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UploadedSep 24, 2010
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Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 3.2.0
add support for per-spell-filtering (by name or ID) (fixes Ticket #42)
add support for per-spell-throttling
add default-filters for Unleashed Rage, Ferocious Inspiration, and
Abominable Might (fixes Ticket #16)
Hide realm name in tags (fixes Ticket #83)
allow spell-ids as parameters in aura-trigger-conditions
add 2 triggers for Eclipse (Wrath and Starfire)
add trigger for The Art of War
add trigger for Kill shot
add secondary conditions "Target minimum health" and "Target is player"
add secondary condition "Lua function" to run custom lua-code for checks
add more options for Cooldowns (treshold and filters)
hide full overheals (but add option for making them visible again)
show player's heals on pets only as incoming pet heal (Ticket #92)
show correct icon when using "Wild Quiver" (Ticket #93)
fix some issues with the Config when Ace3 is not installed seperatly
fix new shared cooldowns of hunter traps
remove windshock from shared cooldowns
fix bugs in new ace-config (fixes Tickets #80 and #81)
rewrite the db-import of default-triggers (uses a versioncheck now)
This means default-triggers do not get recreated when deleting them.
bugfixes in profile-switching
profile-applying to submodules
profile-copying and reseting
use ace3 for config-stuff
make profile-switching work again (by using AceDB-3.0)
Note: The profile now defaults to your Character-profile instead of
"Default". Try switching profiles to regain all saved settings.
add Parrot to the Blizzard-Addon-Options
add new Primary TriggerCondition: Successful Spell Cast (Ticket #65)
add secondary Trigger Conditions (Minimum/Maximum Target Health Percent)
(Ticket #55)
add Dispel- and Spellsteal CombetEvents (Ticket #74)
make Heals show properly in 3.2 (fixes Ticket #78)
add support for throttling miss-events (avoids like parry, block, etc.)
add "minimum power percent"-secondary trigger condition
add secondary conditions for "in vehicle" and "mounted"
make dot-crits show as sticky.
fix optdeps.
add Options to disable CombatEvents when in a raid-instance.
add icon-override for mutilate.
add support for AddonLoader (http://www.wowace.com/addons/addon-loader/).
add Judgements to its own group, like shocks.
remove blackout- and deathtrance-trigger from default-triggers.