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UploadedApr 18, 2009
Size233.44 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 3.1.0
r1887 | shefki | 2009-04-18 09:20:14 +0000 (Sat, 18 Apr 2009) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Aura/PitBull_Aura.toc
M /trunk/Banzai/PitBull_Banzai.toc
M /trunk/BarFader/PitBull_BarFader.toc
M /trunk/CastBar/PitBull_CastBar.toc
M /trunk/CombatFader/PitBull_CombatFader.toc
M /trunk/CombatIcon/PitBull_CombatIcon.toc
M /trunk/CombatText/PitBull_CombatText.toc
M /trunk/ComboPoints/PitBull_ComboPoints.toc
M /trunk/DruidManaBar/PitBull_DruidManaBar.toc
M /trunk/ExperienceBar/PitBull_ExperienceBar.toc
M /trunk/HappinessIcon/PitBull_HappinessIcon.toc
M /trunk/HealthBar/PitBull_HealthBar.toc
M /trunk/HideBlizzard/PitBull_HideBlizzard.toc
M /trunk/Highlight/PitBull_Highlight.toc
M /trunk/LeaderIcon/PitBull_LeaderIcon.toc
M /trunk/MasterLooterIcon/PitBull_MasterLooterIcon.toc
M /trunk/Portrait/PitBull_Portrait.toc
M /trunk/PowerBar/PitBull_PowerBar.toc
M /trunk/PvPIcon/PitBull_PvPIcon.toc
M /trunk/RaidTargetIcon/PitBull_RaidTargetIcon.toc
M /trunk/RangeCheck/PitBull_RangeCheck.toc
M /trunk/ReadyCheckIcon/PitBull_ReadyCheckIcon.toc
M /trunk/ReputationBar/PitBull_ReputationBar.toc
M /trunk/RestIcon/PitBull_RestIcon.toc
M /trunk/Spark/PitBull_Spark.toc
M /trunk/ThreatBar/PitBull_ThreatBar.toc
M /trunk/TotemTimers/PitBull_TotemTimers.toc
M /trunk/VisualHeal/PitBull_VisualHeal.toc
M /trunk/VoiceIcon/PitBull_VoiceIcon.toc
Bump Interface for 3.1.0 for every module (oops).
Remove Korean notes that are not UTF-8 encoded.
r1886 | shefki | 2009-04-14 07:00:04 +0000 (Tue, 14 Apr 2009) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/PitBull.toc
M /trunk/embeds.xml
Cleanup some remnents from LibDruidMana-1.0 which became obsolete with wow 3.x.
r1884 | shefki | 2009-04-14 06:33:29 +0000 (Tue, 14 Apr 2009) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/PitBull.toc
Update TOC for PitBull3 for 3.1.0.
r1883 | shefki | 2009-03-05 01:03:47 +0000 (Thu, 05 Mar 2009) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Aura/Filter.lua
Somehow I missed Improved Wing Clip in the 3.1.0 PTR fixes.