Myslot is a World of Warcraft Addon for transferring settings between accounts.
Myslot can export your ActionBar Layout, Marcos and Key Bindings as a transfer-friendly text, which can be copy/paste into notepad, sent via email, etc. Any character, even different class, can use Myslot to import those settings from the 'Exported text'
- Use command /myslot to toggle Myslot main UI
- Click the 'Export' button
- Save the
exported text
anywhere you want (e.g. nodepad as a txt)
- Use command /myslot to toggle Myslot main UI
- Paste
exported text
into textbox - Click the 'Import' button
Clean up tools
- Clear all action slot on your action bar
/myslot clear action
- Clear all key bindings (blizzard default included)
/myslot clear binding
Import profile from command
You can use the command 'load' to import a profile by name
/myslot load ProfileName
You can add this line in a macro and safe it in your profile and swap from one profile to another by using the macro.
Get Myslot
Source on Github;
Localization is welcomed, Please visit <> and submit your localization
Build your own Myslot
- clone the source code into
$ git clone Myslot
Changing Protobuf
Myslot use a modified version of lua-pb to serialize/deserialize the data. You may want to change the data structure sometimes if you want add some new things to export.
Please check lua-pb about how to generate protobuf stub files.
Copyright and License
- Copyright (C) 2009-2024 by Boshi Lian <[email protected]>
- Use of this software for profit purposes are NOT allowed except by prior arrangement and written consent of the author.
- This software is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- All rights of Exported text are owned by end-users.
can you update to the latest Classic Era 20th Anniversary Version 1.15.5.
Would be awesome.
Thanks a lot!
In reply to maximus210793:
It would definitely be very useful if you could save all the settings you have made. So everything under Gameplay, Accessibility and System.
In reply to Rubyurek:
hmm, myslot would deal with slot only
no plan for other kind of export at the moment.
Is it possible to get a "human readable" version of an export? For example, I copied the layout from my level 80 Beast Master to a level 40 Beast Master. As the level 40 learns new spells, I'd like a document that tells me where to put that spell without having to logout/login multiple times to look.
In reply to bsmorgan: you will see a decode button, it will give you some technical decode of the text. i am working on mapping everything to human readable, but have to do day time job
in case you cant click url
it is
add decode=1 after
When I export my main BM hunter and import it on another BM hunter, it wipes out the pet bar. The original export character has a full pet bar.
In reply to jamesbearclaw:
could you please paste export text here or drop me an email, i will fix if it is a bug
Any chance to add some type of profile support or filter by class function? When I click on the saved list dropdown, everything I've saved is there, including those that are not of the current toon's class and thus not applicable. It's a little overwhelming if you play many classes. It would be nice to only see saves that can be used. Thank you!
In reply to eiy711:
working on redesigning of profile UI, will take this into consideration
When using addons like Bartender or Dominos in SoD, bar 3 is bar 5 and 5 is 3.
Also, would it be possible to ignore settings that were not exported when Importing by default, instead of emptying them ?
In reply to Llamatron2112:
myslot follows the setting in blz bar naming, let me know if myslot is not doing correctly
do you mean the slot was originally empty and you want to do nothing when importing?
In reply to oishii1992:
I don't know how blizzard assigns numbers to their action bars, but looks like dominos and bartender use these numbers, so I assume they got them from Blizzard's. But maybe it depends on the game's version.
Currently, if you ignore some bars when exporting, but don't ignore them when importing, the bars that were ignored at export are emptied. I think it would be better if they weren't cleaned.
In reply to Llamatron2112:
i see, will add an option to choose behavior of empty
Could you update it to the latest Classic Era Game Version of 1.15.4?
Would be awesome, thanks a lot in advance!
In reply to maximus210793:
Message: Interface/AddOns/Myslot/options.lua:35: attempt to call global 'InterfaceOptionsFrame_Show' (a nil value)
Time: Sat Sep 28 17:31:12 2024
Count: 3
Stack: Interface/AddOns/Myslot/options.lua:35: attempt to call global 'InterfaceOptionsFrame_Show' (a nil value)
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Myslot/options.lua"]:35: in function <Interface/AddOns/Myslot/options.lua:33>
In reply to icnate:
thanks for reporting, fixed in latest version
Hello, can you add Character Specific Key Bindings shortcut option?
In reply to 哦哦及:
that is a wow native settings, you can set is in key binding page
myslot will keep the settings as is