Floating Combat Text of awesomeness.
Displays Events from the combatlog (damage, healing, ...) as moving text and numbers across the Screen. It also supports various other Events (Loot, Cooldowns, ...). Further Parrot offers a Trigger-system to display Text and play sounds on certain predefined events (e.g. Nightfall for Warlocks).
If you want to translate Parrot into your language (or update an existing translation) please do so here.
Q: "I created a custom Trigger doing <something>. Is it worthy to be in parrots default triggers?"
A: In many cases it is. If you want to contribute a custom trigger to be added to the default triggers, please post a ticket where you describe *exactly* how you set it up. I can't figure that out for every class and every spec.
Q: "Parrot is not showing heals, but it's enabled in the options"
A: Since 3.2 WoW displays every full overheal in the combatlog (even for HoTs). That's why Parrot v1.9.0+ contains an option in Events to "Hide full overheals" which is enabled by default to avoid unnecessary spam.
Q: ''I want to use custom fonts and sounds in Parrot, but there are none available'
A: Parrot doesn't provide sounds or additional fonts (only the fonts included in WoW)
For additional fonts and sounds please install SharedMedia.
To use custom sounds and fonts see the "INSTRUCTIONS for MyMedia.txt" in the SharedMedia-folder.
Q: "Whenever I /reload or log back in again, parrot auto-hides blizzard's default outgoing damage text (the one above the mob in question). Is there any way to avoid having to enable blizz's functions all the time?
A: When enabled Parrot manages the settings for Blizzard FCTs damage- and heal-display. You can enable these features to be used with Parrot in the config (General->Game damage/healing)
Q: "Sometimes when Looting stackable items, the stackcount is off. Why isn't this fixed?"
A: The problem is, that the Interface-event for the Loot is sometimes triggered before, and sometimes after the item was put in the bag (depending on lag). If anyone knows a solution that does not involve constantly polling the bags' content, I'm open to suggestions.
If you need help with some option, trigger, or whatever use the Parrot-forum on wowace for any questions you might have (please no bug-reports).
Feature Requests
To make a feature Request please use the ticket-system.
Before making a feature Request please make sure that the current alpha does not contain the feature already.
Also check if there is a similar feature request among the open tickets already (and maybe join the discussion there).
I got errors in v1.10.11
Cannot find a library instance of "LibSharedMedia-3.0"
In embeds.xml
needs swap lines in embeds.xml
<Include file="libs\LibSharedMedia-3.0\lib.xml"/>
<Include file="libs\AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets\widget.xml"/>
I'm having a problem with my Parrot..and I'm stumped at how to fix it. Went through all the options and all of the ones that I'd think that might be doing this are all set correctly, so thought maybe you could figure it out!
Problem: I've been running with my Shaman a lot lately, and since I've started healing on her, all of my outgoing direct heals (not HoT's) are coming up as crits. All of them. So they always come up stickied and if theirs more than one hit (such as chain heal) it says (3 crits) or whatever on the end.
Any ideas?
The Triggercondition "successful spellcast" needs some rework, since I left it in quite a mess after the v1.10-transition.
@blenny9 Please send me a copy of your settings (it's located in path/to/World of Warcraft/wtf/Account/<Accountname>/SavedVariables/Parrot.lua).
You may use the email-adress specified in Parrot.toc.
Hi. A while back, you added something new to Parrot... and today, I have been trying to see if I can get something to work. I read the FAQ, all comments, the tickets, etc... and didn't find an answer anywhere. So... last thing to do on the list is to leave a comment here since I couldn't find my answer. Here is my problem.
Back in version 1.8.0 in the change log notes, you listed this: * add new Primary TriggerCondition: Successful Spell Cast (Ticket #65)
I looked for info about Ticket #65, but nothing came up. I assumed it was long deleted as it may have been a bug or a problem solved.
So what I was trying to do is see if I can cast a spell and Parrot would notify me when it is casted on the target, hence the reason for the trigger condition... a successful spell cast. :)
The requirements for the successful spell cast to work is... Usage: <Sourcename>,<Destinationname>,<Spellname?>
I am currently on a Death Knight and trying to get Parrot to notify me when Pestilence is casted among adds in my DPS rotation. I believe I cannot find the tags to that "successful spell cast". Perhaps you know the answer? I tried player, target, Pestilence... etc, but nothing works.
I love your Parrot addon btw. You rock! :)
Thanks once again for the quick reply. My apologies if I am a moron on this stuff.
I'm now seeing Innervate, lifeblood, and pots - not sure why, considering that I didn't mess at all w/the filter or throttle options as you suggested...they were still all at the default settings of 0, 0.1, or 1.
Also, I am experiencing some type of bug with Clearcasting in the trigger that comes preset w/the mod - it keeps "re-stickying" itself, even after I uncheck the sticky option. It's not at all a big deal, but just wanted to let you know.
Any heal (pot, stone, healing stream totem, etc) will appear as "Incoming Heal" by default in the incoming Area.
Power loss/gains does display Innervate and Replenishment. Maybe you should have a look at your filter and throttle-options.
By default Power gain/loss is collected for 3 seconds. An exception is defined for Replenishment (it's displayed every 5 seconds). Make sure your Filter-value is not to high. All events that are below the threshold are completely ignored (even when throttling).
Thanks for the quick reply.
I've enabled the Power Change/Gains option and I'm still not getting anything appearing in the notification area - which is where I've defined it to appear. I'm thinking specifically of mana gains from Innervate, Replenishment, totems, pots, etc, and heals from things like pots or lifeblood.
Is there something else that I'm missing?
@gains There is "Power gains", that should cover all of that.
@Triggers Triggers are reactions to certain events. you may specify multiple events (as primary conditions). The Trigger fires as soon as one of the events occur. Secondary Conditions allow to attach further constraints to the Trigger (it should only run when "In combat", or whatever).
I hope that helps.
Thanks for the great addon. I'm trying to figure out how to display rage/energy/mana/health gains, and can't for the life of me figure out how. Is this actually not a default option, or am I missing something?
Also, a short guide explaining how a trigger can be created, and where to find the pertinant information would be great for people like me that might not know alot about code and the computer-speak of WoW spell mechanics.
I can't save my settings to a profile anymore. It just resets to defaul everytime I log in. Anybody has the same problem?
The entry has been added, it will be updated on the next commit
I got this error:
1x AceLocale-3.0: Parrot_Cooldowns: Missing entry for '<Item name>': Parrot-v1.10.11-3-g9bd8572\Data\Cooldowns.lua:241: in main chunk
-2. Looks like a bug, please create a ticket.
1. How do I set up Parrot to show me cooldowns of items (trinket)? I tried a few variations, including the name of the trinket as a spell. Spell ID of use effect on trinket, etc. but have not been successful. Is it possible at all? If so, what did I miss?
2. Even though I activated symbols in the general section, I do not see symbols for my spell CDs (e.g. swiftmend), only when I use triggers. But it is a bit unconvenient to create triggers for all spells I'm interested in. Especially since the triggers show in addition to the normal cooldowns. When suppressing them, I do not see the triggers either. What's the easy solution I missed? ^^
* The combatlog-chatframe reports nothing anymore
* COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED is not fired anymore, which causes a lot of addons that rely on that to fail (like Parrot, any damage-meter, any bossmod, etc).
Only restarting the client resolves the issue for me.