Brand new complete rewrite of Mounted is available as alpha
- Complete redo of Mounted
- profile based priorities
- mounts can be grouped
- macros sytem has been simplified (only 2 tags <primary>, <secondary>)
- Fancy new interface which attaches itself to the Mount Journal page blizzard provides
Mounted is patched for 4.0
with the mount changes in 4.0 Mounted is due for another rewrite until then Mounted will work just like before (but since mount speeds now scale with skill they have all been set to max Mounted 3 will remove the speed selection options all together)
Please report any bugs to the ticket tracker here
Warning in order for Mounted to work properly in your local the following strings need to be translated at the very least.
- L["SpeedFast"] = "extremely%s+fast" -< unique phrase found only in extremely fast mounts (310% flying)
- L["SpeedMedium"] = "very%s+fast" -< unique phrase found only in fast mounts (100% ground or 280% flying)
- Translations may be submitted here.
With the coming of WoW 3.0 we may now have as many mounts as we want since we learn them and do not have to carry them in you bags.
Thus my dilemma which mount shall i use and how can i chose them easily out of the mess of mounts found in the mounts tab.
Out of this Mounted was born. Instead of mucking about with secure code and make buttons that have to be skinned and carefully placed in your UI i instead chose to utilize the macro functions. Thus enabling you to simply use any actionbar mod.
So what does mounted actually do for you?
- It will create a macro called Mounted in your global macro space this way you only use one slot and not one per character.
- It will scan through all your mounts and create a list and sort them by speed.
- It will then analyze your surroundings and edit the Mounted macro.
- If you can fly then it will chose a random flying mount from the fastest category it will also chose a random ground mount to be used when using a modifier with the macro.
- If you can not fly it will simply chose a random ground mount from the fastest category.
- If you enter combat it will change the macro to a combat macro which you can edit in the Blizzard Addon options.
- If you are indoors it will change to the indoor macro.
- If you are swimming it will change to the swimming macro.
- A new mount will be chosen for you every time you mount up.
- the macros are compleatly customizable (editing of the attack macro is highly recommended)
- macros can by customized with tags that get replaced when the macro is parsed (see below for list of available tags)
- custom macros are saved globally so you will have access to them from all your characters (per account)
- you can preview your macros before deciding on them
- you can set priorities for mounts from 0-10 (0 = will never be selected, 10 will most likely be selected)
- If you want to add a spell such as travel form you may do this from the options this will then be put into the mount linup (after you configured the spell)
Macro tags are:
Here are tags you may use to customize the above macros: <ff> == Random Flying Mount (fastest speed increase) <f310> == Random Flying Mount (310% speed increase) <f280> == Random Flying Mount (280% speed increase) <f60> == Random Flying Mount (60% speed increase) <gf> == Random Ground Mount (fastest speed increase) <g100> == Random Ground Mount (100% speed increase) <g60> == Random Ground Mount (60% speed increase) <g0> == Random Ground Mount (0% speed increase) <ww> == Random Water Mount (defaults to <gf> if no mount was found) <aq> == Random Ahn'Qiraj Mount <s#> == will be replaced with the spellname of spellid (will not insert rank so will scale)[/code]
If any mounts are missclassified please let me know so i can fix the scanner. You may fix this on your end by simply editing the mount in the Mount Options
Mounted also supports the various Druid forms and the Shaman Ghost Wolf form though there may be some bugs associated with them since i don't have either character to do extensive testing on all i get is premades on the PTR when they are available. Mounted will also present you with some druid /shaman macros as appropriate.
any suggestions or improvements are most welcome please open a ticket about them.
If you want a very similar addons for your other Critters look no further and go to here.
What happened to the option where a right click would dismount me if I right-clicked the mount button? I got it to work on one computer, but the other one I can't find it. I had to xfer realms and now that convenience of right clicking the mount button to dismount is gone. : (
Really thx for all.
The best mount addon ever, with the new lib and the changes in the Core.lua all work fine.
Last thing: it's possible to make addon work with Tarecgosa's Visage ?
LiteMount and RondomMount works with that.
Works great! Thank you!!!
works great, thank you
Because the macro writer uses #showtooltip you can hard-code replace 1 in CreateMacro and EditMacro with "INV_Misc_QuestionMark"
Making the changes suggested below and updating the icon info here is a nice self contained package.
I updated the libs so you don't have to put the libraries in your main addons directory. I even updated the TOC so it should just work.
It's probably a simple fix. The function that writes out macro text has had its API changed slightly so that instead of using a numerical value for an icon to use, it now requires a path to the icon resource. I've patched my own copy of Critters, which used a similar macro-writing technique, but Mounted is a bit more complicated.
Replace the 1 with "INV_Misc_QuestionMark" in CreateMacro (line 55) and EditMacro (line 424)
Got mounted to work by installing LibTourist and LibMount outside the Mounted directory and replacing those old folders with the new ones inside the Mounted directory. The addon works at the present time except the macro button is blank, it will work for one press if I change the icon to the question mark, however it won't stay that way on countinued presses. I really enjoyed the fact that I could see the icon of the next mount. Any idea how to fix this? Or any idea of another addon that will let me set weights on mounts as well as locations ( I enjoy not pulling flying mounts inside BGs and pulling from the ground mounts only because I rarely see my ground mounts) and update the icon of the next mount to be mounted? Thanks in advance for the help.
I'm getting:
Date: 2011-12-01 15:17:26
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\Mounted\Core.lua line 6:
Cannot find a library instance of "LibMounts-1.0".
[C]: ?
[C]: error()
!Swatter\Support\LibStub.lua:23: LibStub()
Mounted\Core.lua:6: in main chunk
...after I replaced the default LibMounts-1.0 with the latest version since you haven't updated it in ages & it doesn't recognise the Winged Guardian or Tyrael's Charger.
This worked perfectly, I deleted the one in Mounted but that may not even be necessary as L loads before M. Thank you for the tip, it is loading and working as designed now. Before it would hang at the blue bar, at least on Mac.
Hey guys, it's easy to fix Mounted. Just install LibTourist separately. Specifically, you need the beta version as of this posting:
If you use the Curse updater, set Preferred Release Type for LibTourist to beta (alpha if you really want to be on the bleeding edge).
Any similar addon suggestions similar to this which we can pick mounts that we want ?
I'm using gogomounts, which allows you to exclude mounts entirely, but doesn't offer fine-grained control like mounted. Works OK. Not a great replacement, but works OK.
LiteMount also works pretty well, but doesn't support weighting (just outright exclusions). It's main advantage is it automatically learns and adapts to new mounts as they are added, with a quick checkbox system to tell it if the mount is ground/flying/AQ/Vashj/swimming.
I might do a full-fledged mount addon soon if Mounted doesn't get updated, as I like the weighting.
The problem is in a Library file. Replace it with this new version and it will work again.
Dependency missing ? ;o
No, LibTourist somehow managed to break the load cycle (I saw something about a zone search loop that they changed a while back), and the updated version never got brought into Mounted. Apparently 4.3 was the straw that broke the camel's back on that issue.
This addon seems to hang 4.3 load, along with Fishing Buddy. I sure hope this addon is updated, as it's my favorite mount-pick addon.