Pet Theory
Improves upon the functionality of the PetJournal and information during Pet Battles and while wandering Azeroth.
- Clearly displays rarity for both enemy and friendly pets during Pet Battles
- Shows which rarities and levels of Battle Pets have been captured in their tooltips and in Minimap tooltips.
- Displays rarity color for pets in the PetJournal, and displays rarity for non-wild pets.
- Displays a tooltip when hovering over pets in the PetJournal so you can easily see their passives, pros, and cons, without having to click on them first.
- Allows sorting by name, level, power, speed, health, and type in either ascending or descending order.
- Filter pets by zone.
- Double-click a pet in the PetJournal to summon it.
There is no possible way to make this compatible: PetJournal Enhanced completely overwrites much of the default UI code for the PetJournal, which makes information gathering for other AddOns (this one included) impossible. What, exactly, other than zone filtering (which I plan to add on a grander scale) does PJE do that Pet Theory does not?
If you can add the below two features from the PJE addon I don't have to use it anymore:
Filter by current zone.
Display additional pet info.
What does "additional pet info" entail?
It shows each pets specialization in the pet journal list as an icon showing their highest stat so that you know at a glance if your pet is tanky, speedy, or powerful.
You should try the PJE addon and check this feature.
You're correct, there is no way for our addons to be compatiable. We're both trying to overwrite the same parts of the pet journal. Making it impossible for any other addons to coexist in that manner. also PJE hasn't interfered with information collection for some time.
Additional pet info adds:
The rarity indicator to the pet card
The rarity indicator around non wild pets in the scroll list
Calculates the highest stat of the pet and displays an icon indicating if that pet is tanky,speedy,powerfull.
As for zone filtering, the challenge I had was not in providing selectable zone filter, its in finding an elegant way to let the user interact with it.
Why not you both work together and combine the two addons into one and call it something like PetJournal Enhanced Theory?
I beleive our goals are different, I beleive Torhal is trying to build an all in one kind of addon which will handle your pet journal, pet battle, and tooltip needs. While mine focuses soley on the pet journal with the expecatation that my users will also need to download other addons which fit best for them.
Yes - too many! PetJournal Enhanced, BattlePetCount, PetBattle Teams, BattlePetsList (which doesn't seem to work very well but seems promising), Pokemon Trainer: The Pet Battle Mod, and (while this is generically pet/mount related) GupPet. I also use ArkInventory, which some people seem to think causes a conflict of some sort. As someone else stated, if you added "filter by current zone" and the display of additional pet info, I could give up PetJournal Enhanced.
I also need to take more time and read full addon descriptions, because it's possible I have addons that completely duplicate functionality and don't realize it.
Your addon (at least for me) does something screwy with pet order. I'll click on my "rare" rabbit, for example, and it'll tell me it's the uncommon rabbit. But if I drag the pet to a team, it's the rare rabbit. Very confusing, and terrifying if you're thinking about releasing a pet (could release the rare instead of the common). The reason I think it's your addon, is that I have the issue with your addon enabled, and the problem goes away when I disable your addon.
Are you using other PetJournal AddOns?
Great mod, absolutely wonderful, thank you so much!
The only thing that I would really love to see added is in-battle mouseovers on the enemy unit frames. I love that the names have the rarity color, but I would really like to be able to see what I've already collected on the "other pets" who have "joined the battle"--since I can only capture one per round, I'd like to know which one I "need" more.
Thanks again for your hard work putting a great idea into action!
This is totally freaking amazing. It takes features from a lot of pet battle mods out there and packs in one convenient mod. Thank you for creating it :) I have posted a couple of minor issue tickets on your WoWAce page. I use ShestakUI and have found it to be otherwise completely compatible with Shestak's tooltips. Wonderful!
An issue with the Minimap would arise if you do a search from the PetJournal and don't clear it afterward. It's a limitation of the default PetJournal that I'm looking into overcoming.
I think this addon will be great. Right now, I'm loving the in-battle rarity indication (nameplate color). However, the tooltip notes aren't showing up for me when I scroll over a battle-able pet in the world or minimap.
Hoping that can be fixed!
Love this so far, some features that definitely should've been in the default UI. Unfortunately it doesn't play well with TipTac, and I'd assume other addons that redo the tooltip.
Aye - I use TipTac as well, and it jumps around a bit. TipTac has this issue in general with several AddOns which modify the GameTooltip, unfortunately.
Should be fixed in beta2a
Installed today and getting this error.
Message: ..\AddOns\PetTheory\Core.lua line 191:
bad argument #3 to 'SetFormattedText' (string expected, got nil)
[C]: SetFormattedText()
[C]: PetBattleUnitFrame_UpdateDisplay()
(*temporary) = <unnamed> {
0 = <userdata>
(*temporary) = "|c%s%s"
(*temporary) = "ff9d9d9d"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "string expected, got nil"
Only occurs when going into battle.
EN-US client.