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UploadedSep 6, 2009
Size130.84 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 3.2.0
r82 | Whitetooth | 2009-09-06 06:56:49 +0000 (Sun, 06 Sep 2009) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/LibStatLogic-1.1/LibStatLogic-1.1.lua
- Fix 3.2.2 detection for ArP change
r81 | Whitetooth | 2009-09-02 12:04:17 +0000 (Wed, 02 Sep 2009) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/LibStatLogic-1.1/LibStatLogic-1.1.lua
- Fixed GetExtraSocketGemLoc
- :GetDiffID() ignorePris arg now works
r80 | Whitetooth | 2009-09-02 11:47:13 +0000 (Wed, 02 Sep 2009) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/LibStatLogic-1.1/LibStatLogic-1.1.lua
- :GetDiff() and :GetDiffID() takes an extra ignorePris arg
r79 | Whitetooth | 2009-09-02 11:20:49 +0000 (Wed, 02 Sep 2009) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/LibStatLogic-1.1/LibStatLogic-1.1.lua
- :RemoveExtraSocketGem(link) will remove prismatic gem from link
r78 | Whitetooth | 2009-09-02 07:14:44 +0000 (Wed, 02 Sep 2009) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/LibStatLogic-1.1/LibStatLogic-1.1.lua
- Paladin: Added Glyph of Divine Plea: While Divine Plea is active, you take 3% reduced damage from all sources.
r77 | Whitetooth | 2009-09-01 20:48:36 +0000 (Tue, 01 Sep 2009) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/LibStatLogic-1.1/LibStatLogic-1.1.lua
- Fixed StatLogic:GetDodgePerAgi() returning 1.#INF
r76 | Whitetooth | 2009-09-01 09:46:59 +0000 (Tue, 01 Sep 2009) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/LibStatLogic-1.1/LibStatLogic-1.1.lua
- Mage: Removed Arcane Instability: Does not increase spell power
r75 | Whitetooth | 2009-09-01 04:15:03 +0000 (Tue, 01 Sep 2009) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/LibStatLogic-1.1/LibStatLogic-1.1.lua
- Armor Penetration Rating: The 25% buff is scaled back to 10%
r74 | Whitetooth | 2009-08-29 09:05:37 +0000 (Sat, 29 Aug 2009) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/LibStatLogic-1.1/LibStatLogic-1.1.lua
- deDE: Added a Block Value pattern.
r73 | Whitetooth | 2009-08-26 09:14:19 +0000 (Wed, 26 Aug 2009) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/LibStatLogic-1.1/LibStatLogic-1.1.lua
- Cache lv80 results for :GetDodgePerAgi()
r72 | Whitetooth | 2009-08-26 09:11:48 +0000 (Wed, 26 Aug 2009) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/LibStatLogic-1.1/LibStatLogic-1.1.lua
- Fixed :GetDodgePerAgi() for Druid, Rogue, Hunter talents
r71 | Whitetooth | 2009-08-26 07:28:21 +0000 (Wed, 26 Aug 2009) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/LibStatLogic-1.1/LibStatLogic-1.1.lua
- Rogue: Updated Lightning Reflexes: Now 3 ranks instead of 5
r70 | Whitetooth | 2009-08-25 05:12:34 +0000 (Tue, 25 Aug 2009) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/LibStatLogic-1.1/LibStatLogic-1.1.lua
- cache loadstring
r69 | Whitetooth | 2009-08-17 08:08:32 +0000 (Mon, 17 Aug 2009) | 4 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/LibStatLogic-1.1/LibStatLogic-1.1.lua
- Improved version detection, no longer uses a global
- Code clean up
- Paladin: Fixed Touched by the Light detection
- Paladin: Removed Pursuit of Justice: no longer reduces the chance you'll be hit by spells
r68 | Whitetooth | 2009-08-17 04:44:26 +0000 (Mon, 17 Aug 2009) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/LibStatLogic-1.1/LibStatLogic-1.1.lua
- :GetGemID(item) now works with colorblind mode
- :GetGemID(item) returns false for invalid input and returns nil for item query
- :GetEnchantID(spell) removed
r67 | Whitetooth | 2009-08-09 17:21:56 +0000 (Sun, 09 Aug 2009) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/LibStatLogic-1.1/LibStatLogic-1.1.lua
- :GetDodgePerAgi() return format
r66 | Whitetooth | 2009-08-09 14:52:51 +0000 (Sun, 09 Aug 2009) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/LibStatLogic-1.1/LibStatLogic-1.1.lua
- Fixed Avoidance DR K values for Priest, Mage and Warlock
- Fixed 3.2.0 base dodge value
r65 | Whitetooth | 2009-08-09 12:43:55 +0000 (Sun, 09 Aug 2009) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/LibStatLogic-1.1/LibStatLogic-1.1.lua
- Druid: Fixed Natural Reaction: Only add dodge in Bear Form and Dire Bear Form
r64 | Whitetooth | 2009-08-09 10:08:48 +0000 (Sun, 09 Aug 2009) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/LibStatLogic-1.1/LibStatLogic-1.1.lua
M /trunk/LibStatLogic-1.1.toc
- 3.1.0: Shaman: Updated Unleashed Rage: Reduced to 3 points, down from 5. This will fix the enhance shaman 10% AP problem.
