MorgBid is no longer supported!
Please see MorgBid2
MorgBid is a fairly simple mod that allows a window to pop up to so that raid members can vote NEED, TAKE (greed), or PASS on loot in endgame instances. Every member of the raid must have MorgBid installed in order to vote.
Special Note:
Special thanks go out to FryGuy for his mods FryBid and FryListDKP. They were the starting point for my mods and I thank him for allowing me to use and post his code. Almost all of the code in MorgBid is FryGuys.
BidWar Mode:
This enables you to bid for items. The tablet will popup with the current bid in green where the NEED button usually is. Scroll your mousewheel or left/right click to increase/decrease your bid. Then click the TAKE button to place your bid. PASS if you dont want to bid. Can have as many bidding rounds as the person running MorgDKP wants.
Thanks for the feedback. Sorry was away on vacation for 2 weeks. The second situation is a problem and I fixed it already just have to test so I will update soon. The other problem isn't really a problem. In our raids we allow people to bid more DKP than they currently have within reason so I need that flexibility in the mod. And if a person can't be trusted to bid within his DKP maybe he shouldn't be in the raid:)
Also the changes will be to MorgDKP NOT MorgBid.
First of all, a great addon, BUT.
There are several errors I discovered. 1. If you have let's say 10 DKP, you can just over take it, you can even roll 1000, which shouldn't be allowed, only a maximum roll should be encountered of your current DKP. 2.If it end with someone having the same take as you, you can't bid anymore, so if I bid 10 DKP as take, and someone else aswell, it just stops and nothing can be done anymore, but if someone else after that bids ofcourse then you can just rebid, UNLESS the last person bids the same as the secondhighest person.
Try to fix those, then it would be a great addon.
New version allows MorgDKP to close MorgBid tablets if bidding is finished.
New version can no longer bid less than the current bid in BidWar mode.
New version for fix for nil error due to localization.
Thank you:)
Great mod Makes looting even with dkp much faster!!
Thank You