallbackHandler-1.0, and AceConfig-3.0. Use this method if you are not certain what you need for your addon.


New method

If all you need is LibAboutPanel-2.0 because you either do not need AceConfig-3.0 or you have added LibStub, CallbackHandler-1.0, and AceConfig-3.0 as their own folders, use this second method to get the slim version of LibAboutPanel-2.0, which includes the main Lua file and the XML loader, with nothing else.

      curse-slug: libaboutpanel-2-0

Step two is in your ToC file, with either of the above methods, load the .xml file that loads LibAboutPanel-2.0:


Step three is embedding LibAboutPanel-2.0 into your addon to use its APIs. Embedding LAP is optional yet recommended.

-- using Ace3
local MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("MyAddon", "LibAboutPanel-2.0")

-- not using Ace3
local folderName, MyAddon = ...

-- now you can use the APIs
function MyAddon:DoSomething()
    -- self refers to MyAddon
    self:CreateAboutPanel() -- not strictly accurate, see docs

-- not embedding LAP
local folderName, MyAddon = ...
local LAP = LibStub("LibAboutPanel-2.0")

function MyAddon:DoSomething()
    LAP:CreateAboutPanel() -- not strictly accurate, see docs

Please be aware that capitalization in the .pkgmeta and .toc files matters, and the different slashes ("/" in .pkgmeta and "\" in .toc files). These conventions are standards set by others. Like any other WoW addon or library, LibAboutPanel-2.0 must follow the standards.

Retail, Cataclysm, or Classic

LibAboutPanel-2.0 should work in all versions of the game.

Not a drop-in replacement

LibAboutPanel and LibAboutPanel-2.0 do more or less the same thing, but LAP2 will not replace Ackis' version just because you have it installed. As an author, you can make the choice which you prefer.


You can find the API and example here.

Features that are new or different than Ackis' LibAboutPanel

  • More localization. LAP2 uses global strings to translate factions, locale names, etc. It also has more translatable strings than the original.
  • Its API is embedded, so MyAddOn:API() is the norm.
  • LAP2 has an API that supports AceConfig-3.0 options tables, thus the About panel can be displayed as a tab, part of a tree, etc.

List of supported ToC fields

  • Author
  • Notes in all languages the author has translated
  • Title in all languages the author has translated
  • Version @project-version@ is replaced with a translation of Developer Build
  • X-Date or X-ReleaseDate
  • X-Revision including wowi:revision
  • X-Author-Guild
  • X-Author-Faction (Horde or Alliance) translated
  • X-Author-Server
  • X-Website
  • X-Email
  • X-Localizations (enUS, deDE, etc) which are translated themselves. Note the z not s
  • X-Credits
  • X-Category
  • X-License All Rights Reserved is translated
  • X-Copyright Copyright and (c) are translated


There are several phrases and words that need translating. Please help and contribute.

Bugs and suggestions

There is a ticket tracker for suggesting fixes or improvements.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 10, 2016
  • Last Released File
    Aug 5, 2024
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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