PitBull Unit Frames 4.0
PitBull Unit Frames 4.0
Woof. Arf. Yip.
Getting Started:
You can help translate PitBull for your language with the localization tool.
PitBull works with WoW Classic! Classic Era/Vanilla is supported in
releases. Cataclysm Classic is supported in v4.2.x
(the same releases retail use).
Classic Era caveats:
- Aura duration is not available from the API, so PitBull uses LibClassicDurations to show them. The duration can be inaccurate if it's affected by rank or talents.
- Cast info is only available for your spells from the API. PitBull uses LibClassicCasterino to show cast bars for other units, but this can be inaccurate since there is a lot of guess-work involved.
CurseForge: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/pitbull-unit-frames-4-0
Wago: https://addons.wago.io/addons/pitbull4
WoWInterface: https://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info20021
I am new to your add on is there any way to put your level in to the health bar?
I am new to your add on is there any way to get your level to show up on the health bar?
The default frames do display a ready check icon (tick, cross or question mark) even if you don't have any sort of promote in the raid. However, Pitbull doesn't.
Is this because of some sort of limitation in the API? If it's not, could we get it added?
One thing I can't figure out how to do in PitBull...
How do I make the unit frames snap together correctly if I have a border around the units. The borders always end up overlapping and it looks fugly. I have to manually nudge the units apart to properly allow space for the border.
So, I'd like to offer a suggestion to the author of PitBull. Can you please change it so that if my unit frames have borders around them, that the frames snap together and take into consideration the size of the border around the frame.
Here are some screenshots showing what I'm trying to describe.
First, here's what PitBull does with it's automatic frame snapping. See how the frames overlap and just look ugly in general.
Next, here's the frames after I've manually nudged them apart to take the frame into consideration. This is what PitBull should be able to do with no manually nudging.
The HideBlizzard module doesn't actually touch the ExtraActionButton, so that screenshot isn't very helpful. Check Logs/taint.log and see if what caused it is still there.
Clicking on the extra action button in Spires of Arak to summon my smuggler and I get PitBull4_HideBlizzard has been blocked from an action only available to the Blizzard UI. You can disable this addon and reload the UI.
Commited a quick fix for the word wrapping change (http://wow.gamepedia.com/UIOBJECT_FontString for specifics on what happened)
anyone find a fix for long names messing up yet?
not a pitbull problem... every wow text block with too long text is messed up right now. even standard raidframes
YA when I saw sakda messing up too I was thinking it had to be the patch doing something
Even when choosing Health: Absolute and percent, it still says 261k/261k | 100%. I'd like it to say 261120/261120 | 100%. Any help with a code?
local s = Status(unit)
if s then
return s
local cur, max = Power(unit), MaxPower(unit)
return "%s/%s || %s%%",Short(cur,true),Short(max,true),Percent(cur,max)
For this style: 500K/500K | 100%
I noticed that my frames are actually smaller somehow post 6.1, that's why the 2 lines. At least that's what it was for me
also looking for a solution
When I re-downloaded and logged in for 6.1, long NPC names are different on my frames, showing on two lines. I'm not a fan. Not sure if it was a Pitbull change or a Blizzard change, but if anyone could help me get it back to the old way I'd appreciate it.
Same for me.
same here, seems like the target frame text scaling is acting weird, class or names show on 2 lines, NPC or players
Same issue
What's that issue with necrotic plague, why doesn't it show up?
Dropped Pitbull after 5+ years. No boss frames is just too annoying. Shame.