This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

MorgDKP is no longer supported!
Please see MorgDKP2


MorgDKP is a full featured mod that allows the master looter (ML) to control the loot distribution process. Only one member is required to have this mod, that being the master looter. MorgDKP is also capable of tracking DKP and outputting the DKP string for import into eqDKP using a custom php import script.

Special Note:

Special thanks go out to FryGuy for his mods FryBid and FryListDKP. They were the starting point for my mods and I thank him for allowing me to use and post his code.

MorgDKP Features:

  • Allows ML to query raid for interest in loot.
  • Tracks DKP including raid attendees, start bonus, and all drops.
  • Options for different DKP systems including zero-sum, relational, and random.
  • Options to award DKP/unit of time, include a start bonus, and include custom events such as boss attempts.
  • BidWar mode for item auctions.
  • Custom php script to export eqDKP data into MorgDKP.
  • Custom php import to eqDKP allowing multiple raids in one import string as well as ability to add DKP changes/decays and add aliases.
  • Raid tracking interface allows editing of all raid events and attendees as well as DKP changes and aliases.
  • Allows a ML and disenchanter (DE) to be set so that they are not charged for loot. (Toggle)
  • Remembers what raid members have equipped and will not send a query to them for loot they already have. (Exceptions for some non-unique items included.)
  • Displays query results in raid channel.
  • Displays top 5 DKP members for the moused over item in the tooltip.
  • Automatically hands out items to the winning player if the loot window is still open. Note: It asks with the standard blizzard confirmation dialogue.
  • Allows ML to easily set which classes are eligible and DKP value. Also remembers these values.
  • Scans for base installs of MorgBid in the current raid. Automatically outputs a link to MorgBid site on click.
  • Allows ML to record BOE items before trading them to member.
  • Can load up to 5 separate DKP pools. Ie. MC1, MC2, BWL, AQ40, NAXX. These raids can be named whatever you wish.
  • multiPool feature allows up to 5 DKP pools to be used in one raid. (ie separate pool for class items)
  • Can change loot threshold on the fly.
  • Item history for easy recall of current raid item winners.
  • Allows raid members to whisper ML for current DKP for own class or specified classes in all 5 DKP pools.
  • Lets you know it is working by displaying boss kills, raid changes, and looting events.
  • Automatically links items to raid chat and shows item tablet on looting.
  • Edit item values from item history (Allow you to track DKP without being ML)
  • Whsiper system for those crazy people who hate mods:P
  • Fubar support
  • Main and offspec DKP rolling
  • eqDKP+ support
  • Overbid feature in BidWar
  • Standby mode
  • Waitlist functionality
  • Improved Sync system
  • ListDKP - shows guild members online and in/out of group and allows 1 click inviting
  • Custom item ignore list
  • Edit item database using raidtracker interface and importable database (SSC/TK/Kara/ZA)
  • Automatic loot method switching for certain encounters. (Vashj/MH)
  • Boss attempt mode asks if you want to record a boss attempt after dying


  • Install MorgDKP/MorgBid. Unzip into WoW addons directory or run .exe.
  • Copy the plugins folder from the MorgDKP directory to your eqDKP folder on your website using an ftp program. Note: admin access to the website will be required.
  • Enter the admin menu of your eqDKP website and click manage plugins. Install the MorgDKP plugin. Refresh the admin menu and you will see MorgDKP Export and MorgDKP Import options are now present.
  • Click MorgDKP Export. Follow the instructions to enter the website name of the pool and the name you wish it to be called in WoW. Cookies will remember these setting for your next visit. Right click the link to save it to your MorgDKP folder.
  • If you wish to import my item database (based on Kaliban’s class loot) of SSC/TK/Kara/ZA then copy the ItemData.lua file from the ImportItemData folder of MorgDKP to the main folder.
  • Enter WoW and confirm that MorgDKP is loaded in the addons menu.
  • Either use the fubar tablet or right click menu and choose Main DKP Pool to set the default pool. DKP is automatically loaded at start if updated file is present.
  • Delete the ItemData.lua file from MorgDKP directory.


  • Update DKP before loading WOW using web based php script. Alternately ALT-TAB out of WOW to update and then reloadui.
  • Enable MOD and Enable ML/DE mode
  • Set Main DKP pool for desired raid.
  • MorgBid Base check. LEFT - CLICK to whisper non-users. Repeat as necessary until everyone has MorgBid or it is pull time.
  • Add Twink if any members are on alts. Can be done through right click menu or Raid Tracking tablet. Good idea to remind them to whisper you to check DKP when on an alt.
  • Make sure you are the Master Looter and set the Disenchanter if not already set.
  • Start Raid manually OR enter instance.
  • Enjoy wiping out those mobs and distributing loot with MorgDKP.
  • End Raid when the raid is over.
  • Export Raid if desired and use MorgDKP Export in admin menu to update DKP. This step doesn't have to be done for every raid anymore. You can run any number of raids and import them all at once.

Whisper system:

System to allow users WITHOUT MorgBid to bid for items (BidWar mode) or vote NEED/TAKE/PASS. Not really recommended by me but was a requested feature. To use the system it must first be turned on under DKPOptions menu of MorgDKP. Once it is turned on eligible players will get a whisper telling them the ITEM up for bidding, the item ID, and the reply format. Note: even players WITH MorgBid will get this whisper if the system is turned on.

The format for placing a bid is as follows:

mbid ID [need/take/pass/bid value]

/w Morgalm mbid 22829 need
/w Morgalm mbid 22829 50

Note: If in BidWar mode there is no need to say NEED/TAKE. The reply will either be PASS or the actual bid.


List of people currently waiting to get in to the raid or staying available in case needed. They can be added through the ListDKP tablet by ALT-Clicking on the members name or by the member whispering the leader with this format:

/w Morgalm mdkp wait[+/-]

This will add or remove them from the waitlist. The "+" is not necessary.
DKP awarding: DKP will be awarded to the waitlist if Award DKP is checked. The amount is determined by adjusting the sliders for start/run and DKP/time. If the amount matches the corresponding event ie SSC Start = 2 DKP and waitlist start = 2 DKP then they will be added to the start event. Otherwise DKP change events will be made for them.

Sync Database

To begin sync hit the Sync Item DB button or choose from the DKP functions menu. This will bring up a tablet showing a summary of all the members you can sync with in the current channel. If you are raided only members of your raid will be checked otherwise it uses the guild channel. If it shows ?Bad PW!? beside the member then either their PW or your PW is wrong and you will not be able to sync. Click or SHIFT-Click to request that members or all listed members database. The database will be transmitted which may take a few seconds or minutes depending how large. Once complete you will get a popup asking if you wish to accept the transfer and a summary if you accept. What is currently transferred:

1) Any item not in your current database. If the same item is present it will NOT be overwritten.
2) Any member who has been updated with: a) DKP change b) Pool change c) Alias added d) Class updated

Note: if you get an AceComm error then you will need to add an item to your database and have the other person try the sync again. Known bug with AceComm

Import Item Database

You can now import my database of items for SSC/TK/ZA/Kara mostly complete based on Kaliban's class loot. Just copy the ItemData.lua file from the ImportItemData folder of MorgDKP to the main folder and enter the game it will ask if you want to import the data (Will NOT override any old data you have - ie adds not replaces) Delete the file afterwards.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 27, 2006
  • Last Released File
    Sep 13, 2008
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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