PitBull Unit Frames 4.0
PitBull Unit Frames 4.0
Woof. Arf. Yip.
Getting Started:
You can help translate PitBull for your language with the localization tool.
PitBull works with WoW Classic! Classic Era/Vanilla is supported in
releases. Cataclysm Classic is supported in v4.2.x
(the same releases retail use).
Classic Era caveats:
- Aura duration is not available from the API, so PitBull uses LibClassicDurations to show them. The duration can be inaccurate if it's affected by rank or talents.
- Cast info is only available for your spells from the API. PitBull uses LibClassicCasterino to show cast bars for other units, but this can be inaccurate since there is a lot of guess-work involved.
CurseForge: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/pitbull-unit-frames-4-0
Wago: https://addons.wago.io/addons/pitbull4
WoWInterface: https://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info20021
Is there any possibility of making the bar background auto-hide when there are no visible bars? I'd like to use PitBull for my standalone cast bar, as it has a good latency module, and looks nice with a background. Unfortunately, the background just stays there after the cast bar auto-hides. I swear it actually auto-hid the background at first, and maybe I'm just overlooking an option somewhere; if anyone knows, that'd be a huge help.
While casting:
After casting:
Is there anyway to import a setup/profile by posting code, just like weakaura where I click import then copy/paste a long code, this way I don't have to go through the WTF folder and find a certain lua file to put it somewhere in there, it would be much easier that way if that existed, thanks.
In reply to nebula169:
that seems to have worked, thank you!
edit: upon relaunching twitch it once again changed to pitbull4-v4.1.20-classic2.zip. i dont understand
If you updated recently and PB4 stopped working, close and reopen the Twitch client to make sure you have the latest version of the client then make sure you have PB4 v4.1.20, not v4.1.20-classic2.
You can switch which version Twitch has downloaded by clicking on PB4 in your addon list, clicking the Versions tab, and then clicking the install icon in the Actions column for v4.1.20.
In reply to nebula169:
Thanks much! What's the difference between v4.1.20 and v4.1.20-nolib?
Hey, is there any chance we can ever get a "Growth Direction" option for "Column's Center, Rows Down" or however you would word it? Something a bit more advanced where Column's expand from the center outwards in both directions evenly instead from one side to another?
Sorry, the position options are limited by what Blizzard offers and the first unit frame isn't anchored in a way that allows that
In reply to nebula169:
Ah, fair enough, I found a work around. Thanks for the help/explanation though :D
If you don't mind I do have two more questions. Is there any way to show absorb shields on frames without the "Overshield"? A way to show absorb shields within the health bar frame instead of extending outside of the frame? And my second question, is there a way to make health percentages show only whole numbers and not include decimals?
Thanks again for helping with my questions and for such a great addon, been using pitbull for years but have just recently gotten around to customizing my layout a bit more and moving away from standard raid frames.
Awesome! Thanks a bunch!
Fellow Classic players, let's get this man some donations for his work.
I've been slowly getting PB4 working in Classic (https://github.com/nebularg/PitBull4/tree/classic) and figured it's usable enough to throw an alpha up. Feel free to create issues on GitHub for it.
I am having issues when joining a party where other members names are 'unknown' until a reload my UI; I've tried updating the name lua to various options but cant seem to get it to work
In reply to cwillms:
I have also been having this issue. Idk whats causing it, but to me it seems really random. Sometimes all 4 of the party members show as unknown, sometimes its only 1-3, and other times it doesn't happen at all.
As mentioned, a reload does fix it so I guess its not really a big issue. However, it is slightly inconvenient to have to /reload right after already loading into a random dungeon.
I'll look into this. I was aware that a Blizzard code change caused this, but I thought PitBull updated aggressively enough that it would fix itself (ie, it doesn't happen for me :P), but I guess not
In reply to nebula169:
No worries =) Pitbull is by far my most favorite addon. Its probably the most customizable unit frames addon that exists. Its kinda confusing at first, but its so worth it once you get the hang of it. I've been using it for years now and I still don't fully understand the more complicated stuff like the advanced aura filters. It truly is an amazing addon.
Sometimes there is a blue border around my target if its from the other faction. I dont know what it is and I disabled all modules that could generate such a border. Anyone know what it could be?
Probaly the Highlight module, showing you can dispel magic from the target
In reply to nebula169:
Sorry, I ment the "Highlights" option of the Aura module. You can disable it under Aura->Highlights or change it however you'd like.
Also, deleting things is pretty silly.
Is there an option to show character lvls, not finding it and feeling stupid.
With the update for adding in Res and Summon Indicators. The sorting and filtering for Groups is now very buggy. I can no longer filter by the group itself such as Group 1 raid. Instead it keeps reseting to Show all.