MorgBid2 allows a window to pop up to so that raid members can vote NEED, TAKE (greed), OFFSPEC(greed offspec) or PASS on loot in endgame instances. Every member of the raid must have MorgBid2 installed in order to vote.
Please help localize here.
Bid Values:
- NEED = item is onspec and you really want it (ie big upgrade rare->epic)
- TAKE = item is onspec and a decent upgrade or you don't want it really badly
- OFFSPEC = item is offspec but you would like it for your offspec set
- PASS = no thanks
Continuation of MorgBid with new features:
- customizable bid texts (ie person running MorgDKP2 can change the NEED/TAKE etc texts to anything they want)
- customisable fonts/frames
- dkplist appears in tablet instead of whispers
- bid results are sent to a tablet instead of raid chat (can disable) and can update as people vote
Format: dkplist [pool] [class/all] [class] ...
If you just whisper dkplist it will return your class only. If you are in a raid it will return the people currently in the raid otherwise it will return everyone of that class in the database. If you are transmitting a lot of data (guild and all) it may take a moment for the list to appear.
If you enter a valid pool it will return the DKP for that pool.
Bid Results: Bid results are automatically sent during the auction and updated as people reply. In BidWar silent mode bid results are not shown until the master looter clicks to award the item in MorgDKP2. If you do not wish to receive the summary tablet just disable it in the options. You can also always show the results frame now even if you are not involved in the auction.(/morgbid2)
- /morgbid2 to access
- Hide hints - hides the hints on need/greed/take hover
- Use results tooltip - enable to receive (updating) bid results
- Show ALL results - enable to show results even if you are not involved in the auction
- Autoclose results - enable to automatically close results frame when the masterlooter clicks the MorgDKP2 award frame
- Combat lockdown - enable to not have results frames pop up in combat (bid frames still will)
- Bid result/DKPlist lines - number of lines to show on the respective tooltip
- Grow direction - direction results frames will populate on top of each other (up/down/left/right)
- Font and frame options - self explanatory
If you change any setting such as font the frames will popup and you can move them where you would like them to be situated. Frames are designed so when you close one they rearrange and pop into the spot of the frame you closed so ideally you dont have to move your mouse to bid/close frames.
Note: If you have the disappearing result frame problem (only appears first time) then turn on Autoclose results and it will not happen anymore. If you turn it on AFTER the frame has already disappeared you will need to reloadUI.
I assume you are posting this question about morgdkp2 not morgbid2. If so yes you can alt-shift-click any item in your inventory to start a manual auction which is clearly in the instructions right here.
Is there a way to manually enter an item to have bidded on? In other words if a master looter takes all the item and want to manually enter each item to be bidded on can this be done? If so how?
Humm I wonder if that was it! I've not seen it again yet.
I didn't have anytime to really test it last weekend unfortunately (I was busy outside of the game) and didn't see any duplicate items last ICC. We're still keeping our eyes open for it though just in case :)
You get it figured out? I did find a bug with duplicate items that could cause a nil error in morgdkp2 so it could be related.
I will try with a double item as well and see if I can reproduce it. Thanks more detail always helps debugging greatly.
Hey Morglam,
Yup he had plenty of DKP. We set the bid to 1 DKP. It happened to everyone on that token. Our RL tried several different things, we wanted to make sure it was not a pebcak moment. We have had plenty of those so far but have figured them out :) Luckily our raid is patient and does try to help in reporting back what they tried etc.
We ran ICC again last night with no problems. The tokens auctioned with no problems.
However we didn't have any double token drops last night. We were all keeping an eye out for it last night. I really think it was just the double tokens. So its going to be hard pin down. I'll keep an eye out for it.
I'll test with him and try to force duplicate items tonight and see if I can reproduce it outside of a raid. I can probably get them to run some classic instances as well over the weekend to test.
Thanks again for the help.
Did some testing in my 10 man tonight and it seemed to be working fine for everyone.
Was it just your boyfriend who couldn't increase his roll? If so was his DKP high enough that he could bid? I don't see why a token would make any difference except they are more expensive. Could he bid on other things? You 2 could get together and easily test it as well. You run morgdkp2 and turn it on start a raid and change the threshold to common. Then alt-click something in your bag like water and choose all classes then send a roll out. See if he can bid on the item etc.
It was the actual bid window the user could not adjust their bid higher, like in my first post when it affected all items, this just happened with the Class token. I'll have our RL put me on the tokens tonight as well to see if it happens again or if its just happening if there are 2 of the same token.
