LibStatsPane-1.0 is a library to assist in adding custom data in the new character stats pane in 4.0.
Usage example, with results show in image:
local StatsPane = LibStub("LibStatsPane-1.0") local function test(statFrame, unit) PaperDollFrame_SetLabelAndText(statFrame, "Hello", 3.33) statFrame.tooltip = HIGHLIGHT_FONT_COLOR_CODE.."Test is the tooltip title"..FONT_COLOR_CODE_CLOSE statFrame.tooltip2 = "Tooltip lines" statFrame:Show() end local function test2(statFrame, label, value, ispercent, tip1, tip2) PaperDollFrame_SetLabelAndText(statFrame, label, value, ispercent) statFrame.tooltip = HIGHLIGHT_FONT_COLOR_CODE..tip1..FONT_COLOR_CODE_CLOSE statFrame.tooltip2 = tip2 -- custom scripts statFrame:SetScript("OnMouseDown", function(self, button) print("ClickEvent: ", button) end) statFrame:Show() end local pane = { -- Category: string -- * indexes PAPERDOLL_STATCATEGORIES[categoryFrame.Category], needs to be a globally unique key -- * also used for the display title, set to _G["STAT_CATEGORY_"..categoryFrame.Category] Category = "Stat Modifiers", -- string StatInfo = { { -- id: string -- * indexes PAPERDOLL_STATINFO[stat], needs to be a globally unique key id = "MyAddon_Stat1", -- updateFunc: function -- * takes 2 arguments, the statFrame frame and the unit string updateFunc = test, }, { id = "MyAddon_Stat2", updateFunc = function(statFrame, unit) test2(statFrame, "Hello2", 6.66, 1, "Test is the tooltip title2", "Tooltip lines2") end, }, }, } StatsPane:AddPane(pane)