This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
NameplateThreat r7 (using no other nameplate modifiers at all), WoW 3.2.2a live, USEnglish client/server, level 75 Warrior (Protection speced), doing the Brewfest boss with a party. The following error was spammed hundreds of times during the encounter:
NameplateThreat r7 (using no other nameplate modifiers at all), WoW 3.2.2a live, USEnglish client/server, level 75 Warrior (Protection speced), doing the Brewfest boss with a party. The following error was spammed hundreds of times during the encounter:
["message"] = "NameplateThreat-0.1.1 Alpha\\NameplateThreat.lua:140 attempt to call method 'GetText' (a nil value)\n\nLocals:|r\n\n ---",
["type"] = "error",
["session"] = 2016,
["counter"] = 367,
}, -- [835]
Mod is unusable due to this bug.