Module based nameplates display addon.
Each module works on its own and can be disabled and enabled as you like. Later on theme support will be implemented, small addons that register a theme with mNameplates that can be applied on all modules at once.
Nameplates can be enabled and disabled for more in detail then just for friendly and hostile units. Some examples
- Don't show nameplates for NPCs that are hostile and are of normal or elite type, but show for bosses.
- Add names of NPCs (or players) that you do not want to see nameplates for.
- Health Bars
- Cast bar
- Name text
- Level text
- Health Text
- Health Percent
- Elite icon
- Boss icon
- Guild
- Name Filter
Under development
- Threat
- More...
Will there be something similar to TidyPlates Tug'o Thread (Relative thread)? :)
Message: ...ameplates\Libs\LibNameplate-1.0\LibNameplate-1.0.lua:19: Cannot find a library instance of "CallbackHandler-1.0".
Time: 11/25/10 19:27:29
Count: 1
Stack: [C]: in function `error'
...nterface\AddOns\mNameplates\Libs\LibStub\LibStub.lua:23: in function `LibStub'
...ameplates\Libs\LibNameplate-1.0\LibNameplate-1.0.lua:19: in main chunk
Locals: (*temporary) = "Cannot find a library instance of "CallbackHandler-1.0"."
The main thing it only takes tiny memory unlike the other ones (they were like 4Mb crazy).
Would there be a way to change the size of the name depending on the distance they are from you ?
as that tells me the range to NPC's ?
Working on my minimap mod atm. But once that is done I will probably deal with the threat module.
Any update on the threat department?
Having a option to change the color of the nameplates on NPCs when having or about to have threat would go along way.
Thanks for your work.
ok thanks alot for the fast. and very good work!! i will check it as soon as possible
checked and love it! this is a really nice nameplate addon, thanks alot!
Added an option for that now in 1.12. Check out the name module options. There is 2 ways to limit it since I could not decide on one. You can either choose to truncate it to the width of the nameplate, or use the slider to set the maximum width allowed.
the names (if too long) are always overlapping th backgroundpanel.. it's kinda ugly. is there any solution to fix it?!