
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Generic Filter Library. This library allows for plug in filters for items and other similar strings.


I have plans for some additional filters.

  • EquipSlot - Matches items based on the slot in goes into on the character sheet.
  • EquipmentSets - Matches items based on 3.1's new Equipment Manager.
  • ItemRack - Matches items based on being in a itemrack set
  • Outfitter - Matches items based on being in an outfitter set.
  • Professions - Matches items based on the professions you know or don't know. Supports matching for recipes, materials, crafted items, tools or gathered items. Note: Missing support needed for Combuctor adapter.
  • Soulbound - Filters on Soulbound, Account bound, bind on equip, bind on pickup, bind to account, etc.
  • Usable - Provides filters for Usable, Consumable and Equippable items. Note: Usable and Consumable are based on Blizzard functions and may not be the same as you expect. Also missing support needed for Combuctor adapter.

Obsolete Filters

  • ClosetGnome - Matches items based on being in a closetgnome set, use EquipmentSets filter instead


  • Baggins - Allows any of the libfilter item and bag slot filters to be used as rules in Baggins.
Note: Non-libfilter plugins will prevent matching filters from this library from being adapted.
  • Combuctor - Allows any of the libfilter item filters to be used as rules in Combuctor if they provide presets.

If only want the filters for Baggins you can get Baggins_LibFilter instead of this. Because many of the current filters were first written as Baggins plugins, some of the individual filters have been repackaged under the original names.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 13, 2008
  • Last Released File
    Sep 12, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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