The Addon HidingBar supersedes MBB on all aspects and is continually updated.
MBB reduces minimap buttons and makes them accessible through a pop out menu. Click the MBB button to expand the menu and display the buttons. Each button that is collapsed into the menu can be reattached to the minimap with Ctrl + Right Click. The MBB button can also be detached from minimap with Ctrl + Right Click.
Hot Key
- Ctrl + Right Click - detach / reattach a minimap button
Slash Commands
- /mbb - shows the MBB commands
- /mbb buttons - shows a list of all rfames in the MBB bar
- /mbb reset position - resets the position of the MBB button
- /mbb reset all - resets the MBB settings
In reply to VallanTV:
In reply to VallanTV:
Thanks ! Amazing addon that is surely missed on the curseforge app !
In reply to VallanTV:
Thanks ! Amazing addon that is surely missed on the curseforge app !
sometimes I got this error.
14x MBB\MBB-4.0.3.lua:623: Action[SetPoint] failed because[Cannot anchor to itself]: attempted from: PixelPerfectAlignminimapButton:SetPoint.
[string "=[C]"]: in function `osetpoint'
[string "@MBB\MBB-4.0.3.lua"]:623: in function `MBB_SetPositions'
[string "@MBB\MBB-4.0.3.lua"]:746: in function `MBB_OnUpdate'
[string "*:OnUpdate"]:1: in function <[string "*:OnUpdate"]:1>
(*temporary) = PixelPerfectAlignminimapButton {
0 = <userdata>
ohide = <function> defined =[C]:-1
isvisible = true
oclick = <function> defined @PixelPerfectAlign\PPA.lua:107
opoint = <table> {
tooltipText = "|cFFF2D80CPixel Perfect Align|r:
|cFF99E5FFLeft|r click to toggle grid
|cFF99E5FFShift|r click for info display
|cFF99E5FFControl|r click for cursor coordinates
and distance measurements
|cFF99E5FFRight|r click for options
Drag to move this button."
icon = <unnamed> {
Hide = <function> defined @MBB\MBB.lua:401
afterMoveCallBack = <function> defined @PixelPerfectAlign\PPA.lua:138
parentisvisible = true
oenter = <function> defined @PixelPerfectAlign\PPA.lua:124
oleave = <function> defined @PixelPerfectAlign\PPA.lua:128
Show = <function> defined @MBB\MBB.lua:384
SetPoint = <function> defined @MBB\MBB.lua:515
oshow = <function> defined =[C]:-1
osetpoint = <function> defined =[C]:-1
osize = <table> {
ClearAllPoints = <function> defined @MBB\MBB.lua:513
oclearallpoints = <function> defined =[C]:-1
name = "PixelPerfectAlignminimapButton"
(*temporary) = "RIGHT"
(*temporary) = PixelPerfectAlignminimapButton {
0 = <userdata>
ohide = <function> defined =[C]:-1
isvisible = true
oclick = <function> defined @PixelPerfectAlign\PPA.lua:107
opoint = <table> {
tooltipText = "|cFFF2D80CPixel Perfect Align|r:
|cFF99E5FFLeft|r click to toggle grid
|cFF99E5FFShift|r click for info display
|cFF99E5FFControl|r click for cursor coordinates
and distance measurements
|cFF99E5FFRight|r click for options
Drag to move this button."
icon = <unnamed> {
Hide = <function> defined @MBB\MBB.lua:401
afterMoveCallBack = <function> defined @PixelPerfectAlign\PPA.lua:138
parentisvisible = true
oenter = <function> defined @PixelPerfectAlign\PPA.lua:124
oleave = <function> defined @PixelPerfectAlign\PPA.lua:128
Show = <function> defined @MBB\MBB.lua:384
SetPoint = <function> defined @MBB\MBB.lua:515
oshow = <function> defined =[C]:-1
osetpoint = <function> defined =[C]:-1
osize = <table> {
ClearAllPoints = <function> defined @MBB\MBB.lua:513
oclearallpoints = <function> defined =[C]:-1
name = "PixelPerfectAlignminimapButton"
(*temporary) = "LEFT"
(*temporary) = 0
(*temporary) = 0
In reply to ScaryLarryGames:
Ctrl-Right click it will allow you to place it anywhere on the screen (it will default to center of your screen when you unlock it)
This addon work with version 9.0.2.
Are there any alternatives to this?
In reply to heartagram:
yes: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/hidingbar
In reply to heartagram:
yes: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/hidingbar
In reply to heartagram:
Would be nice to know why abandoned..
In reply to Sekorhex:
Likely due to something with the Overwolf migration. Lots of addons that didn't explicitly migrate are marked as abandoned.
This project is abandoned????
wooot? Last update: 01.11.2020.... curseforge HELOOO. Why i can't search it?
So according to the description above the MBB button is supposed to be detachable from the minimap via Ctrl+Right Click. Mine doesn't detach for some reason. Just downloaded the latest MBB and I have it with ElvUI + ElvUI default minimap. Other than that issue the addon seems to be functioning but since the ElvUI minimap is square I really need to be able to pull it off and move it elsewhere.
In reply to Kithhurrn:
I came here for the exact same reason.
In reply to Kithhurrn:
I came here for the exact same reason.
In reply to Kithhurrn:
I came here for the exact same reason.
In reply to Kithhurrn:
I came here for the exact same reason.
Also: Is there a way to incorporate this addon with Elvui? Like Elvui being able to place it in one of its available data text panels instead of being a button that sticks to the minimap?
My settings don't save. I like having a row of 4 buttons and for it to expand downwards, but whenever I login it has reset to basic settings (all buttons in a single row). Is there any way to fix this?
Do you think you could please make an option so that it hides/fades out unless you hover over the minimap?