Brand new complete rewrite of Mounted is available as alpha
- Complete redo of Mounted
- profile based priorities
- mounts can be grouped
- macros sytem has been simplified (only 2 tags <primary>, <secondary>)
- Fancy new interface which attaches itself to the Mount Journal page blizzard provides
Mounted is patched for 4.0
with the mount changes in 4.0 Mounted is due for another rewrite until then Mounted will work just like before (but since mount speeds now scale with skill they have all been set to max Mounted 3 will remove the speed selection options all together)
Please report any bugs to the ticket tracker here
Warning in order for Mounted to work properly in your local the following strings need to be translated at the very least.
- L["SpeedFast"] = "extremely%s+fast" -< unique phrase found only in extremely fast mounts (310% flying)
- L["SpeedMedium"] = "very%s+fast" -< unique phrase found only in fast mounts (100% ground or 280% flying)
- Translations may be submitted here.
With the coming of WoW 3.0 we may now have as many mounts as we want since we learn them and do not have to carry them in you bags.
Thus my dilemma which mount shall i use and how can i chose them easily out of the mess of mounts found in the mounts tab.
Out of this Mounted was born. Instead of mucking about with secure code and make buttons that have to be skinned and carefully placed in your UI i instead chose to utilize the macro functions. Thus enabling you to simply use any actionbar mod.
So what does mounted actually do for you?
- It will create a macro called Mounted in your global macro space this way you only use one slot and not one per character.
- It will scan through all your mounts and create a list and sort them by speed.
- It will then analyze your surroundings and edit the Mounted macro.
- If you can fly then it will chose a random flying mount from the fastest category it will also chose a random ground mount to be used when using a modifier with the macro.
- If you can not fly it will simply chose a random ground mount from the fastest category.
- If you enter combat it will change the macro to a combat macro which you can edit in the Blizzard Addon options.
- If you are indoors it will change to the indoor macro.
- If you are swimming it will change to the swimming macro.
- A new mount will be chosen for you every time you mount up.
- the macros are compleatly customizable (editing of the attack macro is highly recommended)
- macros can by customized with tags that get replaced when the macro is parsed (see below for list of available tags)
- custom macros are saved globally so you will have access to them from all your characters (per account)
- you can preview your macros before deciding on them
- you can set priorities for mounts from 0-10 (0 = will never be selected, 10 will most likely be selected)
- If you want to add a spell such as travel form you may do this from the options this will then be put into the mount linup (after you configured the spell)
Macro tags are:
Here are tags you may use to customize the above macros: <ff> == Random Flying Mount (fastest speed increase) <f310> == Random Flying Mount (310% speed increase) <f280> == Random Flying Mount (280% speed increase) <f60> == Random Flying Mount (60% speed increase) <gf> == Random Ground Mount (fastest speed increase) <g100> == Random Ground Mount (100% speed increase) <g60> == Random Ground Mount (60% speed increase) <g0> == Random Ground Mount (0% speed increase) <ww> == Random Water Mount (defaults to <gf> if no mount was found) <aq> == Random Ahn'Qiraj Mount <s#> == will be replaced with the spellname of spellid (will not insert rank so will scale)[/code]
If any mounts are missclassified please let me know so i can fix the scanner. You may fix this on your end by simply editing the mount in the Mount Options
Mounted also supports the various Druid forms and the Shaman Ghost Wolf form though there may be some bugs associated with them since i don't have either character to do extensive testing on all i get is premades on the PTR when they are available. Mounted will also present you with some druid /shaman macros as appropriate.
any suggestions or improvements are most welcome please open a ticket about them.
If you want a very similar addons for your other Critters look no further and go to here.
Macro changes to the Kodo icon with a "0" subtext and won't summon the mount and stops the sequence. I lowered the rating on the Kodo to 0 taking it out of the rotation and that fixes it, but i'd like it to be a part of my mount selections in the future.
since i don't have the mount i cant check it 100% but all my tests with the kodo work fine
I'm wondering, however, is there any way to set it up so when I mount my riding crop is equipped? And then to re-equip whatever trinket was there before when I dismount?
I know the riding crops are changing in WotLK, but they're still usable until 70 I think. And with a month to go, I was just wondering. :)
Great mod! Thanks! :)
its a little bit out of the scope of my addon and gear changing mods are much better for that since they provide a lot of other very nice functionalities
Emerald Raptor
^-- these two ground mounts are 60%, not 100%
It could be that I'm just missing something, but I have been unable to figure out how to change the "combat" macro to anything other than the /yell. This is such an annoying feature that I had to uninstall the add-on. Sometimes Mounted gets bugged and thinks I'm in combat when I'm not, and only reloading the UI will fix it. Other times, when I am in combat, I want the macro to dismount me, not /yell something. If I could just figure out how to get that macro changed, all would be well, other than the not-in-combat issue.
I see you've posted a couple builds today. I will pull them down and see if the situation's improved. If not, maybe you could comment on the process required to change the in-combat macro? The UI is confusing. Thanks a bunch!
(Otherwise, this add-on is awesome!)
give it a name add some macro text (make sure you hit ok on both text boxes) and then hit set macro
Click drop down, select New
Type a name, click Okay
Type a macro, click Accept
Click Set Macro
Seems like this is pretty convoluted and hard to understand. But it's working now! Thanks.
i might do something about the mulitline widget looking out of place with its accept button but that might take some time
Click a "New" button, which pops up an input dialog for a name. Type a name and click OK. This creates the new entry in the drop down with a blank macro and places the cursor in the macro. Type the macro, and click a "Save" button. I'm not sure what the "Set Macro" button's purpose is, maybe eliminate it.
This is working great so far, my mount collection is growing rapidly as I work through various achievements. Thanks again!