PitBull Unit Frames 4.0
PitBull Unit Frames 4.0
Woof. Arf. Yip.
Getting Started:
You can help translate PitBull for your language with the localization tool.
PitBull works with WoW Classic! Classic Era/Vanilla is supported in
releases. Cataclysm Classic is supported in v4.2.x
(the same releases retail use).
Classic Era caveats:
- Aura duration is not available from the API, so PitBull uses LibClassicDurations to show them. The duration can be inaccurate if it's affected by rank or talents.
- Cast info is only available for your spells from the API. PitBull uses LibClassicCasterino to show cast bars for other units, but this can be inaccurate since there is a lot of guess-work involved.
CurseForge: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/pitbull-unit-frames-4-0
Wago: https://addons.wago.io/addons/pitbull4
WoWInterface: https://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info20021
thx Zlicer...but I think I found a work-a-round...or possible solution. After looking at my errors deeper (I know NOTHING about lua) I noticed that the first addon mentioned after Pitbull had the file "Callbackhandler" pin-pointed out. I decided to peek in my addons and found that MANY of them did not have the same Callbackhandler LUA/XML that Pitbull does. So, I replaced them all with the same one from Pitbull (still have about 5 more to go out of like 50+ addons) and have found that so far things are working fine.
If anyone wants to/can delete my wall of text below, please do.
simply try to remove all settings from pitbull, redownload and install it, also remmber to clear ur WTF folder or if u can specify the exact savedvariable then just delete that :) try if that works!
Having an issue with text not showing up on any frames (player, target, pet, etc...). I'm getting the following errors:
Date: 2011-01-12 12:50:23 ID: 2 Error occured in: Global Count: 8 Message: ..\AddOns\PitBull4_LuaTexts\LuaTexts.lua line 710: PitBull4_FontString_11:SetText(): Font not set Debug: (tail call): ? [C]: SetText() PitBull4_LuaTexts\LuaTexts.lua:710: PitBull4_LuaTexts\LuaTexts.lua:696 PitBull4_LuaTexts\LuaTexts.lua:764: PitBull4_LuaTexts\LuaTexts.lua:719 PitBull4_LuaTexts\LuaTexts.lua:1296: AddFontString() ...ddOns\PitBull4\ModuleHandling\TextProviderModule.lua:118: UpdateFrame() PitBull4\ModuleHandling\Module.lua:319: Update() PitBull4\UnitFrame.lua:756: Update() PitBull4\UnitFrame.lua:782: UpdateGUID() PitBull4\Main.lua:1387: CheckGUIDForUnitID() PitBull4\Main.lua:1405: ?() ...ra_Broker_Guild_Friends\libs\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:146: ...ra_Broker_Guild_Friends\libs\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:146 [string "safecall Dispatcher[2]"]:4: [string "safecall Dispatcher[2]"]:4 [C]: ? [string "safecall Dispatcher[2]"]:13: ?() ...ra_Broker_Guild_Friends\libs\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:91: Fire() ...rkInventory\Externals\Ace3-AceEvent\AceEvent-3.0.lua:120: ...rkInventory\Externals\Ace3-AceEvent\AceEvent-3.0.lua:119
Date: 2011-01-12 12:50:23 ID: 1 Error occured in: Global Count: 8 Message: PitBull4_LuaTexts:Pets:Health Percent caused the following error: PitBull4_FontString_11:SetFormattedText(): Font not set Debug: PitBull4_LuaTexts\LuaTexts.lua:709: PitBull4_LuaTexts\LuaTexts.lua:696 PitBull4_LuaTexts\LuaTexts.lua:764: PitBull4_LuaTexts\LuaTexts.lua:719 PitBull4_LuaTexts\LuaTexts.lua:1296: AddFontString() ...ddOns\PitBull4\ModuleHandling\TextProviderModule.lua:118: UpdateFrame() PitBull4\ModuleHandling\Module.lua:319: Update() PitBull4\UnitFrame.lua:756: Update() PitBull4\UnitFrame.lua:782: UpdateGUID() PitBull4\Main.lua:1387: CheckGUIDForUnitID() PitBull4\Main.lua:1405: ?