CTRT Import Issues
When importing a string from MagicDKP into EQDKP using the CTRT import plugin, you might get the following error displayed:
Invalid DKP String
This doesn't mean that the DKP string is invalid however. It is in fact a bug in the importer if the XML includes UTF8 characters, which happens if any of your raiders have names with accented characters. To fix this you need to modify the importer.
- Open [EQDKP DIRECTORY]/plugins/ctrt/index.php
Locate the line [b]Basic xml validation[/b]
Remove or comment out the next 4 lines
if(!preg_match("/<RaidInfo>(:?<Version>.*?<\/Version>)?<key>.*?<\/key>.*?<Join>.*?<\/Join><Leave>.*?<\/Leave><Loot>.*?<\/Loot><\/RaidInfo>/s", $_POST['log'])) { message_die($user->lang['ctrt_step2_invalidstring_msg'], $user->lang['ctrt_step1_invalidstring_title']); }Save the file. Imports should now work.