guide/Making Layouts and Applying to Frames/Working with Texts


Pitbull 4 allows you to use two different text handlers to create customized texts. I am not going to go into a large discussion on different texts here since that is well handled in a few forums specific to the texts, but I did want to explain for those less savvy in writing Lua code (like myself... I'm a beginner!) the basics; which would allow you to use a code that you've found on forums dedicated to creating custom texts.

At this time custom texts are specific to a layout. If you want to reuse a custom text on another layout, you will need to recreate the custom text. (New layouts built off of an old layout with a custom text will copy your custom text, the reusability affects existing layouts.)

The texts tab of the Layout Editor:

Lua Text Menu

You can see I've made a Text Named "SAMPLE" It was created by simply typing the name "SAMPLE" into the New Text Box and pressing "Ok" (This button only appears when text is int he New Text Box). If I wish to change the name later I can do so by typing over the name in the "Name" box below. (I do not need to delete and re-create.)

The lower "Enable" turns this text on or off for that layout. If I was using a combination of Lua Text and DogTags I would want to ensure that the "Type" Box correctly identified the type of text I was creating. The code drop down menu should read "Custom" when I want to put in a custom code.

Either type or you can paste a found code in the Code Box. When you start entering text in that box the Accept button below will light up. When you have finished adding your code, be sure to press Accept to save the code. I'd recommend saving the code by pressing accept before you worry about the layout sections.

The default text handler is Lua Text.

Lua Texts are built using Lua.

You can find additional assistance and codes at some of the following forums:

Additionally you can use DogTags

Those hard core Pitbull3 users are probably more familiar with DogTags, as that is how texts were created in PB3. While PB4 has changed to using LuaTexts as the new default text handler, you can still use DogTags.

First you will need to enable the DogTags Module under /pb Modules > DogTag (If you are not planning to use LuaTexts at all, you can turn that off under Modules > Lua Texts)

You can find additional codes and helpful advise on making DogTags at some of these forums:

Common Custom LuaText Answers

This section will give "quick answers" to some of the more frequent LuaText questions that seem to come up repeatedly. I do not plan to grow this section with every possible answer, but rather to include those that more frequently come up.

How do I add an outline to my texts?
How do I add a line break to my code: