PitBull Unit Frames 4.0
PitBull Unit Frames 4.0
Woof. Arf. Yip.
Getting Started:
You can help translate PitBull for your language with the localization tool.
PitBull works with WoW Classic! Classic Era/Vanilla is supported in
releases. Cataclysm Classic is supported in v4.2.x
(the same releases retail use).
Classic Era caveats:
- Aura duration is not available from the API, so PitBull uses LibClassicDurations to show them. The duration can be inaccurate if it's affected by rank or talents.
- Cast info is only available for your spells from the API. PitBull uses LibClassicCasterino to show cast bars for other units, but this can be inaccurate since there is a lot of guess-work involved.
CurseForge: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/pitbull-unit-frames-4-0
Wago: https://addons.wago.io/addons/pitbull4
WoWInterface: https://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info20021
You could also turn on the default Blizzard buff frames (squares) under /pb Modules > Hide Blizard Frames
Thanks in advance!
Thanks for your quick response.
We are working on writing a new aura module that would allow you to have this function again.
The Lua errors when you inspect I believe are not Pitbull related. I was hearing of this bug in relation to inspection from the WoW UI forums and it was sounding like it was possibly Gearscore related or due to the inspect throttling that Blizzard implemented.
As for the Second, its a known issue we are working on. There is a ticket open on wowace. You can config live in a group, or perfect your layout on a singleton and then apply it to your group frames in the interim. Basically the "Dummy" frames that were made to make config mode easier are the part that is broken, not the actual ability to configure.
Thank you for your kind words in the rest of your post. :)
• Lua errors after I inspecting a target and deselect that target.
• Test Layout for party and raid are not displaying correctly.
(Any other users experiencing similar error(s)?)
To the developers on behalf of the Pitbull community, I can confidently say thank you for this wonderful addon, and we ask you to please keep up the great work. In my opinion one of my favorite design features in Pitbull is how the developers decided to implement persistency of the layout control over the different unit frame elements, pretty ingenious. What that is means to the users is that now you have an elegant way to customize your UI and apply the same look and feel to all the other UI elements on your screen and across any number of characters, a customize once apply anywhere approach. For the people who are complaining about how difficult or nonuser friendly Pitbull is, all I can say is take the time either to read the documentation, ask for constructive help from a friend or on the forums, one thing there isnt is a lack of resources. However please do not pass blame on to the developers for your inability to understand this addon out of the box, or falsely proclaim that is must be a result of bad design. The time and effort to create this addon is probably beyond the scope of your understanding, so as a result it would be wrong to assume that to use this addon would be primitively rudimentary, although I assure you its anything but difficult. Everyone that successfully uses this addon without a doubt I know loves it, and they all took the time to learn how to use it, so please do the same and stop complaining.
NPCs don't really have classes. They're always flagged as a warrior, paladin and mage. Often this doesn't make any sense. We show classes in the texts only due to the carry over of the texts from PB3. Really shouldn't even provide that option, because they're never "right." In order to provide good class information for NPCs we'd have to build our own database, something I'm not particularly interested in doing atm.
Hey there, I was trying to get NPC class colors to fill in my target UF, but instead of getting a class color for the NPC unit, I would just get the basic Full Health color (green by default, etc).
Did I miss checking something off or is this a feature that is broken? I had Color by Class and Color PVP by Class selected.
I don't think it's right for people to criticize the developer or people that use the addon for not doing enough to help. First off this is free software that they spend alot of time developing and allow you to use. No one's forcing you. Second, there's plenty of reference material and links to more right on this page to help you learn to set things up. If you don't have the time to figure it all out and prefer a predefined look, then use another addon with less options. Honestly complaining that the frames are in the center of the screen when you first install is just silly...they aren't even locked. You just click and drag them around.
I will just use Blizz default ui still X-pearl unitframes is fixed.
Part of being a good developer is making sure the mod sets up by default the right way or at least gives you a base to work with, and with so many complaints about this mods default layout and how unfriendly the options and config are it looks like the developers would maybe work towards fixing these problems.
Some people do prefer out of the box layouts where its all the same all the time with minimal customization. And that's ok too, that's just not how we roll.
I'm a big fan of people using the addons they like. And if you like X-perl... use X-perl.
The guide above can help you with that.
I understand that some people want a simple unit frame add on that just works out of the box without configuring. And we have been pretty clear that is not what we built. With that in mind there is a provided set up guide linked above as well as an FAQ to help people out with building their own layouts.
We do have a ticket and a feature in the testing stage to import layouts, but its still in the early test stages. You could download a compilation with a layout you liked and it would be an out of the box performance you are looking for.
But the above is not really the issue I have with the addon, mostly just the users of the addon at large. The real issue is that the addon defaults to all the unit frames in the middle of the screen. It seems a bit more intuitive to start with something resembling Blizzard's default configuration, with the player frame in the top left, the part underneath it, etc... and a lack of profiles that come pre-installed really makes it intimidating for users. There are none to speak of, so you are left dragging frames around trying to find something that looks good.
Myself, I just found that after I had the player frame, target frames, pet frames, and focus frames arranged, I noticed the text size didn't look that good to me, so I decided to go in and configure them. The configuration menus are as unfriendly as can be, with so many tabs it would make your head spin. I understand that the true hardcore UI "artiste" probably loves this, but it's so very intimidating that I just gave up.
Xperl is broken, Shadowed is severely lacking in features, and Pitbull is unfriendly, so I continue my quest for something functional and friendly.
As a side note, this would be my favorite unit frame addon, hands down, if it were a bit more friendly, maybe put in a simple mode where things can be presented in a way that isn't so overwhelming.