PitBull Unit Frames 4.0
PitBull Unit Frames 4.0
Woof. Arf. Yip.
Getting Started:
You can help translate PitBull for your language with the localization tool.
PitBull works with WoW Classic! Classic Era/Vanilla is supported in
releases. Cataclysm Classic is supported in v4.2.x
(the same releases retail use).
Classic Era caveats:
- Aura duration is not available from the API, so PitBull uses LibClassicDurations to show them. The duration can be inaccurate if it's affected by rank or talents.
- Cast info is only available for your spells from the API. PitBull uses LibClassicCasterino to show cast bars for other units, but this can be inaccurate since there is a lot of guess-work involved.
CurseForge: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/pitbull-unit-frames-4-0
Wago: https://addons.wago.io/addons/pitbull4
WoWInterface: https://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info20021
Authors, if I knew you irl I'd include you in my will. :D
Which spell? There isn't a way I know of to check for the presence of a spell by spellid, instead name+rank+icon is checked (which can be determined from the spellid using GetSpellInfo.)
Seems this ID needs to be added to addon.
Going through the Aura Filter Editor for the Aura module, I filled in exactly what I wanted. I selected Highlights, Unit, Is Enemy. But, unfortunately you only check for whether to highlight based on what auras the target has on them. So if there is no UNIT_AURA event firing, there is no highlight. Furthermore, because this Highlight is set, it will trigger the function to set a highlight once I actually put a debuff on the target. But the highlight will be based upon the debuff I put on the target. If I put a magic debuff on the target it colors it blue, a poison it colors it green, etc. Please fix it =(
Help! I want to create a custom lua text that checks for a certain buff on my enemy, but via a SpellID, not the name of the spell, because I wanna check for a certain spell but there's a lot of buffs sharing its name in the game. Thanks in advance.
local cur, max, rest = XP(unit), MaxXP(unit), RestXP(unit)
if rest then
return "%s%% | R: %s%%",Percent(cur,max),Percent(rest,max)
My only issue is if I am not rested I can't seem to find a way to not display this part of it | R: %s%%
<Level> <Name>
<Player Name>, <Level>, <Class>
such as 3.0 Had so if my toon was Bob and he was a level 70 and was a druid it would look like this. Bob 80 Nightelf Druid. Haven't figured out how to do this in the new version if it's even possible.
@qqemokitty: Thanks for the feedback! As for the custom placement. I very much wanted to include support for that from day one but the inner workings of PB4 are currently not allowing us to provide offsets for indicators such as the Timers. It's a bit of a non-trivial change to add that functionality so it has been on the TODO-list for ages. The ticket in question is #117 IIRC, feel free to vote on it to express more demand, don't hold your breath for it anytime soon tho.
P.S. To understand how people prefer to place their timers I'm always glad to see screenshots of them in action. Helps us to tweak defaults and options.
Pitbull Totem Timer Question!
I have always used and loved the totem timer that's built in with Pitbull. I recently switched from PB3 to PB4 and the new totem timer skin is SWANK and gorgeous. Do love.
There are no longer appears to be away to move the totem timer around aside from changing it's anchor point and position. In PB3 there are sliders for Horizontal and Vertical position, so that you can move the timers to essentially anywhere on your screen. Is this still possible in PB4, and I am missing it? If it is not possible in PB4, please consider this a humble request. :D
I had another question about the totem timer but as I was about to type it my brain made a little BING! And I realized I already how to make it do what I wanted.
Wonderful update to Pitbull, thank you so much!
Sneaver, you have to change that setting for each frame you have, also there is a drop down on the boarder tab that has different places the buff/debuff came from, and you have to disable it on each of those. Its kinda a pain in the ass, I hope they make it easier in the future.
Is it possible to remove the green/red border that is around a buff/debuff? I have been able to remove it from friendly targets but not from enemies. If there isn't an option for it, could you please direct me to where in the code I could change this?
Hi there. Using Pitbull for some time now, and it works nice and fine. One thing happened to me today while fighting the Iron Council; this runethingy gives a buff "Rune of Power" to whoever stands on it. Before the fight begins, if one of the bosses stands in a rune, the buff gets shown on the targetframe. But for some reason, during the fight, it doesn't get shown. It shows on my frame, but not on the targetframe. I didn't check whether it shows on the targetframe, if i have a friendly target. I checked and there are no filters active für the targetframe. Any ideas?
Is there a way to show health values like this - 12345 if under 100k, 123.45k if over 100k, 1.23M if over 1 mil.?
That's the way Xperl showed values, and I found the code in it's .lua but I have no idea how to introduce it into Pitbull. Help?