PitBull Unit Frames 4.0
PitBull Unit Frames 4.0
Woof. Arf. Yip.
Getting Started:
You can help translate PitBull for your language with the localization tool.
PitBull works with WoW Classic! Classic Era/Vanilla is supported in
releases. Cataclysm Classic is supported in v4.2.x
(the same releases retail use).
Classic Era caveats:
- Aura duration is not available from the API, so PitBull uses LibClassicDurations to show them. The duration can be inaccurate if it's affected by rank or talents.
- Cast info is only available for your spells from the API. PitBull uses LibClassicCasterino to show cast bars for other units, but this can be inaccurate since there is a lot of guess-work involved.
CurseForge: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/pitbull-unit-frames-4-0
Wago: https://addons.wago.io/addons/pitbull4
WoWInterface: https://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info20021
Hello, i am having troubles with Pitbull 4 since MoP, which i am rly sad about since i consider Pitbull 4 as one of my core addons.
But i cannot play with it anymore :(
When i enable this addon i dont see cast bar at all. I was trying diferent combinations of addons enabled and disabled and i see cast bar only when Pitbull is Disabled. Even when no other addon except Pitbull is enabled, i cant see my cast bar.
I have been posting about it on Curse and also ticket here and nobody answered, for more info or gave me any advice how to try fix it.. I run 64bit WoW on 64bit Win 7.
It looks like it's related to the following when used on the target frame, I disabled it and the crashing stopped. Any idea what in this is causing the crashes?:
local s = Status(unit)
if s then
return s
local curh, maxh, curp, maxp = HP(unit), MaxHP(unit), Power(unit), MaxPower(unit)
return "H:%s/%s|%s%%\nP:%s/%s",Short(curh,true),Short(maxh,true),Percent(curh,maxh),curp,maxp
Just setup PB4 and in 1 day I've got 5 WoW crashes all saying "Current Addon: PitBull4_LuaTexts" and "Unable to open DBFilesClient\DeclinedWord.dbc", it only seems to happen in combat. I'm not sure if this could be causing it but I have a couple of LuaTexts that I made which can be found below. I'm also not sure if I should open a ticket for this as I can't find anyone else experiencing anything similar to this issue.
Here are the LuaTexts (I have another one which is the same as the second but it doesn't have the percentage for the health):
return AFK(unit) or DND(unit)
local s = Status(unit)
if s then
return s
local curh, maxh, curp, maxp = HP(unit), MaxHP(unit), Power(unit), MaxPower(unit)
return "H:%s/%s|%s%%\nP:%s/%s",Short(curh,true),Short(maxh,true),Percent(curh,maxh),curp,maxp
Ive seen an error with names in this version. for example ppl using names with strange symbols like "Über" will not show on the bars ? How is that ?
It has everything to do with the font you are using.
Not all fonts recognize ascii characters.
I don't seem to be able to dismiss my pet with v4.0.0-beta42. I'm not sure whether earlier versions suffer from the same effect, as this is the first time I've played my hunter since MOP came out. The UI gives the usual warning: "Pitbull4 has been blocked from doing something that's only available to the Blizzard UI" and then asks me if I want to disable it or ignore it, etc.
Hey, not sure you figured it out but I'll try to give a hand, since I finally got the hang of it!
So, when you open the configuration window, you can see there the "Current layout".
What you want to do, is to save your config for the layout you want to use, and then under Units you have to select the unit you made the layout for and finally, select the layout for it.
Hope this helps, I think it's exactly what you asked for. ^^
You're not alone when it comes to missing debuff/buff edit-possibilites. Basically, this isn't an attractive UI anymore when it comes to dps/healers. Atleast not for Warlocks or SPriests. I REALLY hope they put it back in. DO EET.
Hi everyone.
With the oldest versions we could modify each bar (portrait, buff*/debuff, icons etc.) independently from each other. :( now I can't find how to doing that..
Thanks for help.
Is anyone else having problems with Raid 10/25/40 not showing up in edittor? I downloaded, installed and ran. So I don't know if I have to make the group somehow or what.
<p>hey guys, i'm looking for a solution since the start of mop. i'm using the german client. i cannot see any pandaren player in my frames. everytime i only see the bars but neither i see the text inside or the buffs. this only happens when i target a pandaren player</p>
Cannot cancel totems through the totem bar. Not sure if its a Blizzard issue or a Pitbull issue, but here's the meat of the error message:
ID: 2
Error occured in: AddOn: PitBull4_Totems
Count: 1
Message: Error: AddOn PitBull4_Totems attempted to call a forbidden function (DestroyTotem()) from a tainted execution path.
[C]: DestroyTotem()
By the look of it, Blizzard disabled the function to enable addons to destroy totems. Other similar plugins, like XPerl, get around it by using the default Blizzard totem frame. Pitbull should do this too.
Are there plans to implant boss frames any time soon?
And also: Being able to move the Shadow Orbs (and similar trackings) would be very nice.
Being inundated with lots of errors about trying to "call protected functions" whist doing pet battles.
Need to be able to sort groups by role.
This addon is in need of an overdue update for the boss frames. People have been suggesting that since patch 3.3.0
Pitbull4_Totems has been blocked from an action only available to the Blizzard UI.
I get this when I try to right click the totem to dismiss it.
I was also curious if there are plans for a Hide Raid boss Health function. When you get a fight with more than one boss they tend to get cumbersome running down the right of my screen.
Thanks for the help ahead of time!
Got a question regarding the shadow orbs module. Everything is fine with it exept that you canät move it or edit AT ALL or at least i can't find any option for that after an hour of searching. I want it bigger and on a different spot on the screen. Is this possible or is it already existing?
i can´t see the chi of my monk and i don´t find options for endable this?
can you help me?