PitBull Unit Frames 4.0
PitBull Unit Frames 4.0
Woof. Arf. Yip.
Getting Started:
You can help translate PitBull for your language with the localization tool.
PitBull works with WoW Classic! Classic Era/Vanilla is supported in
releases. Cataclysm Classic is supported in v4.2.x
(the same releases retail use).
Classic Era caveats:
- Aura duration is not available from the API, so PitBull uses LibClassicDurations to show them. The duration can be inaccurate if it's affected by rank or talents.
- Cast info is only available for your spells from the API. PitBull uses LibClassicCasterino to show cast bars for other units, but this can be inaccurate since there is a lot of guess-work involved.
CurseForge: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/pitbull-unit-frames-4-0
Wago: https://addons.wago.io/addons/pitbull4
WoWInterface: https://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info20021
Hi, thx for the great work of this version of pitbull, its unbelievable easy to use with loads of settings.
There is 1 little thing that, where is the Visualheal module in pitbull4? cos I miss it so much:(
@jwwpua: Look for something called "Frame Strata" or just "Strata"
There seems to be an error message in my health bar with pitbull 4...in the health bar itself it has a whole error message saying the folder in which pitbull is (...interface/addon/pitbull4..) and then says something about an "unknown boolean:druid" while i'm on my druid. I'm using pitbull 3 right now instead and it works fine. Anything I can do to fix this?
Is there a way to make the unit frames show underneath other frames (such as Character pane, raid pane, etc.)? It's current overlapping all other panes.
Umm. Regarding redoing your settings every time, Read Point 1! It pretty much says "not done" and i'm sure as they update versions each time they are changing mechanics of how data is stored to improve performance.
And besides, with how pro the new layout editor is, it should take you 5 minutes to reconfigure your layout. Just write down your current data and plug it in next time you upgrade.
Mad props on PB4. I'm loving it so much!
Everytime I update Pitbull 4.0, it resets my settings. Currently it does not even save my profile. Are we going to have to reconfigure our unit frames everytime we update? Is this intended?
Thanks and keep up the good work!
CKKnight please please please add Zoom Cast Bar Icons
At the moment the icons show up with nasty borders around them, please make them zoom in like the Aura Icons to have a nice clean look
Seems since the castbar change there's a problem with the display of the cast bar text. I enabled auto-hide of the cast bar and anchored the spell name to it (like always), but its not shown anymore on my own char pitbull frame. It does work on target of target, and sometimes on target. If I turn off auto-hide again, the spell cast is always shown and everything works as before.
It seems it only works with auto-hide on when I have less than full mana, but not when I have full mana.
Apart from that I love the "auto-hide" option for the castbar, makes everything even more functional imho.
Oh btw the frames of mine consist of healthbar, then cast bar (auto-hidden) and then mana/power bar.
Hats off for this already great piece of work! :)
Blizzard Frames reappear each time I log in; looked to see if this was already reported but didn't see it, so sorry if I missed it. Otherwise, huge props on the improvements over 3.0!
Hi there, i have a question on the frame names of pitbull4. It looks like most of the unit frames are named like "PitBull4_Frames_<unitname>". But that doesn't seem to be true for party and raidframes.
The reason i'am asking is i am building a ui with kgpanels and want to anchor the raidframes to a certain panel.
I tried to grep my way through the code but didn't find a special name pattern for those frames. would be great if somebody could give me a hint.
So does anyone know of a website that might have a collection of pre-done Layouts?
This was so n1...
this option is still available, but only by healthbar !
PLEASE change this!
vdrej, is that a promise?
Edit: and I'm done.
The option to select the unit "Party targets" has disappeared so I can't assign a layout to it. Am I doing something wrong?
What i want to achieve is debuffs jumping in the upper row when buffslots are filled. Now if they use the same space from opposite directions above the unitframe, they just overwrite eachother.
Please to implement cast bar spell icons, the ticket has been filed for months now. :( Will show breasts for code.
why is it that when i install the new version of pitbull, it resets my settings? It doesn't even save it on the profile I created. Am I going to have to reconfigure my pitbull EVERY time I install a new version?
skeezito, I'm working on VisualHeal, it's just not done yet. The filtering is already in and has been for a while.
First of all, good work on this great addon, one of my favorites and a must-have for anyone. second, i don't know how to emphasize enough how much i need visual heal on this one. as a healer main i didnt rly like healbot so i still use pitbull 3 for raid/party and pb4 for all the rest... and one of the things that are rly missing is visual heals. please... i need that =P third. as a druid i want to see which member of the raid still has one of more of my HoTs on before i go arround distributing them, if you could somehow make a filter that only showed the buffs we selected it would be AWESOME. thank you for your time and effort!