- Fail_The Bastion of Twilight_Theralion and Valiona_Deep Breath
- Fail_The Bastion of Twilight_Theralion and Valiona_Twilight Meteorite
- Fail_The Bastion of Twilight_Theralion and Valiona_Devouring Flames
- Fail_The Bastion of Twilight_Ascendant Council_Flame Torrent
- Fail_The Bastion of Twilight_Ascendant Council_Frozen
- Fail_The Bastion of Twilight_Ascendant Council_Flame Strike
- Fail_The Bastion of Twilight_Ascendant Council_Lava Plume
- Fail_The Bastion of Twilight_Cho'gall_Blood
- Fail_Blackwing Descent_Maloriak_Consuming Flames
- Fail_Blackwing Descent_Maloriak_Scorching Blast
- Fail_Blackwing Descent_Maloriak_Engulfing Darkness
- Fail_Blackwing Descent_Maloriak_Dark Sludge
- Fail_Blackwing Descent_Maloriak_Magma Jets
- Fail_Blackwing Descent_Maloriak_Absolute Zero
- Fail_Blackwing Descent_Atramedes_Sonic Breath
- Fail_Blackwing Descent_Atramedes_Sonar Pulse
- Fail_Blackwing Descent_Nefarian's End_Shadow Of Cowardice
- Fail_Blackwing Descent_Nefarian's End_Tail Lash
- Fail_Blackwing Descent_Nefarian's End_Magma
- Fail_Blackwing Descent_Nefarian's End_Shadowblaze
- Fail_Blackwing Descent_Nefarian's End_Stolen Power
- Fail_Throne of the Four Winds_Al'Akir_Squall Line
- Fail_Throne of the Four Winds_The Conclave of Wind_Wind Blast
- Fail_Throne of the Four Winds_The Conclave of Wind_Toxic Spores
- Fail_Throne of the Four Winds_The Conclave of Wind_Permafrost
- Fail_Blackwing Descent_Omnotron Defense System_Barrier
- Fail_Blackwing Descent_Omnotron Defense System_Chemical Cloud
- Fail_Blackwing Descent_Omnotron Defense System_Arcane Blowback
- Fail_Blackwing Descent_Omnotron Defense System_Poison Bomb
- Fail_Blackwing Descent_Omnotron Defense System_Flamethrower
- Fail_Blackwing Descent_Magmaw_Parasitic Infection
- Fail_Blackwing Descent_Magmaw_Pillar of Flame
- Fail_Blackwing Descent_Magmaw_Ignition
- Fail_Blackwing Descent_Magmaw_Massive Crash
- Fail_The Bastion of Twilight_Cho'gall_Blaze
- Fail_The Bastion of Twilight_Cho'gall_Corrupting Crash
- Fail_Blackwing Descent_Atramedes_Sonar Bomb
- Fail_The Bastion of Twilight_Sinestra_Twilight Slicer
- Fail_The Bastion of Twilight_Sinestra_Twilight Extinction
- Fail_The Bastion of Twilight_Sinestra_Twilight Pulse
- Fail_Firelands_Lord Rhyolith_Immolation
- Fail_Firelands_Lord Rhyolith_Magma
- Fail_Firelands_Lord Rhyolith_Magma Flow
- Fail_Firelands_Alysrazor_Fiery Tornado
- Fail_Firelands_Alysrazor_Firestorm
- Fail_Firelands_Alysrazor_Lava Spew
- Fail_Firelands_Alysrazor_Brushfire
- Fail_Firelands_Alysrazor_Gushing Wound
- Fail_Firelands_Alysrazor_Harsh Winds
- Fail_Firelands_Shannox_Crystal Prison Trap
- Fail_Firelands_Shannox_Immolation Trap
- Fail_Firelands_Ragnaros_Engulfing Flames
- Fail_Firelands_Ragnaros_Lava Wave
- Fail_Firelands_Ragnaros_Dreadflame
- Fail_Firelands_Majordomo Staghelm_Searing Seed
- Fail_Firelands_Majordomo Staghelm_Flame Scythe
- Fail_Firelands_Majordomo Staghelm_Leaping Flames
- Fail_Firelands_Majordomo Staghelm_Burning Orb
- Fail_Firelands_Baleroc, the Gatekeeper_Torment
- Fail_Firelands_Baleroc, the Gatekeeper_Tormented
- Fail_Firelands_Ragnaros_Sulfuras Smash
