When you open your mail, My Sales keeps track of who bought your auctions and displays the item, money, buyer and when in a table.
Type /ms to bring up the options screen.
PM me if you'd like to take over this project.
- Display your sale in a table display.
- Show what your top sellers are and your top buyers.
- Buyer names coloured if they're in your guild or friends list.
- Filter entries by time.
Plans for the future
- Add option to remove old data.
Known Issues
- Buyer name missing: This may be due to opening mail too fast.
- Stack count is unknown. This info isn't given to us.
- Item colour's gray.
- Farook (German)
- q09q09 (Simplified Chinese)
- kdw112 (Korean)
Donations welcome. There's a donate button here.
Bitcoin address: 13mvJMp8Z38SUAnZ4PgGpio5L2inqWQGsP
The error:
["message"] = "MySales-v1.0.7beta\\core.lua:93: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)\nMySales-v1.0.7beta\\core.lua:93: in function `GetSalesKeys'\nMySales-v1.0.7beta\\core.lua:116: in function `UpdateShownSales'\nMySales-v1.0.7beta\\core.lua:131: in function <Interface\\AddOns\\MySales\\core.lua:122>\n(tail call): ?:\n<in C code>: ?\n<string>:\"safecall Dispatcher[1]\":9: in function <[string \"safecall Dispatcher[1]\"]:5>\n(tail call): ?:\nAceAddon-3.0-5 (Ace3):539: in function `EnableAddon'\nAceAddon-3.0-5 (Ace3):629: in function <Interface\\AddOns\\Ace3\\AceAddon-3.0\\AceAddon-3.0.lua:615>\n<in C code>: in function `LoadAddOn'\nAddonLoader-2.0\\AddonLoader.lua:109: in function `LoadAddOn'\nAddonLoader-2.0\\AddonLoader.lua:130: in function <Interface\\AddOns\\AddonLoader\\AddonLoader.lua:119>\n\n ---",
["type"] = "error",
["session"] = 1103,
["counter"] = 1,
}, -- [356]
Fixed in v1.0.5beta.
On the testing toon I'm only using "MySales", "Postal3", and "QuickAuctions 3".