API Reference
Library Methods
Creates an interface.
- frameTitle : string - Text to be displayed on the title bar of the display frame for the interface.
Return Values
- interface : table
local LibTextDump = LibStub("LibTextDump-1.0")
local interface = LibTextDump:New("This is MY Title")
Interface Methods
:AddLine(text[, dateFormat])
Adds a line of text to the interface's buffer.
- text : string - Text to be added to a new line.
- dateFormat : string - Optional format parameter passed to the Lua date function. If present, prefixes text with [dateFormat].
Code: interface:AddLine("Hello, there!") interface:AddLine("What is the current time?", "%X") interface:AddLine("What is today's date?", "%Y-%m-%d")
Hello, there! [02:04:55] What is the current time? [2016-08-09] What is today's date?
Clears the contents of the interface's buffer.
Shows the display frame for the interface, populated with the contents of the interface's buffer.
- separator : string or nil - Optional separator for concatenating the buffer's lines together. Defaults to a newline.
:InsertLine(position, text[, dateFormat])
Inserts a line of text at the specified position in the interface's buffer.
- position : number - Index of insertion.
- text : string - Text to be added to a new line.
- dateFormat : string - Optional format parameter passed to the Lua date function. If present, prefixes text with [dateFormat].
Code: interface:InsertLine(3, "Hello, there!") interface:InsertLine(3, "What is the current time?", "%X") interface:InsertLine(3, "What is today's date?", "%Y-%m-%d")
[2016-08-09] What is today's date? [02:04:55] What is the current time? Hello, there!
Returns the number of lines in the interface's buffer.
Returns the string representation of the interface's buffer.
- _ separator_ : string or nil - Optional separator for concatenating the buffer's lines together. Defaults to a newline.
Return Values
- interface buffer : string