
About MaterialsTracker

This added was originally created by Shamino but was not updated since Draenor era.

MaterialsTracker will keep track of the materials required for your known professions, and keep counts on what are in your bags, banks, guild banks and mailbox on all of your toons. Simply hover over an item, and if it's being tracked, counts will be shown in the tooltip.

This was inspired by Shamino's other addon EnchantingSeller, which has this functionality built-in, however only for the Enchanting profession.


The tooltip will tell you...

  • 1. how many on you
  • 2. how many in bank
  • 3. how many in your mailbox
  • 4. how many on other toons
  • 5. how many in your guild banks


These steps should be completed for each character:

  • 1. Open each tradeskill and craft frames. MaterialsTracker will record all the materials for the profession. Please, close each window after few seconds, not reopen another trade skill instead.
  • 2. Visit the bank. MaterialsTracker will record counts of materials stored there.
  • 3. Update your bags. Just move an item in your bags. MaterialsTracker will record counts of materials stored there.
  • 4. Visit your mailbox
  • 5. Visit the guild bank. MaterialsTracker will record counts of materials stored there.

Slash Commands

  • /mtracker additem <item_link>
  • /mtracker item <item_link>
  • /mtracker resetdata
  • /mtracker tooltips
  • /mtracker debug
  • /mtracker debugLevel <level number>

Known Issues


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 5, 2006
  • Last Released File
    Dec 3, 2022
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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