LibDispellable:CanDispel(unit, isBuff, dispelType, spellID)
Test if the player can dispel the given aura on the given unit.
- unit
- (string) The unit id.
- isBuff
- (boolean) True if the spell is a buff.
- dispelType
- (string) The dispel mechanism, as returned by UnitAura.
- spellID
- (number) The aura spell ID, as returned by UnitAura, used to test enrage effects.
Return values
- boolean true if the player knows a spell to dispel the aura.
- number The spell ID of the spell to dispel, or nil.
LibDispellable:CanDispelWith(unit, spellID)
Test if the given spell can be used to dispel something on the given unit.
- unit
- (string) The unit to check.
- spellID
- (number) The spell to use.
Return value
true if the
if LibDispellable:CanDispelWith('focus', 4987) then -- Tell the user that Cleanse (id 4987) could be used to dispel something from the focus end
LibDispellable:GetDispelSpell(dispelType, spellID, isBuff)
Check which player spell can be used to dispel an aura.
- dispelType
- (string) The dispel mechanism as returned by UnitAura
- spellID
- (number) The spell ID
- isBuff
- (boolean) True if the spell is a buff, false if it is a debuff.
Return value
number The spell ID of the dispel, or nil if the player cannot dispel it.
LibDispellable:GetDispelType(dispelType, spellID)
Get the actual dispel mechanism of an aura, including special cases.
- dispelType
- (string) The dispel mechanism as returned by UnitAura
- spellID
- (number) The spell ID
Return value
dispelType (string) The actual dispel mechanism
Test if player can dispel anything.
Return value
boolean true if the player has any spell that can be used to dispel something.
LibDispellable:IsDispellable(dispelType, spellID)
Check if an aura can be dispelled by anyone.
- dispelType
- (string) The dispel mechanism as returned by UnitAura
- spellID
- (number) The spell ID
Return value
boolean True if the aura can be dispelled in some way
Get an iterator of the dispel spells.
Return value
a (iterator, data, index) triplet usable in for .. in loops. Each iteration returns a spell id and the general dispel type: "offensive" or "debuff"
LibDispellable:IterateDispellableAuras(unit, buffs, allDispellable)
Iterate through unit (de)buffs that can be dispelled by the player.
- unit
- (string) The unit to scan.
- buffs
- (boolean) true to test buffs instead of debuffs (offensive dispel).
- allDispellable
- (boolean) Include auras that can be dispelled even if the player cannot.
Return value
A triplet usable in the "in" part of a for ... in ... do loop.
for index, spellID, name, rank, icon, count, dispelType, duration, expires, caster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellID, canApplyAura, isBossDebuff in LibDispellable:IterateDispellableAuras("target", true) do print("Can dispel", name, "on target using", GetSpellInfo(spellID)) end