() ...ra_Broker_Guild_Friends\libs\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:146: ...ra_Broker_Guild_Friends\libs\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:146 [string "safecall Dispatcher[2]"]:4: [string "safecall Dispatcher[2]"]:4 [C]: ? [string "safecall Dispatcher[2]"]:13: ?() ...ra_Broker_Guild_Friends\libs\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:91: Fire() ...rkInventory\Externals\Ace3-AceEvent\AceEvent-3.0.lua:120: ...rkInventory\Externals\Ace3-AceEvent\AceEvent-3.0.lua:119
I have the following addons:
AddOns: Swatter, v5.10.5043 (CrouchingKangaroo) acbAuras, v10.10.12 acbCastBar, v10.10.12 acbMirror, v10.10.12 AraBrokerGuildFriends, vr35 AraBrokerReputations, vr7 AraBrokerTradeskills, vr36 AraBrokerXP, vr2 ArkAutoLootBoP, v1.01 ArkInventory, v3.02 ArkInventoryRules, v AucAdvanced, v5.10.5043 (CrouchingKangaroo) AucFilterBasic, v5.10.5043 (CrouchingKangaroo) AucFilterOutlier, v5.10.5043.2531 AucMatchUndercut, v5.10.5043.2531 AucStatHistogram, v5.10.5043 (CrouchingKangaroo) AucStatiLevel, v5.10.5043 (CrouchingKangaroo) AucStatPurchased, v5.10.5043 (CrouchingKangaroo) AucStatSales, v5.10.5043.2842 AucStatSimple, v5.10.5043 (CrouchingKangaroo) AucStatStdDev, v5.10.5043 (CrouchingKangaroo) AucStatWOWEcon, v5.10.5043.2530 AucUtilAHWindowControl, v5.10.5043.3311 AucUtilAppraiser, v5.10.5043.2530 AucUtilAskPrice, v5.10.5043.3175 AucUtilAutoMagic, v5.10.5043.3142 AucUtilCompactUI, v5.10.5043.2530 AucUtilEasyBuyout, v5.10.5043.3583 AucUtilFixAH, v5.10.5043 (CrouchingKangaroo) AucUtilGlypher, v5.10.5043.2545 AucUtilItemSuggest, v5.10.5043.3108 AucUtilPriceLevel, v5.10.5043.2545 AucUtilScanButton, v5.10.5043.2530 AucUtilScanFinish, v5.10.5043.2530 AucUtilScanProgress, v5.10.5043.2530 AucUtilScanStart, v5.10.5043.4784 AucUtilSearchUI, v5.10.5043.3655 AucUtilSimpleAuction, v5.10.5043.4546 AucUtilVendMarkup, v5.10.5043.2530 AutoBar, vv4.0.3.09 AzCastBar, v10.10.12 Babylonian, v5.1.DEV.130 Bartender4, v4.4.11-5-g9054aeb BeanCounter, v5.10.5043 (CrouchingKangaroo) BrokerAllXP, v1.6.1-release BrokerCalendar, v1.2.4 BrokerDurabilityInfo, v1.6 BrokerGotMail, v1.01a BrokerLocation, v BrokerSysMon, vr68 ButtonFacade, v4.0.344 ButtonFacadeRenaitre, vv4.0.3a caelNamePlates, v Chatter, v1.0 Chinchilla, vv2.3.1-8-g007447c ChocolateBar, vr120 Configator, v5.1.DEV.282 Cromulent, vv1.5.8 DebugLib, v5.1.DEV.275 Enchantrix, v5.10.5043 (CrouchingKangaroo) EnchantrixBarker, v5.10.5043 (CrouchingKangaroo) Gatherer, v3.2.2 GnomeWorks, v101 IceHUD, v1.7.4.1 (Revision: 821) Informant, v5.10.5043 (CrouchingKangaroo) iScore, v LilSparkysWorkshop, v Mapster, v1.4.0-8-gc87c6f3 MySales, vr38 Omen, v3.1.0 OmniCC, v4.0.waffles11 Parrot, vv1.10.21-16-gf9d4cfc PetEmote, v1.7.1 PitBull4, vv4.0.0-beta19-10-g9c54002 PitBull4Aggro, vv4.0.0-beta19-10-g9c54002 PitBull4Aura, vv4.0.0-beta19-10-g9c54002 PitBull4Background, vv4.0.0-beta19-10-g9c54002 PitBull4BlankSpace, vv4.0.0-beta19-10-g9c54002 PitBull4Border, vv4.0.0-beta19-10-g9c54002 PitBull4CastBar, vv4.0.0-beta19-10-g9c54002 PitBull4CastBarLatency, vv4.0.0-beta19-10-g9c54002 PitBull4CombatFader, vv4.0.0-beta19-10-g9c54002 PitBull4CombatIcon, vv4.0.0-beta19-10-g9c54002 PitBull4CombatText, vv4.0.0-beta19-10-g9c54002 PitBull4ComboPoints, vv4.0.0-beta19-10-g9c54002 PitBull4ExperienceBar, vv4.0.0-beta19-10-g9c54002 PitBull4HealthBar, vv4.0.0-beta19-10-g9c54002 PitBull4HideBlizzard, vv4.0.0-beta19-10-g9c54002 PitBull4Highlight, vv4.0.0-beta19-10-g9c54002 PitBull4HostilityFader, vv4.0.0-beta19-10-g9c54002 