- Fail_Firelands_Ragnaros_Hand of Ragnaros
- Fail_Firelands_Ragnaros_Wrath of Ragnaros
- Fail_Zul'Gurub_Jin'do the Godbreaker_Twisted Spirit
- Fail_Zul'Gurub_Zanzil_Toxic Torment
- Fail_Zul'Gurub_Zanzil_Frostburn Formula
- Fail_Dragon Soul_Morchok_Stomp
- Fail_Dragon Soul_Ultraxion_Fading Light
- Fail_Dragon Soul_Warmaster Blackhorn_Twilight Flames
- Fail_Dragon Soul_Spine of Deathwing_Barrel Roll
- Fail_Dragon Soul_Yor'sahj the Unsleeping_Deep Corruption
- Fail_Baradin Hold_Occu'thar_Searing Shadows
- Fail_Baradin Hold_Occu'thar_Focused Fire
- Fail_Baradin Hold_Argaloth_Fel Firestorm
- Fail_The Bastion of Twilight_Halfus Wyrmbreaker_Fireball Barrage
- Fail_The Bastion of Twilight_Ascendant Council_Glaciate
- Fail_The Bastion of Twilight_Ascendant Council_Thundershock
- Fail_The Bastion of Twilight_Ascendant Council_Quake
- Fail_The Bastion of Twilight_Ascendant Council_Eruption
- Fail_Firelands_Beth'tilac_Meteor Burn
- Fail_Firelands_Alysrazor_Incendiary Cloud
- Fail_Firelands_Ragnaros_Molten Seed
- Fail_Throne of the Tides_Lady Naz'jar_Summon Geyser
- Fail_Throne of the Tides_Lady Naz'jar_Waterspout
- Fail_Throne of the Tides_Commander Ulthok, the Festering Prince_Dark Fissure
- Fail_Throne of the Tides_Mindbender Ghur'sha_Earth Shards
- Fail_Throne of the Tides_Mindbender Ghur'sha_Magma Splash
- Fail_Throne of the Tides_Ozumat_Aura of Dread
- Fail_Blackrock Caverns_Rom'ogg Bonecrusher_The Skullcracker
- Fail_Blackrock Caverns_Beauty_Lava Drool
- Fail_Grim Batol_General Umbriss_Blitz
- Fail_Grim Batol_General Umbriss_Ground Siege
- Fail_Grim Batol_Forgemaster Throngus_Burning Flames
- Fail_Grim Batol_Forgemaster Throngus_Cave In
- Fail_Grim Batol_Drahga Shadowburner_Shredding Swipe
- Fail_Grim Batol_Drahga Shadowburner_Devouring Flames
- Fail_Grim Batol_Drahga Shadowburner_Invocation of Flame
- Fail_Grim Batol_Erudax, the Duke of Below_Shadow Gale
- Fail_Halls of Origination_Temple Guardian Anhuur_Burning Light
- Fail_Halls of Origination_Earthrager Ptah_Earth Spike
- Fail_Halls of Origination_Earthrager Ptah_Raging Smash
- Fail_Halls of Origination_Anraphet_Alpha Beams
- Fail_Halls of Origination_Ammunae, Construct of Life_Noxious Spores
- Fail_Halls of Origination_Setesh, Construct of Destruction_Chaos Blast
- Fail_Halls of Origination_Rajh, Construct of Sun_Inferno Leap
- Fail_Halls of Origination_Rajh, Construct of Sun_Solar Winds
- Fail_Lost City of the Tol'vir_General Husam_Shockwave
- Fail_Lost City of the Tol'vir_General Husam_Mystic Trap
- Fail_Lost City of the Tol'vir_High Prophet Barim_Heaven's Fury
- Fail_Lost City of the Tol'vir_High Prophet Barim_Hallowed Ground
- Fail_Lost City of the Tol'vir_High Prophet Barim_Blaze of the Heavens
- Fail_Lost City of the Tol'vir_Lockmaw_Dust Flail
- Fail_Lost City of the Tol'vir_Lockmaw_Whirlwind
- Fail_Lost City of the Tol'vir_Siamat_Lightning Nova
- Fail_Lost City of the Tol'vir_Siamat_Cloud Burst
- Fail_Lost City of the Tol'vir_Siamat_Tempest Storm
- Fail_The Stonecore_Corborus_Crystal Barrage
- Fail_The Stonecore_Corborus_Thrashing Charge
- Fail_The Stonecore_Slabhide_Lava Fissure
