After ten years I have finally burned out on WoW. I may start enjoying the game at some point, but until then this addon will not be fixed/updated.
This addon suggests the next "best" monk ability based on your spec, buffs, the target's debuffs, your energy, and your chi. This won't always suggest the perfect action, but it should help you to get an idea of the priorities. The priority lists for brewmaster and windwalker are below.
I picked four spells to track cooldowns for on each spec. I am interested in whether folks think the ones I selected are the most important cooldowns to track.
Changes for 1.2.8
- Correct hide/show frames when changing spec from mistweaver.
- Fix bug with chi tracking for windwalkers.
- Suggest level 30 talent on cooldown for windwalkers
- Add FSK to windwalker priorities. I assume you have FSK glyphed (or a fast finger ;-) )
Changes for 1.2.7
- Updates for 6.0
Change for 1.2.6
- General prep for Warlords of Draenor
- Sim Chi Brew
- For brewmasters: don't suggest Elusive Brew when you don't have aggro
- For windwalkers: fixed a bug where Blackout Kick was being suggested far too often.
Change for 1.2.5
- Updated version for Siege of Orgrimmar.
- Added more minimum spell level check for brewmasters.
Change for 1.2.4
- More fixes for leveling windwalkers.
Change for 1.2.3
- Add minimum levels for Rising Sun Kick and Legacy of the White Tiger. These should no longer be suggested when they cannot be cast.
Change for 1.2.2
- Check for Dalaran Brilliance buff
Change for 1.2.1
- Fix lvl 30 talent detection
Changes for 1.2
- Add cooldown frame.
- Better suggestions for brewmaster when at low health
- Update buffs when the ability queue is disabled.
- Correct code to determine when buffs are falling off.
- Suggest tiger palm for windwalker only when the buff is about to fall off or combo breaker procs
Changes for 1.1.1
- Removed option to select buffs/debuffs to track. Track only standard buffs/debuffs for each spec
- Better BoK DoT tracking
- Option to turn off AoE suggestions
Changes for 1.0.9
- Better tracking of spell costs
- WW priorities should be usable now
Changes for 1.0.8
- WW priorities should suck less
Changes for 1.0.7
- Keg Smash on cooldown
- The test for when to dump chi is now <= threshold - this was causing Keg Smash to sometimes waste chi
- First cut at WW priorities
Changes for 1.0.6
- Changes for patch 5.1
- Added some Chinese localization
Changes for 1.0.5
- More French translations
- AoE threshold is now 3
- Check for external stat buffs before suggesting LotE
German thanks to down2ride2night.
Russian thanks to Pogomgn
French thanks to jmdrouaud.
Please help with localization if you can.
The Brewmaster priorities are:
- Touch of Death
- Legacy of the Emperor
- Stance of the Sturdy Ox
- Summon Black Ox Statue
- If the target's Weakened Blows debuff is wearing off soon then Keg Smash in melee, Dizzying Haze at range
- Clash if out of melee range
- If Shuffle will wear off soon then Blackout Kick
- Expel Harm if damaged
- Purifying Brew if stagger is too high
- Elusive Brew
- Tiger Palm if Tiger Power buff is mising and we don't have low chi and don't need to dump energy
- Breath of Fire if doing AoE
- Spinning Crane Kick if doing AoE
- Jab if not doing AoE
- Guard (really should be done at an appropriate time, but we can remind the player it exists)
- Level 30 healing talent if damaged
- Blackout Kick if we need to dump chi
- Keg Smash if we need to dump energy
- Tiger Palm filler
The Windwalker priorities are:
- Touch of Death
- Flying Serpent Kick (if out of melee range)
- Spinning Fire Blossom (if out of melee range)
- Tiger Palm (if missing Tiger power buff)
- Rising Sun Kick
- Spinning Crane Kick (if in an AoE situation)
- Expel Harm if damaged
- Tiger Eye Brew (if stacked to 10)
- Fists of Fury (if energy is low and tiger power and rising sun kick effects will not expire during the channeling duration)
- Energizing Brew (if energy is low)
- Blackout Kick (if combo breaker is up)
- Tiger Palm (if combo breaker is up)
- Blackout Kick (to dump chi)
- Jab
I've added an option to turn off AoE suggestions. I agree that the false AoE detection on Gara'jal was quire irritating.
