Mountiful is a mod that helps you randomly select and use a mount or pet based on pre-defined categories.
- A new macro named 'Mountiful' should appear in your general macros. Click it to summon your mount. The icon should always show the next mount that will be cast.
- Right-click to summon a ground mount. Shift-Right-Click to change the icon.
- A new button should appear in your spell interface, below the default Mount button, that brings up the interface
- /mountiful, /mount, and /mo will also bring up the interface.
- Single-clicking on the mount will summon that mount/pet.
- 24 mounts are shown at once and are grouped by speed and ground/flying.
- Allows you to customize which mounts are used for each category
- Safeflying feature will keep you from dismounting in the air when turned on
- Support for Pets
- Support for Keybindings
- Now works with druid flight forms! (You must use either the keybindings or the macro. The /mount command will not work for flight forms)
- Auto dismiss pets when you stealth (Rogue love :)
Mount Commands (Depreciated)
- /click Mountiful - Casts the best mount for your location. Supports druid flight forms.
- /mount smart - randomly selects the best mount for your location. Does not work with druid flight forms.
- /mount smart pre - randomly selects the best pre-selected mount for your location
- /mount <category> - randomly uses a mount/pet from that category
- /mount <category> pre - randomly uses a pre-selected mount/pet from that category
- /mount add <name> - adds a new mount category (or just use the 'add' button in the interface)
- /mount remove <category> - removes an existing category
- /mount safeflying - toggle safeflying on/off
- /mount autoremount - If you want the first click/press to Dismount, and then the 2nd click/press to cast another mount (As opposed to a mount always being summoned when you click/press)
- /mount rebuildselections - rebuilds selections database (fixes graphical glitches and/or wrong mount being summoned)
- /mount preselecteddefault - Sets whether the automated macro uses preselected categories
- /mount settings - See what all your settings are currently at
- /mount reset - Removes settings and categories. Use this as a last resort if things aren't working.
- /mount help - See this text in-game
- /mount autopet - Automatically summon a companion when you mount.
If anyone's interested:
In Zones.lua you need to change the zone names:
Shattrath City -> Shattrath
Terokkar Forest -> Wälder von Terokkar
Hellfire Peninsula -> Höllenfeuerhalbinsel
Zangarmarsh -> Zangarmarschen
Nagrand -> Nagrand
Shadowmoon Valley -> Schattenmondtal
Netherstorm -> Nethersturm
Blade's Edge Mountains -> Schergrat
Borean Tundra -> Boreanische Tundra
Icecrown -> Eiskrone
Crystalsong Forest -> Kristallsangwald
Dragonblight -> Drachenöde
Grizzly Hills -> Grizzlyhügel
Howling Fjord -> Heulender Fjord
Sholazar Basin -> Sholazarbecken
The Storm Peaks -> Die Sturmgipfel
Zul'Drak -> Zul'Drak
The Frozen Sea -> Die gefrorene See
Krasus' Landing -> Krasus' Landeplatz
and in Mountiful.lua you need to translate the following strings:
"Riding" = "Reiten"
"very" = "sehr"
"Cold Weather Flying" = "Kaltwetterflug"
"Outland" = "Scherbenwelt"
"extremely" = "extrem"
It has to be
W\195\164lder von Terokkar
Then I determined that regardless of their display in the selections lists, they need to be all lowercase.
Perhaps you should either make the names appropriately case-sensitive, or not case-sensitive at all.
Anyways, 1.3.6 is out of date as far as version 3.1.1 Wow is concerned. It won't load
One issue though, it will not mount my Flying Carpets. Given the choice between the Carpets (Normal and Magnificent), Bronze Drake and Swift Purple Wind Rider it always picks the Drake or Wind Rider
Almost planned to start wring it myself. :-)
tnx a buch of lots :p