- Fail_The Stonecore_Slabhide_Crystal Storm
- Fail_The Stonecore_Ozruk_Ground Slam
- Fail_The Stonecore_Ozruk_Shatter
- Fail_The Stonecore_High Priestess Azil_Energy Shield
- Fail_The Stonecore_High Priestess Azil_Seismic Shard
- Fail_The Stonecore_High Priestess Azil_Gravity Well
- Fail_The Vortex Pinnacle_Grand Vizier Ertan_Cyclone Shield
- Fail_The Vortex Pinnacle_Altairus_Lightning Blast
- Fail_The Vortex Pinnacle_Asaad, Caliph of Zephyrs_Supremacy of the Storm
- Fail_The Deadmines_Glubtok_Fire Wall
- Fail_The Deadmines_Glubtok_Fire Blossom
- Fail_The Deadmines_Glubtok_Frost Blossom
- Fail_The Deadmines_Glubtok_Nightmare Flames
- Fail_The Deadmines_Glubtok_Ice Shards
- Fail_The Deadmines_Helix Gearbreaker_Sticky Bomb
- Fail_The Deadmines_Foe Reaper 5000_Harvest
- Fail_The Deadmines_Foe Reaper 5000_Reaper Strike
- Fail_The Deadmines_Foe Reaper 5000_Spark
- Fail_The Deadmines_Admiral Ripsnarl_Swipe
- Fail_The Deadmines_\"Captain\" Cookie_Cauldron Fire
- Fail_The Deadmines_\"Captain\" Cookie_Rotten Aura
- Fail_The Deadmines_\"Captain\" Cookie_Nauseated
- Fail_The Deadmines_Vanessa VanCleef_Fiery Blaze
- Fail_The Deadmines_Vanessa VanCleef_Powder Explosion
- Fail_Shadowfang Keep_Commander Springvale_Shield of the Perfidious
- Fail_Shadowfang Keep_Commander Springvale_Desecration
- Fail_Shadowfang Keep_Lord Walden_Ice Shards
- Fail_Shadowfang Keep_Lord Walden_Toxic Coagulant
- Fail_Shadowfang Keep_Lord Godfrey_Pistol Barrage
- Fail_Zul'Aman_Akil'zon_Electrical Storm
- Fail_Zul'Aman_Nalorakk_Surge
- Fail_Zul'Aman_Jan'alai_Flame Breath
- Fail_Zul'Aman_Jan'alai_Fire Bomb
- Fail_Zul'Aman_Jan'alai_Fire Wall
- Fail_Zul'Aman_Hex Lord Malacrass_Death and Decay
- Fail_Zul'Aman_Hex Lord Malacrass_Rain of Fire
- Fail_Zul'Aman_Hex Lord Malacrass_Whirlwind
- Fail_Zul'Aman_Hex Lord Malacrass_Consecrate
- Fail_Zul'Aman_Hex Lord Malacrass_Fire Nova Totem
- Fail_Zul'Aman_Daakara_Burn
- Fail_Zul'Gurub_High Priest Venoxis_Bloodvenom
- Fail_Zul'Gurub_High Priest Venoxis_Venomous Effusion
- Fail_Zul'Gurub_High Priest Venoxis_Breath of Hethiss
- Fail_Zul'Gurub_High Priest Venoxis_Pool of Acrid Tears
- Fail_Zul'Gurub_Bloodlord Mandokir_Devastating Slam
- Fail_Zul'Gurub_Cache of Madness - Wushoolay_Lightning Rod
- Fail_Zul'Gurub_Cache of Madness - Wushoolay_Lightning Cloud
- Fail_Zul'Gurub_High Priestess Kilnara_Yoga Flame
- Fail_Zul'Gurub_High Priestess Kilnara_Wave of Agony
- Fail_Zul'Gurub_Zanzil_Zanzili Fire
- Fail_Zul'Gurub_Zanzil_Zanzil's Graveyard Gas
- Fail_Zul'Gurub_Jin'do the Godbreaker_Shadows of Hakkar
- Fail_Zul'Gurub_Jin'do the Godbreaker_Shadow Spike
- Fail_Dragon Soul_Morchok_Black Blood of the Earth
- Fail_Dragon Soul_Warlord Zon'ozz_Psychic Drain
- Fail_Dragon Soul_Hagara the Stormbinder_Ice Wave
- Fail_Dragon Soul_Hagara the Stormbinder_Ice Shards
- Fail_Dragon Soul_Hagara the Stormbinder_Storm Pillar
- Fail_Dragon Soul_Ultraxion_Hour of Twilight
- Fail_Dragon Soul_Spine of Deathwing_Nuclear Blast
- Fail_Dragon Soul_Warmaster Blackhorn_Blade Rush
- Fail_Dragon Soul_Warmaster Blackhorn_Shockwave
Generated on: 12/13/11 11:26:36