LibCombatLogEvent-1.0 dispatchs combat log events using CallbackHandler-1.0, passing along a table with the event arguments. It integrates nicely with AceAddon-3.0 addons and use an efficient argument parsing.
AceAddon-3.0 integration
Quite simple, here is a basic sample:
local myAddon = LibStub('AceAddon-3.0'):NewAddon("foo", "LibCombatLogEvent-1.0") function myAddon:OnEnable() self:RegisterCombatLogEvent("UNIT_DIED") end function myAddon:UNIT_DIED(event, eventArgs) print("Oh noes !", eventArgs.destName, "died !") end
No need to unregister the event in OnDisable, the library takes care of it.
The library is based on CallbackHandler-1.0. The callback names are the COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED (CLEU) event names.
myAddon:RegisterCombatLogEvent("eventName"[, methodNameOrFunc[, arg]]) library.RegisterCombatLogEvent(myTable, "eventName"[, methodNameOrFunc[, arg]]) library.RegisterCombatLogEvent("myAddonId", "eventName"[, func[, arg]])
Register a callback for the given myAddon/myTable/"myAddonId" and CLEU event.
The callback should have one of the following signatures:
function myAddon:method([arg, ]event, eventArgs)
function myTable:method([arg, ]event, eventArgs)
function func([arg, ]event, eventArgs)
myAddon:UnregisterCombatLogEvent("eventName"[, methodNameOrFunc[, arg]]) library.UnregisterCombatLogEvent(myTable, "eventName"[, methodNameOrFunc[, arg]]) library.UnregisterCombatLogEvent("myAddonId", "eventName"[, func[, arg]])
Unregister the myAddon/myTable/"myAddonId" callback for the given event.
myAddon:UnregisterAllCombatLogEvents() library.UnregisterAllCombatLogEvents(myTable) library.UnregisterAllCombatLogEvents("myAddonId")
Unregister all myAddon/myTable/"myAddonId" callbacks.
The eventArgs table
The event table is filled with the parameters of the COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED event. For convenience, these positional parameters are mapped to named ones using this page:
Important: the passed eventArgs is a table shared amongst all callbacks and reused on subsequent callbacks. Do not modifiy it or store a reference to it. If you absolutely need to modify it or keep the values, make a copy first.
For example, for the SPELL_MISS event, the table would be it was defined that way:
eventArgs = { event = "SPELL_MISS", timestamp = ..., sourceGUID = ..., sourceName = ..., sourceFlags = ..., destGUID = ..., destName = ..., destFlags = ..., spellId = ..., spellName = ..., spellSchool = ..., missType = ..., amountMissed = ... }