PitBull4LeaderIcon, vv4.0.0-beta19-10-g9c54002 PitBull4LuaTexts, vv4.0.0-beta19-10-g9c54002 PitBull4MasterLooterIcon, vv4.0.0-beta19-10-g9c54002 PitBull4PhaseIcon, vv4.0.0-beta19-10-g9c54002 PitBull4Portrait, vv4.0.0-beta19-10-g9c54002 PitBull4PowerBar, vv4.0.0-beta19-10-g9c54002 PitBull4PvPIcon, vv4.0.0-beta19-10-g9c54002 PitBull4QuestIcon, vv4.0.0-beta19-10-g9c54002 PitBull4RaidTargetIcon, vv4.0.0-beta19-10-g9c54002 PitBull4RangeFader, vv4.0.0-beta19-10-g9c54002 PitBull4ReadyCheckIcon, vv4.0.0-beta19-10-g9c54002 PitBull4ReputationBar, vv4.0.0-beta19-10-g9c54002 PitBull4RestIcon, vv4.0.0-beta19-10-g9c54002 PitBull4RoleIcon, vv4.0.0-beta19-10-g9c54002 PitBull4Runes, vv4.0.0-beta19-10-g9c54002 PitBull4Sounds, vv4.0.0-beta19-10-g9c54002 PitBull4ThreatBar, vv4.0.0-beta19-10-g9c54002 PitBull4VoiceIcon, vv4.0.0-beta19-10-g9c54002 Postal, v3.4.4 Recount, v Reforgenator, v1.3.2 SatrinaBuffFrame, v3.2 Scrooge, vrc2 SharedMedia, v3.0.4-179 SlideBar, v5.10.5043 (CrouchingKangaroo) Stubby, v5.10.5043 (CrouchingKangaroo) TargetCharms, v1.5.3 (11/22/2010) TipTac, v10.12.05 TipTacItemRef, v10.12.06 TipTacTalents, v10.11.23 VuhDo, v2.76q VuhDoOptions, v2.76 BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v4.0.3.40000 <us> (ck=112a)
When I disable all addons, except Pitbull and SharedMedia, the texts do show up but not all choices of text work. Only the default ones in Pitbull seem to work.
This is my first time posting about an error so I'm not really sure if this should have been a "ticket" or best posted here.
I also don't normally have all of the Pitbull features installed (castbars, auras, threat bars and some others) but did install them to see if it would help. It didn't. :o(
I also deleted the WTF folder to reconfigure Pitbull from scratch and ran into the same problems.
Sorry about the wall of text. I just wanted to post as much info as possible to try to help describe the problem as best I could.
i have thougt about, if you could make you enable to click on buffs to remove them as the normal buff frames? would be really nice!
If you are not using beta19 please update.
Beta19 fixed the issue for many users, but we are still getting a few reports and are trying to track down the issue for those people. Neither myself or Shefki have been able to actually recreate the bug so its taking a bit to find the problem.
@Seal31 Please make a ticket and attach your config (the pitbull.lua file) to the ticket and we will look into it.
If you have any additional information to add please add it there. It may take some time to track down and implement a fix if possible.
Which frame (player or target or both) is missing the power bar when you target yourself?
What is your player class?
Do you have any custom luatext that you are using on your power bar?
My raid frames are completely hosed. They worked fine since 4.0.3, I tried changing them, and now every player is stacked on top of another player and no changes to layout or group formation make these frames usable. I've been looking around on this website and curse for any mention of such a bug and I can't find anything. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
--- Edit After some trial and error I realized that when I log in and out, my raid frames become functional again and display properly. If I change the "Units per column" option, or change how the rows/columns display, it completely hoses the display until you re-log.If you had previously saved them under a specific profile name, you can see if perhaps it is still in the profile drop down. Otherwise I'm sorry to say... when you reset them.. you reset them :(