I've looked a little at the low health suggestions but those changes are not ready yet.
I'm still in the 30s and overall the addons working fantastic. Only thing I wanna clarify is that sometimes it keeps suggesting Tiger Palm. I've noticed it tends to do this only after my BOK is up so I'm not that worried (I'm shuffling). But just wondering why it keeps suggesting Tiger's Palm. Is it because Im low level and its not sure what to do? After I hit about 80 energy, then it'll start suggeting BOK again. Or if the shuffle buff is about to fall off.
This isn't well tested at lower levels. I suspect it's terminally broken before you get Brewmaster Training. And it tries to keep up the shuffle debuff even when you are too low level to possibly have it.
does this show the amount of HoT´s on the amount of people? to maximise upkeep on rotation...
Sorry, no HoT tracking.
Is there a way to hide the next suggested spell and only have the prioirty box shown? If not is there a way to exted to the left instead of right? Great mod though it's helping me learn the ways of the Brewmaster!
You can turn off the ability queue and buffs frame seperately. When you bring up the config dialog, click on "Ability Queue Frame" on the left, then click on "Enable ability queue" in the right hand frame (the top left of that frame). You can do the same for the buffs frame.
Just learning to tank and also use a nostromo controller at the same time, this mod has been extremely helpful. One thing that confuses me, sometimes (mostly after a fight but sometimes during) it pops up a blue/white globe that it wants me to do, im sure its some kind of heal, but cannot find any icon like it in my abilities book. Its not like the green healing sphere, and i have no idea what it is.
That's suggesting that you use your level 30 talent (Chi Wave, Zen Sphere, or Chi Burst). My code to detect which one you picked is not working so you see the default one, which is Zen Sphere. Mentally translate that to the one you picked when it pops up.
thanks for the quick reply loving the addon.
It seems to believe that Tiger Palm is free cast as Windwalker aswell which makes the rotation abit clumpsy :/
This is (finally) fixed
I'm having the same issue. The large icon is ALWAYS ox stance even though I'm in it. I've tried /console reloadui, changing stances, and changing specs. Nothing seems to effect it. When I pop out of ox stance it seems to be working just fine.
It seem to be suggesting ox stance while im in ox stance?
When I change my stance to Fierce Tiger, it doesn't suggest ox stance anymore?
I'm not able to reproduce this. Are there certain conditions that cause it? Does a /reload clear it up? Anyone else seeing this bug?
All seem perfect except that my Keg Smash ability appears to be cast every 14 seconds (which is the debuff Weakend Blows) and I want to cast it whenever possible, so I just want to change the timer on weakend blows actually, I am not keen in addon creating/editing so please give me a tip
This has been changed to reflect best practices - thanks.
Anyway to disable just the roation part and keep the bar that shows the debuffs i put on them/shuffle and whatnot. I see the two disable buttons...But if I disable the Ability que, it disables both frames instead of just that frame. I wanna keep just the buff/debuff frames :)
Also, is there a way you could get it to track Power Strikes like Brewmaster Tao addon does? If so Id totally keep your addon for sure! Love the tracking of the abilitys
PS: I just noticed that the Only show in combat button doesnt seem to be working correctly. I went into a fight and it never poped up unless i unchecked that button.
It also seems like the buff/debuff window sometimes sticks if that makes sense. Like when you dont have a target its supose to disapear because the skill que window does that correctly. It doesnt happen all the time...just sometimes.
I think all the problems you mentioned should be fixed in the latest.
I'm curious, why is tracking the internal cooldown for Power Strikes important?
Its not so much that its "important" I dont think, but it helps to show when its going to be available for the extra chi point.