OneBag3 is part of a long line of bag replacements for the default game bags that will combine all of your bags into one frame.
OneBag has a long history of minimalism and OneBag3 will continue to uphold the standard of easy of use and simplicity it's predecessors set. Like the earlier versions, OneBag3 will continue to offer powerful options for those who wish to delve a little deeper.
Also in the vein of earlier iterations I've kept to the philosophy of doing as little work as possible, as a result the code base is very small, and most of it is in the OneCore library. As of the time of writing there are only 268 lines of code unique to OneBag3, and only 1804 lines of code in OneCore itself. LoC is a horrible stat in general, but it's fun none the less, and I cheat horribly since I build off the powerful Ace3 libraries.
- Now with Search
- Combines all of your bags into one.
- Customizable number of columns
- Inherent support for addons that interact with the default bags
- Color coded slots by item rarity or bag type
- Will automatically open and close for you when visiting the auction house, bank, mailbox, merchant or when trading with another player.
- Allows only certain bags to be displayed, either by slot or type
- Custom bag bar which will highlight it's associated slots on mouseover. This highlighting can be locked in place by clicking.
- Customizable scale, background color, alpha, and more.
- Clean and powerful graphical configuration
- Exposes WoW's built in bag sorting
Search Syntax
Search inside of OneBag3 is powered by the LibItemSearch library by Jalibroc. As a result it supports many advanced search options.
Advanced Filters:
- Quality: q:[quality] or quality:[quality]. Example: q:epic
- Level: l:[level], lvl:[level] or level:[quality]. Example lvl:30
- Type or Subtype: t:[search], type:[search] or slot:[search]. Example t:weapon
- Name: n:[name] or name:[name]. Example: n:lockbox
- Sets: s:[set] or set:[set]. Example: s:fire
- Tooltip Info: tt:[term], tip:[term] or tooltip:[term]. Example: tt:binds
Search Operators
- Logical NOT: "!q:epic" matches items that are NOT epic.
- Logical OR: "q:epic | q:rare" matches items that are either epic OR rare.
- Logical AND: "q:epic & t:weapon" matches items that are epic AND weapons.
- Greater Than: "lvl: > 30" matches items that are higher than level 30.
- Less Than: "lvl: < 30" matches items that are less than level 30.
- Greater or Equal to: "lvl: => 30" matches items that are lvl 30 or greater.
- Lesser or Equal to: "lvl: <= 30" matches items that are lvl 30 or less.
Special Keywords
- soulbound, bound, bop - Bind on pickup items.
- bou - Bind on use items.
- boe - Bind on equip items.
- boa - Bind on account items.
- quest - Quest bound items.
The Family
- OneCore
- The brains and the brawn of the outfit, Core does all the heavy lifting both logic and layout wise. This is embedded in OneBag by default, and you shouldn't need to worry about installing it unless you're running no-lib builds.
- On WowAce
- On Curse
- OneBank3
- OneBag's brother who always like the safety of town, Bank does pretty much the exact same job for your bankslots as OneBag does for your character's bags.
- On WowAce
- On Curse
Localization is powered by WowAce's built in translation system. Please use the following links to contribute to localization.
Bug Reports & Suggestions
Please report all bug reports to my tracker on WowAce.
I want to thank all the users who've been using OneBag and OneBank for so long.
Any other ways to get the file?
Get get your download to work. Is says you have used up your ten downloads or something. Could you maybe put the zip on some other site as well? rapidshare sucks anyway with all the things going on over there.
I haven't hear from Kaelten by now. An I didn't manage to "create" a addon on this page. So I just uploaded it to rapidshare.
Just again note:
This addon is only meant to bridge the time until Kaelten published the real OneBag3.
This is just a preliminary version of the (hopefully) upcoming version of OneBag3 provided by Kaelten. More precicelly this is just a mix of code of OneBank and OneBag3 provided by Kaelten with the goal to view all Bank-Slots in one Frame.
The only reason why I "published" this absolutely premature addon which I just "programmed" for my personal use, was that a lot of users asked for it, and their main need is this "All-Bank-Slots-in-one-Frame" feature. And that’s actually the only thing this addon does.
For more restrictions read the original post
You can find the 3 Files in a zip on
It contains 3 files
- OneBank3_Tschouns_edition.toc
- OneBank3.lua
- Config.lua
have fun
Tschouns if you could also send me OneBank3 of yours that'd be great, dying for one window Bank :D
Where can we get it?
As I haven't heard from Kaelten yet, I don't really want to put in online. And I can't attach it to the "internal" mail. But I'll send you a "internal" mail, which you can reply to. That way I can send you a "real" mail with the zip-file attached containing the three files in it.
As soon as I have Kaeltens OK, I'll put it up eighter here on Curse on on rapidshare - depends on Kaelten. But I can't really provide support for it, as I still not entirely understand how it works...
ps: i'm unpatiently waiting for onebag/onebank/onering/oneview to return in a wotlk-compatible version - they're some of my most important addons... thanks a lot for them! be assured that your work is absolutely appriciated!
As I wait as desperate as most of you do for OneBank3, I took myself time this Wednesday morning while the servers were down for maintenance to try if I could mix OneBank2 with OneBag3 somehow together in a way that I actually get a working addon. And I actually just finished getting a working version for a OneBank-like Addon.
This version has some restrictions (see the list below). However it is very useful for characters not buying bank slots or changing their bags very often. But it provides the very useful interface which it is actually meant for: Displaying and organizing all Bank Slot in one Frame.
Just le me state a few things:
- It was just this Wednesday morning when I first took a look at how Addons actually are written, It is also the first time that I see lua (well it’s somehow similar to ruby)
- As I’m studying besides WOW (well, maybe the other way round…) this is realy a „quick and VERY dirty“ implementation.
- I have not adapted the sidebar. I can open and close it, but I took away the bags. So I am neither able to buy any new bank slot nor can I rearrange the bags in the bank. For that purpose I would have to firstly deactivate the addon in the character-selection-screen, load, make the administrative stuff, log out and turn the addon back on. This only applies to changes at the BAG-LEVEL. You can certainly change their content without relogging – I mean this ist he whole purpose of the addon!
- As this is actually all Kaelten’s code, it is basically his addon. But as it is a really dirty version I don’t want to put I up here on curse. However I could upload it to rapidshare or some other filehoster if Kaelten agrees on that. I don’t know if he wants his name on a premature addon…
- I called „my“ version OneBank3 just to run into less problems during the adaption. Note that this addon probably has only very little in common with the proper implementation published by the very master Kaelten. I hope I don’t run in any Trademark problems :)
Some technical remarks:
I modified the addon in a way that the extension oft he OneCore3-files which probably will be implemented in the final OneCore3 for the OneBank3/OneRing3 etc support are placed in the OneBank3 file. So there is somehow a dirty mix of methods used from OneCore3 and oneBank3 specific additions to this method placed in the OneBank3 files. However this has the advantage that the adaption consist of only 3 files.
There is lots of code which I think I don’t really use, but as I just copied the OneBag3 lua-files, adapted the fact that it worked, I follow the rule of never touching a running system an just kept the extra lines. This is mainly due to the reason that I have hardly any clue about the namespace in lua…
Many thanks to Kaelten for his pas and upcoming efforts to make one’s live in WOW easier :)
have fun and let me know about sharing the files.