A library to help with localization of Artifacts (Archaeology research projects) names.
How to Use
.pkgmeta and repository
Libs/LibBabble-Artifacts-3.0: svn://
local AF = LibStub("LibBabble-Artifacts-3.0"):GetLookupTable() print(AF["Skull Drinking Cup"]) -- prints "Trinkschädel" in deDE client
For an example of an actual addon using LibBabble-Artifacts-3.0 and a complete off-line database of Artifacts you can look at Archy\Artifacts.lua.
Submitting translations
Use the Localization App to submit Artifact names in your language.
Best practice is to use the item name, since these are items, not spells. I'm going with that until someone tells me different.
When the item name and the spell name aren't exactly the same, which one should I use for translation ?