LibCandyBar-3.0 provides elegant timerbars with icons for use in addons.
It is based of the original ideas of the CandyBar and CandyBar-2.0 library.
In contrary to the earlier libraries LibCandyBar-3.0 provides you with a timerbar object with a simple API.
Creating a new timerbar using the ':New' function will return a new timerbar object. This timerbar object inherits all of the barPrototype functions listed here.
local candy = LibStub("LibCandyBar-3.0") local texture = "Interface\\AddOns\\MyAddOn\\statusbar" local mybar = candy:New(texture, 100, 16) mybar:SetLabel("Yay!") mybar:SetDuration(60) mybar:Start()
Adds a function to the timerbar.
The function will run every update and will receive the bar as a parameter.
- func
- Function to run every update.
-- The example below will print the time remaining to the chatframe every update. Yes, that's a whole lot of spam mybar:AddUpdateFunction( function(bar) print(bar.remaining) end )
Retrieves user data from the timerbar object.
- key
- Key to retrieve
Returns the icon texture path currently set on the bar, if it has an icon set.
Returns the label (text) currently set on the bar.
Pauses a running bar
Resumes a paused bar
barPrototype:Set(key, data)
Sets user data in the timerbar object.
- key
- Key to use for the data storage.
- data
- Data to store.
barPrototype:SetColor(r, g, b, a)
Sets the color of the bar.
This is basically a wrapper to SetStatusBarColor.
- r
- Red component (0-1)
- g
- Green component (0-1)
- b
- Blue component (0-1)
- a
- Alpha (0-1)
barPrototype:SetDuration(duration, isApprox)
Sets the duration of the bar.
This can also be used while the bar is running to adjust the time remaining, within the bounds of the original duration.
- duration
- Duration of the bar in seconds.
- isApprox
- Boolean. True if you wish the time display to be an approximate "5" instead of "5"
Set whether the bar should drain (default) or fill up.
- fill
- Boolean true/false
barPrototype:SetIcon(icon, ...)
Sets the icon next to the bar.
- icon
- Path to the icon texture or nil to not display an icon.
- ...
- Optional icon coordinates for texture trimming.
Sets the label on the bar.
- text
- Label text.
barPrototype:SetShadowColor(r, g, b, a)
Sets the shadow color of the bar label and bar duration text.
- r
- Red component (0-1)
- g
- Green component (0-1)
- b
- Blue component (0-1)
- a
- Alpha (0-1)
barPrototype:SetTextColor(r, g, b, a)
Sets the color of the bar label and bar duration text.
- r
- Red component (0-1)
- g
- Green component (0-1)
- b
- Blue component (0-1)
- a
- Alpha (0-1)
Sets the texture of the bar.
This should only be needed on running bars that get changed on the fly.
- texture
- Path to the bar texture.
Sets wether or not the time indicator on the right of the bar should be shown.
Time is shown by default.
- bool
- true to show the time, false/nil to hide the time.
Shows the bar and starts it.
- maxValue
- Number. If you don't wish your bar to start full, you can set a max value. A maxValue of 10 on a bar with a duration of 5 would start it at 50%.
Stops the bar.
This will stop the bar, fire the LibCandyBar_Stop callback, and recycle the bar into the candybar pool.
Note: make sure you remove all references to the bar in your addon upon receiving the LibCandyBar_Stop callback.
- ...
- Optional args to pass across in the LibCandyBar_Stop callback.
-- The example below shows the use of the LibCandyBar_Stop callback by printing the contents of the label in the chatframe local function barstopped( callback, bar ) print( bar.candybarLabel:GetText(), "stopped") end LibStub("LibCandyBar-3.0"):RegisterCallback(myaddonobject, "LibCandyBar_Stop", barstopped)
lib:New(texture, width, height)
Creates a new timerbar object and returns it.
Don't forget to set the duration, label and :Start the timer bar after you get a hold of it!
- texture
- Path to the texture used for the bar.
- width
- Width of the bar.
- height
- Height of the bar.
mybar = LibStub("LibCandyBar-3.0"):New("Interface\\AddOns\\MyAddOn\\media\\statusbar", 100, 16)
Perhaps adding a change in the original example above would be helpful to make it complete and working example.