This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

A raid add-on that borrows heavily on WoW's "need/greed" window system to communicate loot interests in raid. Loot officers receive a window displaying raid choices. Not everyone must install, as sending a properly formatted whisper will count as communicating loot interest for the lazy mod-hating raider.

This mod DOES NOT invasively judge or determine the winners, but it will communicate them. It was made this way on purpose to support the diverse range of custom loot distribution systems in World of Warcraft, thus leaving winner determination open-ended.


  • Windows showing tell queues for item interest, seen by loot officer(s).
  • "Need/Greed" styled custom windows. Can have 3 or 2 choices.
  • Customizable frame sizes, timers, distributors, and more
  • Displays guild rank of people who send in tells for easy reference.
  • Install-base independent (a few in the raid without the mod won't "cramp your style"). This is good for real-world deployment.
  • Interface for rapid delegation to loot officer(s).
  • Easy to use, tool-tip driven menu interface.
  • FuBar compatible.
  • Exportable loot interest strings (so you can paste a list of names of who bid on an item to officer chat, or wherever you may dream of)

Secondary interest

This is an optional configuration choice, and it is off by default. For many guilds, this will be turned off. With it off the mod uses a choice type of "You either want the item, or you don't."

The secondary option can mean ANYTHING you want it to. As an example, I'll explain one way we use it. In Occam's Razor, we use Two DKP pools. We named them "Primary" and "Secondary." The user may choose which DKP they want to pay for the item with, so that is what selecting "Secondary" means for us.

Anyway, allowing members to communicate the desire to pay for loot out of the Secondary DKP pool is one of the features of this mod, but it is disabled by default because most guilds don't use two dkp pools or communicate a secondary option during loot distribution. It can be enabled easily in the preferences, however. The setting is communicated to the other ORLIC clients from the raid leader's copy of the mod using add-on chat, and is transparent to the average raider.

If your guild's loot system involves allowing people to express a desire other than, "I want it or I don't" - then you can use Secondary as a way to allow your members to say "I want Door #3", which is defined however you or your guild wants to.

Background/History (Zzzzz)

Our guild Occams Razor of Nathrezim has a unique loot system. As we looked around on the internet at other guilds' loot systems, we saw a lot of different things. A LOT of different things.

When deciding to write this mod, I realized its usefulness will not be as a loot or DKP determination mechanism (there seems to be enough of those around anyway), but as a loot communication mechanism. They are words that just sort of roll off the tongue, but say them carefully: determination. communication. They're different.

For a starting place, I originally borrowed from WoW's "Need/Greed" windows, but just using them "as is" has the finality of actually TAKING loot when pressing these buttons. Rather, I wanted to communicate each person's loot interest (whether they want it or they're not interested, or the "secondary" option [as above]) to a designated individual (for most guilds, this is the raid leader but doesn't have to be) who is authorized with the "right" of determining who wins the item. This can also be more than one person, as in cases where multiple people are doing tells for different items. It is up to the "tell-taker", if you will, to determine the loot winner and follow whatever system a guild uses to determine loot.

The "tell-taker" though will see a nice pretty list in a GUI window of who took interest in the item, and what level of interest taken. It then presents them with the ability to type in the winner, and it will announce it in the raid channel. They can also declare no interest in the item, so that it can be sharded or left to rot or whatever. Delegation of which item goes to which tell-taker is fairly non-trivial.

All this mod does is to communicate who is interested, and what the level of their interest is, to the right persons.


Currenty Madrak is now playing a gnome warrior on Tichondrius, but is still a friendly face in Occam's Razor and continues to maintain the mod.

Known Bugs-

Doesn't work if another mod is hooking your chatframe at the same time. Some poorly coded chat/whisper management mods do this as their primary purpose, with the hook up 24/7. Such mods will harm other whisper using mods, such as NRT. Use of ORLIC is compatible with NRT.


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