Pets and Mounts

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Auto and random summon for your pets and mounts, highly customizable. With Data Broker support.



  • Minimap icon
  • Data Broker
  • Menu for quick access to mounts and companions
  • Bindings support
  • Clickable buttons
  • Ability to create sets of companions/mounts
  • Ability to use multiple sets at a time
  • And link sets to an/some area(s)
  • Model frame in menu and config
  • A load of options for a full configuration (100+)
  • Ace3 clean config panel
  • Ace3 profiles
  • Load on demand configuration panel
  • Ability to edit the mount button macro (Macro syntax or LUA)
  • A developer open to suggestions


  • Auto summon random companions
  • Add companions to favorites
  • Search feature
  • Summon a specific companion in a specific area
  • Force one companion to summon
  • Timed re-summon


  • Mounts are separated in categories Ground Fly Hybrid Aquatic Passenger Surface Repair
  • Hybrid is a forced one, you have to select the mounts manually
  • Summon random mounts according to location
  • Add mounts to favorites
  • Search feature
  • Summon a specific mount in a specific area
  • Force one mount to summon


There is too much spells handled by the add-on to list them here, see in game. But for a quick summary, it handles every speed increase spells.


In the Set Options category you will find several tabs.

  • Companions and Mounts tabs: Here you can create sets and select which one is active for edition (If it is not the Default set you have to activate it before the add-on will use it, see bellow), when selecting companions or mounts in the Mounts List or the Companions List categories it will edit their respective active set.
  • Default Sets category within Companions and Mounts tabs: Here you can create the default set of sets. This is useful if you want to create several sets and just use some of them as the default one. It is not mandatory and the add-on will search for a set named Default if nothing is set here. But if you have created a set and want to use it, it have to be selected here. Remember that the add-on will not use a custom set until asked for.
  • Area Companions and Area Mounts tabs: Here you can define a set of sets for a given area, the add-on will use those sets if you are in that area.

Sets are saved on a global scope, they are not tied to the current profile, editing a set on a character will modify it for all your toons using that set. This is unique and all the other options are tied to the character profile (default set of sets, area set of sets, etc).

A set will not be considered active until it have at least one favorite selected.

Custom macros

You can edit the mount button macro, using classic macro syntax or LUA. As this feature is for advanced users I will not make a full documentation on it. Read the summary in game.

And if you import someone else code be sure to completely trust him/her. This code will be executed when clicking the button, and even if there is not threat for your account, you can still get griefed/scammed.

Other informations

Configuration panel

There is a lot of options, and I think more will come. But every option got a description in game, you are not alone. I will add here more information if something is reported unclear.


/petsandmounts (/pam is an alias)

/pam - Display the configuration panel /pam refresh - Force a pets and mounts databases refresh /pam show - Show the minimap button /pam resetzones - Reset the current zones database

/pampet - Random companion /pammount - Random mount (smart) /pamground - Random ground mount (forced) /pamfly - Random flying mount (forced) /pamaquatic - Random aquatic mount (forced) /pampassengers - Random passengers mount (forced) /pamsurface - Random surface mount (forced) /pamrepair - Random repair mount (forced)

Random summon

Here is the priority used by the add-on.

  1. Force one.
  2. Area override.
  3. Area (add-on forced, ex: vashj'ir, aq40). Can be disabled.
  4. Favorites and Area sets.
  5. All.

This can be altered by some items, the Magic Broom or the Haunted Memento for example. Those specifics instances can be disabled in the options panel.

Impact on the system

As every add-on relying on databases, it is using a lot of memory. Although it will not harass your CPU, especially in combat.


If you find an error or have a suggestion, please use the tickets system. This is better as I instantly receive an E-mail. You can also help with the add-on localization.

Some features could not be available with the release version, as I edit the description when uploading new alpha. You can find all the add-on versions here.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 25, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Aug 28, 2018
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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