- deDE: Fixed an ArP pattern
- toc to 30200
r63 | Whitetooth | 2009-08-09 09:26:24 +0000 (Sun, 09 Aug 2009) | 17 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/LibStatLogic-1.1/LibStatLogic-1.1.lua
- Fixed version checking
- 3.2.0: Death Knight: Updated Frost Presence: 10% bonus health reduced to 6% bonus stamina.
- 3.2.0: Death Knight: Updated Toughness: This talent now grants 2/4/6/8/10% armor instead of 3/6/9/12/15%.
- 3.2.0: Death Knight: Updated Veteran of the Third War: Stamina bonus reduced to 1/2/3%.
- 3.2.0: Death Knight: Updated Improved Frost Presence: While in Blood Presence or Unholy Presence, you retain 3/6% stamina from Frost Presence, and damage done to you is decreased by an additional 1/2% in Frost Presence.
- 3.2.0: Druid: Updated Balance of Power: Now reduces all spell damage taken by 3/6%, rather than reducing the chance to be hit by spells by 2/4%.
- 3.2.0: Paladin: Updated Blessing of Sanctuary: This blessing now also increases stamina by 10%. This effect is not cumulative with Blessing of Kings.
- 3.2.0: Paladin: Updated Lay on Hands: Now reduces the physical damage taken by the target by 10/20% instead of increasing the target's armor.
- 3.2.0: Paladin: Updated Divine Intellect: This talent now gives 2/4/6/8/10% increased intellect instead of 3/6/9/12/15%.
- 3.2.0: Priest: Updated Inspiration: The buff from this ability now reduces the physical damage taken by the target by 3/7/10% instead of increasing the target's armor.
- 3.2.0: Shaman: Updated Ancestral Healing: The buff from this ability now reduces the physical damage taken by the target by 3/7/10% instead of increasing the target's armor.
- 3.2.0: Death Knight: Updated Magic Suppression: Moved to 3,18
- 3.1.0: Paladin: Updated Ardent Defender: Reduced to 3 ranks for 10/20/30%.
- 3.1.0: Warlock: Updated Demonic Embrace: Now a 3 point talent, down from 5 points.
- 3.1.0: Death Knight: Updated Unbreakable Armor: Now grants damage reduction instead of physical damage reduction, and increases your Strength by 25% up from 10%
- 3.1.0: Death Knight: Added Improved Frost Presence: While in Blood Presence or Unholy Presence, you retain 5/10% health from Frost Presence, and damage done to you is decreased by an additional 1/2% in Frost Presence.
r62 | Zidomo | 2009-08-08 13:15:07 +0000 (Sat, 08 Aug 2009) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/LibStatLogic-1.1/LibStatLogic-1.1.lua
- update referenced client build numbers so that stats are actually interpreted for WoW 3.2.0 live clients. Apparently Blizzard does not think 10000 comes after 9999. Was a problem for things such as Molten Armor from Spirit (Mage) in RatingBuster, etc..
r61 | Whitetooth | 2009-07-29 03:52:44 +0000 (Wed, 29 Jul 2009) | 5 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/LibStatLogic-1.1/LibStatLogic-1.1.lua
- Dodge Rating: The amount of dodge rating required per percentage of dodge has been increased by 15%.
- Parry Rating: The amount of parry rating required per percentage of parry has been reduced by 8%.
- Resilience: The amount of resilience needed to reduce critical strike chance, critical strike damage and overall damage has been increased by 15%.
- Agility: BaseAgi changed for all classes