Paste has been restarted and is active again!!
An update for TWW is out already!
Paste is a small utility that enables multi-line/unlimited-length pasting of text or commands into WoW
If you've ever tried to paste a paragraph of text or a list of slash commands into WoW you've probably noticed that newlines are stripped and anything over 255 characters is silently truncated. The Paste addon solves this problem.
- Open the Paste window via minimap icon, keybind, LDB or /paste show
- Paste your clipboard text into the box with control-v / command-v
- Press the "Paste" button and the entire contents will be sent to your selected channel, one message per line, with long lines automatically split.
- The "Default" channel can be used to execute a list of slash commands (eg TomTom /way commands)
- Options are available via "/paste config"
Fully compatible with WoW 7.x and all chat addons.
Featured on Hearthcast Podcast #177!!
Feature requests & Bug Reports. Bug reports in comments will be deleted.
Awesome Addon!!! Big Helper
I'm using your addon for the guide to level form 90-100 in 2hrs where we import the waypoints to Tom-Tom, but Paste imports them from bottom to top which makes it hard to follow the path. can it be made so it imports from Top-to-bottom instead?
TomTom always leaves the arrow pointing to the last-entered waypoint. AFAIK the "order" in which you enter waypoints is never preserved. Best you can do is a /cway command at the end to point at the closest waypoint to the current position. These are all TomTom limitations, nothing to do with Paste.
Is there a way to save commands that I want to keep for daily use?
I usually logon everyday to do some farming and kill rares. Therefor I use this addon combined with TomTom, so it would be nice if you could save command lines for easier access in the addon.
Is there is a way to make it whisper into battletag chat? Blue one. Oscar, maybe you can prompt a format how i should write /w %battletagid% ?
Good idea - I'll add that.
I use Paste to write long /e commands for RP, but very often I run into this issue: when my entries into Paste are >255 characters (and even times when my entries into the chat box are <255 characters), most of the time the text won't execute as multiple /e (or a single /e, for the <255) and will bleed into my last entered chat channel (/s, /p, etc.). What issue am I running into, and how to I fix this?
The game does not allow /e commands (or any commands) that exceed 255 characters. When you paste longer lines, Paste inserts line breaks at word boundaries to fit within the line length limit. It does not attempt to understand the text or commands you are entering, for example to break into multiple meaningful /e commands. Simplest workaround is to use regular say chat instead of /e.
Hey, I'm curious if you could make a misspelled extension for this addon. I'm really loving this addon for RP. It's just perfect, and simple to use. Now only wish too be able too catch my spelling like I can do with misspelled addon for "Chat window." It wont work with paste, I have no clue why.
It's an interesting idea, but no plans to add it at this time.
Ticket tracker is fixed, not sure how that got turned off.
so you can't use this to paste in to the macro's window? Just pasting to console text entry?
also I only have a "Close" button
Pasting to the macro editor frame doesn't require an addon, just control-V. This addon is for textual pasting of chat or commands.
If your addon window doesn't look like the screenshot you may have an install problem or conflicting addon. Bug Reports
Hi guys i can't paste anything at the addon using CTRL V ... something wrong?
Make sure the blinking text cursor is in the addon text box before pressing control-V
Hi oscarucb,
I update the PT-BR translations :)
First I want to say thanks for a super-addon.
My problem is that I would like o put a massive text into a macro. I get a complete brainfreeze on how to do the actual transfer of the text-mass into the macro.
Is it at all possible to paste an oversized text into a macro?
/ Warm Regards
This addon is great, although I am missing the emote (/e) channel. I believe this would be a great addition seeing as many Roleplayers seem to use this addon.
with the recent patch this week, I'm having issues getting anything from Paste to work with TomTom. It could be TomTom though, b/c it's saying "Type /help for a listing of a few commands".
TomTom has not yet been updated for 6.0 and is currently very broken.
Paste is working fine.