Mail Outbox
I often got worried if I really sent the money or some super item to whom i planned to... And since I haven't found any addon tracking sent mails, I started to write this one...
Addon links sent mail info into chat frame (with item summary, subject, etc..) and keeps history which you can show by /mailoutbox history command (yeah you can open many and compare, check, sort..each separately). You can click column headers to sort view a bit. And there is a config page with a bit of settings... As I am pretty inexperienced with wow GUI programming please report any and all crazy behavior i could have created or omitted... (the bug tracker is good place to do so)
BTW, I am developing this addon for fun and cause I like to do so, but sure, if you were feeeling some small donation would be working incentive, well you would be bit right
1.5.0.release: WoD ToC updates, all libraries updated, moved broker testing to ChocolateBar Broker Display instead of Titan panel
1.4.1.release Minor fixes, added currency and token tracking
1.4.0.release Simple toc update
1.3.1.release: Added bit of coloring to outgoing mail recipient, name gets red if you ignore him and green if you sent more then 5 mails to him already, white other times
1.3.0.release: Updates for MoP
1.2.2.release: Small changes to gold tracking
1.2.1.release: Small bugfixes, small ah info code
1.2.0.release: All seem working fine atm, but pls report any strange behavioral problems
1.1.8.beta: I added checks for missing Item links
1.1.7.beta: I have added bit of Lib Data code, so you can get its button on Titan panel (or others)..but well it is first time so it can be buggy
1.1.6.beta: Hotfixed nil returned as Item count on inbox mails (it seems it returns 0 sometimes and nil sometimes)
1.1.5.beta: Added basic tracking of incoming mails. They get logged first time you read them.
- better sorting
- list filtering
- old mail archiving
- even older mail deleting
- more compact item view in list
- make item links in list to link properly :(
- proper window resizing
I know first step is not a big leap..but tbh even having basic info in chat frame about mail i sent is great :) I hope to get it more intelligent and useful but this is start..ATM addon just writes time, receiver and subject of mail after sending
tbh that shouldn't happen :( that would mean you traded or mailed an item without itemlink.. but well.. bytes and bites can get tricky. I added checking at 1.1.8.beta
This is one of those addons that doesn't seem necessary - until you use it.
As I like to play the auction house and have one or two alts I send stuff between, as well as a few repeat customers I COD items to, it's great to have this.
Could we please have a button, though? I'd prefer a LibData button, but would take a minimap button until then (if it's simpler). At the moment, I have a macro button, to call up the history.
It's not hard to do, as I just hide it on an unused bar and call it up when needed, but a button would make it much smoother.
Thanks a lot.
1x mailoutbox-1.1.5.beta\core.lua:272: 'for' limit must be a number
mailoutbox-1.1.5.beta\core.lua:294: in function `GetInboxText'
Interface\FrameXML\MailFrame.lua:471: in function `OpenMail_Update':
Interface\FrameXML\MailFrame.lua:272: in function `InboxFrame_OnClick':
<string>:"*:OnClick":5: in function <[string "*:OnClick"]:1>
index = 3
_ = nil
_ = "Interface\Icons\INV_Scroll_03"
_ = "Horde Auction House"
_ = "Auction successful: Riplimb's Lost Collar"
_ = 79828404
_ = 0
_ = 29.114791870117
_ = nil
wasRead = nil
_ = nil
_ = 1
_ = nil
_ = nil
_ = nil
ProcessInboxMail = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\mailoutbox\core.lua:248
OldGetInboxText = <function> defined =[C]:-1
I think this addon is a fantastic idea regardless. These are just features I was searching for when I found your addon.
Thank you!
Actualy it is tracking message bodies too, I just didn't know how to show it at least a bit ergonomicaly. Atm easiest way is to use csv export and browse it in excel (or oo calc)
for csv export use /mailoutbox exportcsv and copy paste into your favorite spreadsheet..
I was thinking about tracking inbox mail too but since it stays there for days it wasn't that high priority.
what I added (in more or less testing state so far) is trade tracking so you can see whom you gave (or received from) some item or gold... Sadly it is still bit buggy cause blizzard is not much flexible, so it is hard to check all the bad things that can happen (like trade failing cause of full bags..ok, I am checking for this but still there can be quirks) To differentiate way you got or gave something I use 'channels' (so far mail and trade)
and just to spill all the details..since I didnt know where to put that I added easy function to check how much gold you spent/gained
you can use /mailoutbox moneycheckpoint then do your doing and then /mailoutbox moneyprogress and it shows how much gold you got/lost from last checkpoint..I use that for buying mats from ah for guild crafting..just create checkpoint, buy those thousands of herbs, flasks from vendor, mail it to guild achemist..and then check moneyprogress and just cash that from guild bank gold..
A small issue I've noticed is that if you put an item in the compose mail, then change your mind and put it back in your bag before sending the mail, it will still think you sent the item. Gave me heart failure when it said I'd sent a boe epic to some guy I was mailing. :p
Exactly what I've been looking for, for so long! <3