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UploadedAug 17, 2008
Size114.71 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 2.4.3
r80595 | morgalm | 2008-08-17 20:10:18 -0400 (Sun, 17 Aug 2008) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP-deDE.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP.toc
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKPOptions.lua
- fixed a bunch of deE localizations
- fixed quality menu still being english
r80130 | morgalm | 2008-08-10 16:08:21 -0400 (Sun, 10 Aug 2008) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/MorgDKP/BidQuery.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/DKPtracker.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/Hooks.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/LootTablet.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP-deDE.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP-enUS.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP.toc
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKPFu.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/Points.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/RaidFunctions.lua
- bunch of deDE localizations (thanks Dragooner)
r80096 | kuja | 2008-08-10 08:07:01 -0400 (Sun, 10 Aug 2008) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP-deDE.lua
MorgDKP: deDE fixes for myself beeing stupid
r80095 | kuja | 2008-08-10 07:17:54 -0400 (Sun, 10 Aug 2008) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP-deDE.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP-enUS.lua
MorgDKP: deDE overhaul (some bossevents are missing, could need help
with that) and small enUS fixup
r79883 | morgalm | 2008-08-06 16:13:24 -0400 (Wed, 06 Aug 2008) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP-deDE.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP.toc
- removed another unused translation from deDE
r79832 | morgalm | 2008-08-05 19:09:43 -0400 (Tue, 05 Aug 2008) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP.toc
- Fix for SK all not saving itempoints for export
r79782 | morgalm | 2008-08-04 21:27:22 -0400 (Mon, 04 Aug 2008) | 4 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP-deDE.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP.toc
M /trunk/MorgDKP/Points.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/RaidFunctions.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/plugins/morgdkp/Morgfunc.php
- WEB: Fix for special chars being replaced 2x in some cases and a couple bug fixes
- Fix nil error with undefined pool
- Changed automatic capitalization of main/alt when adding alias as capitalizing a special character made it unrecognisable (God I hate those things:P)
r79433 | morgalm | 2008-07-29 20:07:40 -0400 (Tue, 29 Jul 2008) | 5 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/MorgDKP/DKPtracker.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP-deDE.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP-enUS.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP.toc
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKPOptions.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/plugins/morgdkp/Morgaction.php
M /trunk/MorgDKP/plugins/morgdkp/Morgfunc.php
- WEB: Fix a couple DKP change errors
- Added boss fight timer
- Added Suicide Kings spend all DKP system
r79136 | morgalm | 2008-07-25 19:45:08 -0400 (Fri, 25 Jul 2008) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP.toc
M /trunk/MorgDKP/Points.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/plugins/morgdkp/Morgexport.php
- Fix award DKP nil error
- WEB: Fix DKP export for eqdkp+ with 0 pools
r78881 | morgalm | 2008-07-21 20:42:06 -0400 (Mon, 21 Jul 2008) | 5 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP.toc
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKPFu.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/plugins/morgdkp/Morgexport.php
M /trunk/MorgDKP/plugins/morgdkp/Morgfunc.php
M /trunk/MorgDKP/plugins/morgdkp/Morgresults.php
- WEB: export no longer exports known aliases if still in eqdkp DB
- Fixed eqdkp+ single pool install not exporting properly (hopefully)
- Fixed current raid members not updating if mod disabled when people join/leave