Makes that message dialog movable with Shift-Left-Click
You can move it by shift-clicking and dragging
It can also be scaled with the mouse wheel (while pressing shift)
Note that the frame will be made click-through when not holding shift so it doesn't block quest givers or mobs underneath it, but if you want to right-click the frame away you need to hold shift as well.
This does not work with ElvUI, which already supports moving it with /moveui
Slash Commands:
/th 0.8 - - - - sets the scale to 0.80 (can be between 0.50 to 2.00)
/th reset - - resets the position and scale
What are the addons that conflict with this? I have disabled moveanything but the talking head still won't stay where I put it. Every time it pops up it's back in it's original location but the scale adjustment does stay changed.
EDIT: nvm, I found it's Immersion that is conflicting with this.
(edit) it looks like the Immersion change was reverted and I dunno what to do honestly
Any chance you could post your so called hack? :P Was looking for the same option, don't want to get used to holding shift, thanks in advance :)
Just to clarify, it was made click-through so it wouldn't block any quest givers or mobs underneath it. Anyway, can you try this?
(You can edit the .lua file with editors like Notepad++ and Atom)
Omg thanks so much <3
I need to move TH every time it pops up, i dont have ElvUI, what to do ?
Strange. Does it still happen with all other addons disabled?
Any chance you could allow right clicking anywhere on the frame to close it? Much like you can do with loot popups and such.
You can still right click it away (while holding shift), other than pressing the cross / close button
I suppose most people prefer to be able to click through it, so it won't block stuff underneath it
Ok, I'll just hack my version. Thanks for the reply.
The best part of this addon is it take cares the anchor problem seamlessly. Even MoveAnything and many other Achievement alert addons fail to look into.
(The alert frame anchor updated on-demand whenever a talking head pops up, this addon removes it)
However, this addon seems not compatible with others mover addon. LOL
Yeah, it will remove the anchors on the Talking Head, here's an example if other addons also want to do that
At least ElvUI won't work together with this addon, don't know about MoveAnything though
Suggestion: Make some kind of basic frame to unlock and move it without having to wait for an actual NPC dialog to show up to move the frame. Thanks, awesome addon.
It could be possible to add a mover with something like /th lock
(Edit) I don't think this will be added, since the addon is intentionally LoadOnDemand, not even the slash command will work until the message dialog pops up
OMG Thank You!
thank you so much for this!
When shift + left-click the frame, I can move the talking head around, but it gets locked on to my mouse and I can't drop it anywhere.. Just hold my mouse in the position of where I want it to go until the dialogue ends.. Is there a way to drop it somewhere?
Also, whenever I relog the position isn't saved, and I must do it again.
(Side note, I don't use ElvUI)
Oops sorry, I should have tested the recent click-through functionality a bit more. The frame getting stuck when dragging should be fixed now in v1.1.8
Tested now and worked ^^ ty