It was the newest version. Last night was the first night our guild used it so we took the time before the raid to have everyone download the Morgbid2 addon.
It was two Warrior, Hunter, Shaman tokens. I play a priest but my boyfriend plays a Warrior, so he let me know he couldn't scroll his bid higher. So I put his bid addon in Developer mode and had our raid leader re-auction the tokens while I checked for the messages and I got the 'MorgBid2: Can't scroll'. and it was only with the tokens that it happened.
Good to know about the single window I thought that may be the case but wanted to ask :)
Glad to hear you are liking it:) As for the 1 auction window for 2x same token that is by design. Generally the way I start my rolls is by alt-right clicking on any item and that automatically rolls for all items on the boss (above the threshold) If there are 2 duplicate tokens only 1 roll window appears. Everyone bids and you can see the top 2 on the roll window. Click the winner and it gives him the item and the roll summary DOESN'T close so you can click the 2nd winner and it will give the item to them. Or you can roll them both separately if you prefer. Only reason it would not show the 2nd token in the tracker is if it went to the same person. Did you check if it was under bank or disenchanted items?
Can't scroll do you mean with the item price so you couldn't bid more for an item? Or do you mean with the bid summary window? The bid summary window won't always scroll because if it updated they could see what other people had bid (for silent type auctions etc that would be bad) If you mean the actual bid button then are you sure everyone was on the newest version?
You can post tickets or describe here I see either way.
Hey Morglam, I found another bug. Also your addon has made for some VERY happy officers in my guild.
Ok basically what happened was... We had two of the same class tokens drop off of Putricide. We put them both up for auction. And only one bid window appeared. I'm not sure if this is normal behavior. However we ran in to the "Can't Scroll" with the bid windows again. We tried auctioning them individually and got the same results. It also only tracked one of the tokens to the raid tracker. This only happened with the identical token drops.
Other than that everything worked seamlessly. I can't say enough how much we love your addons.
Edit: also do you want me to post bugs I find to the bug tracker for you? (hopefully this is the last one)
Thanks Morgalm! Very much appreciated.
Found the bug thanks will upload tomorrow.
Ok I will try do some testing tomorrow honestly havent used bidwar in a long time lol
I thought of that as well I gave myself 5000 DKP to test with and set the price at 25. Sorry I forgot to mention that in my post this is why I was a bit stumped and decided to post here.
Do you currently have any DKP? ie did you load a DKP file? With BidWar with a 0 overbid it WILL NOT LET YOU bid more DKP than you currently have. So if you priced the item at 50 DKP and you have 0 DKP you won't be able to increase the bid. Could that be the problem?
Hi ya, I'm trying out morgDKP2 and morgbid2 for the first time. All in all it looks to be exactly what we need to manage our DKP. I grabbed the most recent versions of both addons via the Files tab.
My settings for MorgDKP2: I have morgDKP2 set to FixedDKP and BidWar with Silent auction enabled. Bidstep is 1 and overbid is 0. I also have DKP/Time enabled.
I'm testing out the MorgBid2 and I can't seem to adjust my bids via scrolling or clicking. I turned on Developer mode just to see if I got an error or if it would give me some information that may help me to see if I was doing anything wrong. One thing that caught my eye was it says "can't scroll"
Below is the text I get: [18:10:00]MorgBid2: Item=Looped Tusk ItemID=39562 Link=[Looped Tusk] Quality=0 Texture=Interface\Icons\INV_Misc_Bone_05 [18:10:00]MorgBid2: Reusing bidtip...39562 [18:10:00]MorgBid2: Show results tip...39562 [18:10:00]MorgBid2: Resusing frame..39562 to 39562 [18:10:00]MorgBid2: Updating result frame... [18:10:00]MorgBid2: Can't scroll [18:10:00]MorgBid2: 1 39562
I didn't see any LUA errors so I'm wondering if this is user error. I tried searching for similar problems but was unable to find one.
Edit: I forgot to mention that this still happens when all of my other addons are disabled and the only thing thats running is MorgDKP2 and MorgBid2
Thanks in advance.
No, I just manually close them when I've decided I'm done looking at the results. Thanks for fixing this! :)
Your right I accidentally ignored the autoclose setting will fix it. So you leave them open all the time?
The r86 change seems to be affecting closing of summary frames all the time. My frames are disappearing as soon as the item is looted. Any chance of making this an option that can be disabled? For myself I don't see any need to ever close them automatically.
MorgBid2 -close summary frames when item looted by someone else client not in range (through comms)