Mail Outbox
I often got worried if I really sent the money or some super item to whom i planned to... And since I haven't found any addon tracking sent mails, I started to write this one...
Addon links sent mail info into chat frame (with item summary, subject, etc..) and keeps history which you can show by /mailoutbox history command (yeah you can open many and compare, check, sort..each separately). You can click column headers to sort view a bit. And there is a config page with a bit of settings... As I am pretty inexperienced with wow GUI programming please report any and all crazy behavior i could have created or omitted... (the bug tracker is good place to do so)
BTW, I am developing this addon for fun and cause I like to do so, but sure, if you were feeeling some small donation would be working incentive, well you would be bit right
1.5.0.release: WoD ToC updates, all libraries updated, moved broker testing to ChocolateBar Broker Display instead of Titan panel
1.4.1.release Minor fixes, added currency and token tracking
1.4.0.release Simple toc update
1.3.1.release: Added bit of coloring to outgoing mail recipient, name gets red if you ignore him and green if you sent more then 5 mails to him already, white other times
1.3.0.release: Updates for MoP
1.2.2.release: Small changes to gold tracking
1.2.1.release: Small bugfixes, small ah info code
1.2.0.release: All seem working fine atm, but pls report any strange behavioral problems
1.1.8.beta: I added checks for missing Item links
1.1.7.beta: I have added bit of Lib Data code, so you can get its button on Titan panel (or others)..but well it is first time so it can be buggy
1.1.6.beta: Hotfixed nil returned as Item count on inbox mails (it seems it returns 0 sometimes and nil sometimes)
1.1.5.beta: Added basic tracking of incoming mails. They get logged first time you read them.
- better sorting
- list filtering
- old mail archiving
- even older mail deleting
- more compact item view in list
- make item links in list to link properly :(
- proper window resizing
I know first step is not a big leap..but tbh even having basic info in chat frame about mail i sent is great :) I hope to get it more intelligent and useful but this is start..ATM addon just writes time, receiver and subject of mail after sending
API Changed.
Will this get an update for 7.3? It is working as far as I know, and not receiving any errors, but it shows as out of date in my addons in-game.
Not sure if its my game that has a wierd "bug"
But the mail list, doesn't show the exact numbers of what i looted, mainly on herbs for Legion. It writes the name of the herb (Fjarnskaggl) and then the item ID etc: "Fjarnskagllx1387615" instead of "Fjarnskagglx1000" which was the looted value. Is there any fix to this, or is it working as intended?
Wow, hadn't realized I'd been using this for... 5 years. Awesome addon, and still working quite well in Legion.
Not sure if you're still updating it? If so, just wanted to report that it says "unknown" for the sender when it's a COD. (I'm not sure if it's just that way for COD in general, or because the sender happened to have special characters in his name.)
Would it be possible to add the option of loging only mail sent, and not mail received? My log get filled up because I list a lot of items on the AH.
I have a small issue I was wondering if you could help me with.
I often post herbs to one of my alts, I do this by opening mail, right click the herbs I want to add, and then write the recipent name.
However, with this addon installed, the send button stays grayed out if I do it like this.
If I write the name of the receipent first and then right click the herbs, the send button will light up as it should.
Any idea why it works like this?
I have a suggestion for your addon. I have a different addon with the same basic capabilities of this one, yet I haven't found one that back-tracks senders. The addon that I have opens all of my mail as soon as I click a mailbox, and if there is no letter attachment then the mail is deleted. I recently recieved 2,000 gold from a random benefactor and really wish that there was a way to find out who this person was so I could verify that it wasn't a mistake. I have made the mistake of sending items to the wrong person before and always hoped for the person to be honest enough to send it back. I caught a glimpse of the name and have typed in so many searches and haven't seemed to have found the individual that sent it to me :( Is there a way to track senders?
Thank you for a comment. I am bit unsure what exactly do you want to add cause imho my addon does that you have described for long time already... It is bit tricky to distinguish incoming mails (for example you can get several "same" mails from AH returning unsold stuff) but addon should track most of incoming mails correctly... (in more detail it tracks mails you have opened so it can fail if you would use addons which would hack normal mail reading process...)
Any plans from the developers to update this? Its been a huge help with buying/reselling materials in keeping track of CODs.
I love this addon, i was wondering if you would consider taking over bulk mail and bulk mail inbox OA is out of wow and looking for a replacement just a thopught since you did such an amazing job with this one
Or better yet, imo, get Multimail to work with 5.4.x - a guild master's best friend :)
Glad to run across this addon. Look forward to checking it out.
using the /mailoutbox exportcsv is crashing my wow
This application has encountered a critical error:
Not enough storage is available to process this command.
Program: C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Wow.exe
ProcessID: 3080
File: src\lmemPool.cpp
Line: 311
Requested 588088 bytes of memory:
ok, I will check what could be issue there... tbh it would be much more flexible to use some different way how to export bigger data.. would you prefer to use some windows utility to do that?
Is there any chance of tracking how much I spent on postage? I am the bank manager for a guild with several storage guilds. Every month I end up with minor discrepancies in my accounting because I forgot to record how much I spent on postage. It would be great if I could see the cost of each piece of sent mail so I can get an accurate accounting when I forget
Mail cost is actualy already stored, but it is not showing in history window. tbh I thought it would be easier to use exportcsv option, copy paste and work with data in OO Calc or excel. If I find some usefull grid library i can add those infos there too, but that one i am currently using is not that flexible
Any chance you are working on that "delete older mail" option? My history list goes back to early Aug 2011 and I am sitting at 13mb memory with all that data. I would prefer an option to keep only 1-2 weeks data if possible.
Not sure if you are still working on this or even playing the game any more, you haven't posted here since November 2011.
Thanks .
Ok, I will focuse on that, I just was bit unsure if ppl want to delete things
and yeah i haven's posted, just pushed updates.. tbh it felt bit awkward to start comments under my project and noone was asking...
Changing line 845 to the following fixes the LUA error although I don't know why the From didn't get saved.
trinfo=(item.From or "???") .." -> "..(item.Recipient or "???");
Upgraded to 1.1.6 and now get this error when I try to bring up /mailoutbox history:
1x mailoutbox-1.1.6.beta\core.lua:174: attempt to concatenate field 'Link' (a nil value)
mailoutbox-1.1.6.beta\core.lua:362: in function `ShowHistory'
mailoutbox-1.1.6.beta\core.lua:815: in function `?'
AceConsole-3.0-7:94: in function `value'
Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:4248: in function <Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:4175>:
<in C code>: in function `ChatEdit_ParseText'
Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:3838: in function `ChatEdit_SendText':
Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:3876: in function `ChatEdit_OnEnterPressed':
<string>:"*:OnEnterPressed":1: in function <[string "*:OnEnterPressed"]:1>
table: 1DC02978
The following fixes the error for me, not sure that it's a valid fix, but may as well offer it.
function GetItemListString(aMail)
local ItemList="";
for index=1,#aMail.Items do
if (aMail.Items [index].Link and aMail.Items [index].Count) then
ItemList = ItemList.." "..(aMail.Items [index].Link).."x"..(aMail.Items [index].Count);
return ItemList;