Floating Combat Text of awesomeness.
Displays Events from the combatlog (damage, healing, ...) as moving text and numbers across the Screen. It also supports various other Events (Loot, Cooldowns, ...). Further Parrot offers a Trigger-system to display Text and play sounds on certain predefined events (e.g. Nightfall for Warlocks).
If you want to translate Parrot into your language (or update an existing translation) please do so here.
Q: "I created a custom Trigger doing <something>. Is it worthy to be in parrots default triggers?"
A: In many cases it is. If you want to contribute a custom trigger to be added to the default triggers, please post a ticket where you describe *exactly* how you set it up. I can't figure that out for every class and every spec.
Q: "Parrot is not showing heals, but it's enabled in the options"
A: Since 3.2 WoW displays every full overheal in the combatlog (even for HoTs). That's why Parrot v1.9.0+ contains an option in Events to "Hide full overheals" which is enabled by default to avoid unnecessary spam.
Q: ''I want to use custom fonts and sounds in Parrot, but there are none available'
A: Parrot doesn't provide sounds or additional fonts (only the fonts included in WoW)
For additional fonts and sounds please install SharedMedia.
To use custom sounds and fonts see the "INSTRUCTIONS for MyMedia.txt" in the SharedMedia-folder.
Q: "Whenever I /reload or log back in again, parrot auto-hides blizzard's default outgoing damage text (the one above the mob in question). Is there any way to avoid having to enable blizz's functions all the time?
A: When enabled Parrot manages the settings for Blizzard FCTs damage- and heal-display. You can enable these features to be used with Parrot in the config (General->Game damage/healing)
Q: "Sometimes when Looting stackable items, the stackcount is off. Why isn't this fixed?"
A: The problem is, that the Interface-event for the Loot is sometimes triggered before, and sometimes after the item was put in the bag (depending on lag). If anyone knows a solution that does not involve constantly polling the bags' content, I'm open to suggestions.
If you need help with some option, trigger, or whatever use the Parrot-forum on wowace for any questions you might have (please no bug-reports).
Feature Requests
To make a feature Request please use the ticket-system.
Before making a feature Request please make sure that the current alpha does not contain the feature already.
Also check if there is a similar feature request among the open tickets already (and maybe join the discussion there).
Berserking seems to just keep spamming me >_<
The problem is that the combatlog reports the buff removed and applied again. Between these two steps the buff is actually not present, so functions checking for that buff report it not present.
Also, I mean it REALLY spams my screen. Like 30-40 messages at a time sometimes...
It happens when you wield 2 berserk-weapons and both proc.
I'm onto that.
a hack?
See the comment from switch97. "Hack" in this case means sloppy/hastily-written code that manages to get the job done. I didn't write the hack, but I've spent enough years programming to know exactly what he means. :)
Its primary condition is for when I gain the buff (Aura gained) "Slam!" it will show a message for me saying "Bloodsurge!" with its icon. I have no secondary conditions. When I do the test function it seems to work just as it was before.
I'm aware it also says that only some broken proc triggers will work again, but is there anything that has changed that I also need to change on my triggers? Just wanting to see if the problem is on my end rather than the addon.
Again, thank you very much for this addon. I've been using it for quite some time now :)
It may take some days for it to make it to a release-version
Both were broken at 3.3. With the last update, only the second works, I can't have my notification for my first trigger with the gain of Blood surge, but I have it when the buff disappears.
Does anyone already find something ?
+1000 (Comcast) (500 Overhealing) (6 heals) can get quite long. I just changed the color of overhealing and removed the "overheal" text.
Also, is there a place I can change how it says "6 heals" or "6 hits"? I'd much rather have it just say x6 - save a lot of screen place.
6 heals ==== 6++
6 gains ==== 6++
6 hits ==== 6--
6 crits ==== 6xx
names truncated at 3 characters - so the whole line for vamp embrace would go from
+100 (Comcast) (500 overhealing) (6 heals)
+100 (Com) (500) (6++)