Returns the max camera distance
Slash Commands: /mc, /maxcam
(Old video)
- (Update 9/17) in patch 7.1 the default UI slider was removed and the cvar renamed to cameraDistanceMaxZoomFactor
You can also use this command instead of this addon (in Classic)
No, the macro increased the camera zoom beyond the maximum level that the normal interface options allowed.
I bet Blizzard employees using this addon too ^^
Do the WowAce and curse downloads sum up? Thats 55.000 downloads over past 2 days. That really shows something.
They're the same counter; the higher one is the more likely to be correct (they update on different schedules)
Dude...I was just playing around with your mod and I have to say Thanks soooo much! I love it!
Check it out and this isn't even Max (1000) its like 667.5 :)
Congrats on 24K Downloads in 2 days :) Hell Blizz should know that many enjoy the far zoom :)
Oh and for all those talking about banns:
Its an LUA addon, inside the addon folder, meaning it's within the current TOS for Blizzard / WoW. If BLizzard doesn't like what the addon does, they will block the funtionality within their API. Anything used here is available in via the official Toolkit and thus not bannable.
You will never get a Bann for an regular LUA Addon, never. Not even for stuff like Zygor Guides etc., which is basically even more intrucive.
Anyone know how it is this addon works?
If it does anything fishy I don't wanna risk it...
There are two APIs that control camera movement (start/stop) that, if you send in a negative number, just keep going and going till told to stop (they don't pay attention to "max zoom"). Technically, they are bugged and, near as I can tell, always have been.
It's not doing anything 'fishy', it's just issuing commands to Blizzard's APIs, so you won't get in trouble for it. And Blizzard's fixed the APIs internally already so, guys, enjoy the lack of eye-strain, motion sickness, and migraines while you can.
If they ban this addon, they also need to ban Bossmods, Because both addons are adding information or options that are not available in the game.
Thanks for this AddOn. :)
I LOVE YOU!!!! Thank u so much for this addon.
Thank you so much!
We sure this add on won't get you banned? This addon would probably make me come back to Wow, but don't want to get banned for it.
if you have left and would only come back if this addon didnt get u banned, what would be the difference if it did get u banned because u had left anyway.
You will not get banned for it; however, it only works b/c the APIs ignore the max-distance Blizzard wants to shove down our throats, and they've fixed those APIs internally so MaxCam has a very, very limited life-span with regards to getting past the cramped 28.5 bulllshit.
anyone else getting this issue when I move the bottom bar to 50 the distance says 28.5? did they break it
working fine for me
I have same prob :( and I really need this addon.
Please tell me how to fix.
What an awesome addon Ketho! Thank you so much (:
I don't know how you did it but I am sooooooo greatful. Many Thanks