Ace3 conversion of the original MyBags addon (
The original description:
MyBags is a replacement to the default interface's Inventory and Bank features. It replaces smaller individual frames and places them into a larger frame showing all your inventory or bank slots.
It is really four addons in one, MyInventory, MyEquipment, MyBank, and MyBagsCache. Each addon can be disabled entirely if you don't wish to have the features of it.
In the MyBags Folder there are four folders:
MyBagsCore: This is for things common to both MyInventory and MyBank
MyBank: This is for things specific to MyBank. Remove this folder to disable MyBank
MyInventory: This is for things specific to MyInventory. Remove this folder to disable MyInventory
MyEquipment: This is for things specific to MyEquipment. Remove this folder to disable MyEquipment
MyBagsCache: This saves your inventory and bank items for offline viewing.
**note**: DISABLE MyBagsCache IF you don't wish to have offline (or away from bank) viewing (it will bloat your saved vars)
* Toggle to completely replace default UI. MyBags can be used with or instead of the default UI
* Bag Slots are shown in the bag window and can be toggled
* Item Borders reflect their rarity
* Frame can be resized by changing the columns
* Frame background is configurable:default background, graphical background, or no background
MyInventory Specific Features:
* You can disable specific bags in MyInventory by shift+right clicking the bag slot. This will remove it from the MyInventory frame and allow the default UI to handle just the bags you disable.
MyBank Specific Features:
* When at bank, click an unbought bag to buy a slot. It asks you to confirm before you actually purchase it.
Additional Features:
* Bank and inventory Viewing is possible with the following addon:
- MyBagsCache (Included in this package)
--SLASH COMMANDS----------------------------------------------------------
/(myinventory|mi) [OPTION [ARGUMENTS]]: change MyInventory options
/(mybank|mb) [OPTION [ARGUMENTS]]: change MyBank options
/(myequipment|mq) [OPTION [ARGUMENTS]]: change MyEquipment options
.aioi - Enables AIOI style item ordering.
.anchor - Sets the anchor point for the frame
-- bottomleft - Frame grows from bottom left, tooltips open right
-- bottomright - Frame grows from bottom right, tooltips open left
-- topleft - Frame grows from top left, tooltips open right
-- topright - Frame grows from top right, tooltips open left
.back - toggle window background options
-- default - translucent minimilistic frame
-- art - blizzard style artwork
-- none - background disabled
.bag - toggle between bag button view options
-- bar - Bags are displayed on a bar at the top of the frame
-- before - Bags start their own row and the first slot shows the bag
-- none - Bags are not shown in the frame
.buttons - Show/Hide the close and lock buttons
.cash - Show/Hide the money display
.cols - set the number of columns
.count - toggle between the item count options
-- free - Show Free Slots
-- used - Show Used slots
-- none - Disable slots display
.freeze - keep window from closing when you leave vendors or bank
.highlight - highlight options
-- items - highlight items when you mouse over bag slots
-- bag - highlight bag when you mouse over an item
.lock - keep the window from moving
.title - Show/Hide the title
.player - Show/Hide the offline player selection box
.quality - Highlight items based on quality
.replace - toggle replacing of default bags
.reset - Resets elements of the addon
-- settings - resets settings tod efault
-- anchor - moves frame back to it's origional position
.scale - Set the farmel scale (between 0.2 and 2.0, blank resets to default)
.tog - toggle the frame
Ammo/ranged/relic slot is supported in myequipment. Quivers and ammo pouches are supported in myinventory and mybags.
I modified DataStore_Containers and DataStore_Characters addons to work with Classic, so MyBags3 can use them as cache for offline viewing. I will send a link for the modified addons.
Maybe some screenshots?
MyBags is classic ready! I will add back ammo and keyring support too, but the current classic version is working without any errors.
In reply to taki0501:
Has ammo been implemented yet? I am looking for a bag addon and that kinda is the tipping point between this and TBagClassic.
In reply to taki0501:
Has ammo been implemented yet? I am looking for a bag addon and that kinda is the tipping point between this and TBagClassic.
a few issue
1 shift click that takes a bag out of the main frame doesn't work
2 opening any bag but the main back pack opens the bank bags .
other wise everything else seems to work OK .
no errors .
Ok, I just updated this addon. I think it's working without errors on 8.1.5
FYI: I'm working on 8.1.5 fixes.
a big thanks for keeping this going no bag add on tops it yet and may never . it's simple to use with no big thrills which makes it prefect ,I'll donate when i get some cash like i have the last two expac . till then gl and thanks again.
Pretty cool addon!!! Can you add the masque support?
And maybe highlight the same type items with hotkeys, like ctrl + click on herb will highlight all the herbs. And same with mail send. Click and all same items to the mailbox. Would be great!
Hi Takikia! Thanks so much for keeping this up to date.
There is still no reagent tab though.. do you have plans to add one?
I love this addon, but it is still lacking a reagent slot so I can't see my supplies :(
Is there/will there be a reagent tab?
Oh ... I dunno why I was unable to use items from my bags, but I restarted the game w/o making any changes and it worked. Weird...
gaah... is it a layer thing? I dunno why this is happening ... do you know offhand of any addon conflicts? Thanks for checking it out.
I tried it. I can use potions, Hearthstones, Enchants from my bag without any error.
Me again. OK so the addon works as far as bag/bank display goes. But, when I try to use something in my bag (potion, food, etc.) I get an error to wit: the addon has tried to do something that the UI blocked. Then offers "ignore" or "disable."
I seem to remember having this very issue a few years back. Can you fix?
Many thanks!
Takika...turns out I updated everything and now MB3 works, just like the old days! Thank you again for keeping this ALIVE
I just checked it, and it works with DataStore backends. I can move items between slots, I can move items from bags to bank, etc.
Any error message? I didn't try MyBagsCache on PTR and Live 7.0.3 but DataStore* dependencies are updated and working. I will check the MyInventory and MyBank functionalities tonight after my raid.