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UploadedDec 5, 2007
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Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 2.3.3
r56640 | morgalm | 2007-12-06 03:22:35 -0500 (Thu, 06 Dec 2007) | 9 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/MorgDKP/BidQuery.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/DKPInfo.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/DKPtracker.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP-deDE.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP-enUS.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP.toc
M /trunk/MorgDKP/Points.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/plugins/morgdkp/Morgaction.php
M /trunk/MorgDKP/plugins/morgdkp/Morgfunc.php
M /trunk/MorgDKP/plugins/morgdkp/Morgresults.php
M /trunk/MorgDKP/plugins/morgdkp/language/english/lang_main.php
M /trunk/MorgDKP/plugins/morgdkp/morgdkp_plugin_class.php
- make import/export php links only appear in admin menu
- fix sql insert for nil values with some peoples database
- tweaked php output
- fixed error with event mismatch due to ' in import php
- can no longer start a raid until after you choose a dkp pool (nil errors)
- can no longer end a raid if one isn't started
- sync function now only adds items that aren't in your database instead of just replacing whole item db
- fixed convert db to select 1st pool if none is still selected
r56482 | morgalm | 2007-12-02 20:42:30 -0500 (Sun, 02 Dec 2007) | 5 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/MorgDKP/BidQuery.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP.toc
M /trunk/MorgDKP/plugins/morgdkp/Morgexport.php
M /trunk/MorgDKP/plugins/morgdkp/Morgresults.php
- added support for eqdkp+ multidkp
- tweaked sorting
- fixed error adding new members using morgimport
- added ability to click any name on the tablet to award loot to that player regardless of bid status
r56082 | morgalm | 2007-11-26 20:21:24 -0500 (Mon, 26 Nov 2007) | 5 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/MorgDKP
M /trunk/MorgDKP/BidQuery.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/DKPInfo.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP-deDE.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP-enUS.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP.toc
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP.xml
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKPOptions.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/Points.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/RaidFunctions.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/plugins/morgdkp/Morgexport.php
- fixed alias not having correct points when adding alias through raidtracker
- fixed bug causing tablet not to show on hover
- added database syncing (items and downloaded point data)
- added password protection for database syncing
r55683 | morgalm | 2007-11-22 01:20:46 -0500 (Thu, 22 Nov 2007) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/MorgDKP/BidQuery.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/DKPInfo.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP.toc
- fix itempoints actually being player points in raid chat
r55659 | morgalm | 2007-11-21 21:28:03 -0500 (Wed, 21 Nov 2007) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/MorgDKP/BidQuery.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/DKPInfo.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP.toc
- fix for class output including class for every char to be rolled (spam)
r55585 | morgalm | 2007-11-20 21:46:00 -0500 (Tue, 20 Nov 2007) | 8 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/MorgDKP
D /trunk/MorgDKP/Alternate DKP Download
M /trunk/MorgDKP/BidQuery.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/DKPInfo.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/DKPtracker.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/Hooks.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/LootTablet.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP-deDE.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP-enUS.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP.lua
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP.toc
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP.txt
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKP.xml
M /trunk/MorgDKP/MorgDKPOptions.lua
A /trunk/MorgDKP/Morgdkp Instructions.url
D /trunk/MorgDKP/
M /trunk/MorgDKP/Points.lua
A /trunk/MorgDKP/RaidFunctions.lua
D /trunk/MorgDKP/Setting up CTRT IMPORT.rtf
A /trunk/MorgDKP/plugins
A /trunk/MorgDKP/plugins/morgdkp
A /trunk/MorgDKP/plugins/morgdkp/DKPInfo.lua
A /trunk/MorgDKP/plugins/morgdkp/Morgaction.php
A /trunk/MorgDKP/plugins/morgdkp/Morgexport.php
A /trunk/MorgDKP/plugins/morgdkp/Morgfunc.php
A /trunk/MorgDKP/plugins/morgdkp/Morgimport.php
A /trunk/MorgDKP/plugins/morgdkp/Morgresults.php
A /trunk/MorgDKP/plugins/morgdkp/language
A /trunk/MorgDKP/plugins/morgdkp/language/english
A /trunk/MorgDKP/plugins/morgdkp/language/english/lang_main.php
A /trunk/MorgDKP/plugins/morgdkp/language/german
A /trunk/MorgDKP/plugins/morgdkp/language/german/lang_main.php
A /trunk/MorgDKP/plugins/morgdkp/morgdkp_plugin_class.php
A /trunk/MorgDKP/plugins/morgdkp/templates
- v6.0 too many changes to list look at the readme or website
- TOC 20300
- add $table_prefix ~= eqdkp
- changed to entering dir name instead of DB name in morgexport
- removed tracking of badges of justice
- Added main class and offspec support for rolls - main classes always have priority
- Automatically converts DB if necessary on load