Peace And Quiet
Peace and Quiet will automatically disable the General and LocalDefense channels when you enter an instance, raid, or arena and then re-enable them when you leave. I wrote this add-on because I was tired of all the spam that occurs in these channels when you're trying to focus on a raid.
Hi, still enjoying this addon, thank you! Would you consider having it hide general in delves?
(Ugh, tried to edit my old post and accidentally deleted)
In reply to aisenfaire:
Based on comments from other addon developers, I think Delves should work like scenarios and the addon should turn off the chat channels but apparently there is a delay in the game reporting the instance type. I released a new version that adds a one second delay after a zone change and hopefully that allows it to work correctly for Delves.
In reply to Talryn:
Awesome, thank you!
What could be super nice for this addons is a couple cmd line. Like /add chanelNumber, to support a wider range of channel, /on /off if in some situation you need all channel or not, and /auto on/off so you could choose if you want the addon to act automatically or on cmd only.
In reply to paroyer:
I can consider it. You may want to add an issue to the tracker. Easy to miss or forget comments. The main issue is that in my experience the channel numbers are easily changed and they definitely can be between characters. Are you trying to hide certain user-created channels? It sounds slightly more complicated that the original idea of the addon which was to stop the annoying spam while you are focused on a dungeon, raid, etc.
whats the point to this addon? people too lazy to create a new tab for raids?
Would love to have this addon also optionally include the LFG channel. Getting a lot of spam on it when raiding!
I had already added that. You can find that in the latest alpha on I'll also release a new version soon.
Oh, awesome, thanks for the reply!
WowAce needs a "Like" button. :)