PitBull Unit Frames 4.0
PitBull Unit Frames 4.0
Woof. Arf. Yip.
Getting Started:
You can help translate PitBull for your language with the localization tool.
PitBull works with WoW Classic! Classic Era/Vanilla is supported in
releases. Cataclysm Classic is supported in v4.2.x
(the same releases retail use).
Classic Era caveats:
- Aura duration is not available from the API, so PitBull uses LibClassicDurations to show them. The duration can be inaccurate if it's affected by rank or talents.
- Cast info is only available for your spells from the API. PitBull uses LibClassicCasterino to show cast bars for other units, but this can be inaccurate since there is a lot of guess-work involved.
CurseForge: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/pitbull-unit-frames-4-0
Wago: https://addons.wago.io/addons/pitbull4
WoWInterface: https://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info20021
@drakullbr, Not at this time. I'll point out that no matter which unit frame addon you look around for you'll find someone swearing that it's slow to update compared to some other. We don't currently have support in for predicted health, but I'm not entirely convinced they actually work properly for anyone other than the player and their pet. I have the code done for it but I just haven't gotten around to testing it.
@Leo05, I'm not sure there's a best way. You can set the colors anyway you want really. If you want to tie the colors to someones % of health it shouldn't really be that hard, just figure the percent and use it to calculate the color you want to use in the LuaText instead of just using the color returned by one of the functions.
@teeshy13, Yeah that never got brought over from the old site it was hosted on, the guides are getting some more work on them here recently, so it should be rectified soon if it isn't already.
@Patchumz, No idea what feature you're talking about with PB3. Positioning was actually a lot more restricted in PB3 because only one object could exist in a given position, but outside of that there's really no major change in how things are positioned. Maybe if you told me how you were nudging things I could tell you how to do what you wanted.
The color by time colors are not configurable. You'd have to edit the aura module to do it.
Outline() just put it someplace in your code, probably best place would be the first ilne.
Custom Colors override all the other coloring options.
@oDiDio, Not at this time. It'll be possible in the future at some point. If I can find the time to work past some of the issues we're having.
Hey there! Love this Addon! I just rerolled a Warrior and wanted to know if there's a possibility to create a single Bar that only shows my Rage. I would love to playce it mor in the middle of the Screen to have a good overview of how many rage I have atm.
Thanks for your work and the help.
I found the latest revision for X-Perl that brings it up to 3.3.3, so I've been using that, and it's workign very well.
I"m going to stick with what I'm familar with! =)
If there could be some way to label what the boxes actually are when they are unlocked (and hide the label when locked into place) this addon could give X-Perl a run for it's money.
For those trying PitBull4 for X-Perl problems go here:
This is the latest revision (that for some reason, maybe beta, isn't being linked to Curse). However at the top right hand side of that page you can download and install manually or via Curse Client for the latest revision.
I'm not totally bashing PitBull4, I see the potential, and maybe after hours of tinkering I'd become aclimated to how it's layed out. I just currently prefer X-Perl because I have already spent hours and hours figuring it all out. So when X-Perl is working, it one of the best addons I have, next to QuestHelper and Altoholic.
To get into config mode type:
Choose solo (or whatever mode you need to config) from the Config mode drop down in the top left corner of the addon.
I can imagine missing this would be confusing.
People have asked for the ability to adjust the Portrait size in the past, it's just not something I've gotten to. Largely because doing so while making it work well with the 3d models is going to be a pain. As it is portraits positioned as bars in the center position already look horrible, IMHO.
I just switched from X-Perl to PitBull4. Thank you!
But I can't get the XP bar shown on my pet's unit frame.
It's there when I switch to "solo" or whatever preview mode,
but not when I switch to normal (disable preview).
Is that a known bug or am I simply to stupid to make it work?
Another issue I have is that portraits cant be scaled in bar mode.
They are way to big IMHO.
if pet level is lower than mine.
BTW, pet level can not exceed player's level.
Regarding the portrait. I'm currently using the class icons
which give me all the info I need. They are also way to big,
when shown as a bar, but are ok (scalable) when shown as an
icon in the (upper left) corner.
So I'm fine atm. Thanks.
@Wareitar, Layout editor, Indicators, Portrait.
Hey! First of all.. Love this addon! Though one thing's been bugging me latley... I can't get the portraits to work again. :S Kinda miss them too, and yes, they are enabled in the modules...
I've been fiddling around for a while now with the aura filters. The system is real clever..perhaps too clever for me!
I can't figure out how to set up a filter in the editor, so that it only shows eg. Power Word: Shield, Renew, but not Power Word: Fortitude. Also, it should only show MY renew/shield etc. Is this possible?
The weird thing is, that it's only on my own frame in the raid, where the buffs show, and it's only my own personal buffs (as a priest)
Anyway to nudge the text on the UF's? It was an option in PB3 to move it a little bit vertically/horizontally, and I miss the option.. since nothing really can get the text where I exactly want it. (Mainly hitting the side of the Health/Power bar, when I want it 2-4 pixels to the right or whatever)
And my other question, any way to define the Color By Time thing on the Aura Text? I dislike the green blending in with the borders of my buffs, it'd be nice if I could change it, but can't find an option for it anywhere.
Other than that, love PB4, much better, but still just as customizable.
EDIT: Oh yeah, also.. how do you [Outline] in Lua? I used it with DogTags, but I'd like to use Lua instead, just extremely nooby at it.
EDIT2: Found another thing, lol. Is there no way to make the health bar colored by hostility on enemy units only? I use Custom Color for friendlies, but I'd like hostiles to be colored by hostility, can't find a way.
Hi! The link in the FAQ "Pitbull looking like Grid" isn't actually a working link =)
it has conflict with almost all maps addons and even with the blizzard map
the blizzard map can't move, metamap when i click on the zones pulldown menu it expire instantly, same with cartographer and mapster....
is it only my problem or you all have that too ???
it can be fixed?